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Gaming and Education

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E-Adventure. JeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy Template. Kinetic City: Is Gaming the New Essential Literacy? Digital Tools Teaching Strategies By Aran Levassur “When people learn to play video games,” said James Paul Gee, “they are learning a new literacy.” This is one of the reason kids love playing them: They are learning a new interactive language that grants them access to virtual worlds that are filled with intrigue, engagement and meaningful challenges. And one that feels more congruent with the nature and trajectory of today’s world.

As our commerce and culture migrates further into this emerging digital ecosystem it becomes more critical that we develop digital literacy, of which video games inhabit a large portion. Gee, a linguist and professor of literacy studies at Arizona State University, thinks we should expand the traditional definition of literacy beyond reading and writing because language isn’t the only communication system available in today’s world. Although games can be immensely entertaining, it would be a mistake to consider them as only a form of entertainment.

Play games. Gaming in Education. Rbg gHome Educational Technology Gaming in Education Using gaming in educational settings opens the doors for new possibilities in teaching and learning. Games, if done right, can become a powerful tool to get groups to work together. According to Elliot Masie, gaming allows learners to "fail to success". Creating games will become easer in the future too. Some Interesting Gaming Facts Here are some interesting facts on gaming from the Learning Federation: An 8th grader plays video games an average of 5 hours per week By high school, 77% of students have played games; by college nearly all have 60% of college students are regular game players As of April 2005, America’s Army had more than 5 million registered users According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project: 70% of college students play video or online games at least once in a while. 65% of college students are regular or occasional game players.

Educational Gaming Resources Online Some questions to ask when evaluating games US Army. Educational Games.