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AngularJS VTECL. Best Practices · angular/angular.js Wiki. Related: Anti-Patterns Namespace distributed code You shouldn't worry about prefixing internal code, but anything you plan to OpenSource should be namespaced The ng- is reserved for core directives.Purpose-namespacing (i18n- or geo-) is better than owner-namespacing (djs- or igor-)Checkout ui-alias to remove 3rd party prefixesOnly use .

Best Practices · angular/angular.js Wiki

$broadcast(), . $emit() and . $on() for atomic events Events that are relevant globally across the entire app (such as a user authenticating or the app closing). If you want events specific to modules, services or widgets you should consider Services, Directive Controllers, or 3rd Party Libs $scope. Build Apps with AngularJS. This guide gets you started building Chrome Apps with the AngularJS MVC framework.

Build Apps with AngularJS

To illustrate Angular in action, we'll be referencing an actual app built using the framework, the Google Drive Uploader. The source code is available on GitHub. The Google Drive Uploader allows users to quickly view and interact with files stored in their Google Drive account as well as upload new files using the HTML Drag and Drop APIs. It's a great example of building an app which talks to one of Google's APIs; in this case, the Google Drive API.

Note: You can also build apps which talk to 3rd party APIs/services that are OAuth2-enabled. The Uploader uses OAuth2 to access the user's data. Key features this app uses: All Chrome Apps require a manifest.json file which contains the information Chrome needs to launch the app. A stripped down version of the Uploader's manifest looks like this: The most important parts of this manifest are the "oauth2" and "permissions" sections. Template laid out. FrAngular : AngularJS en français. Popular Modules - AngularJS Modules, Plugins and Directives. More AngularJS Magic to Supercharge your Webapp. Make way for another amazing article which covers more of AngularJS Due to the popularity of the previous article, Use AngularJS to power your web application, I've decided to cover more of AngularJS to make it fun and easy for all developers to play around with it.

More AngularJS Magic to Supercharge your Webapp

AngularJS is an incredible tool, but a lot of the more advanced features are hidden in deep within the documentation and others are too tricky to learn direclty. AngularJS is also a fairly new product and as a result there are many features that are yet to be discovered and blogged about. This article will cover more of the hidden gems of AngularJS and introduce new development tricks and methods to supercharge your AngularJS application. AngularJS Cheat Sheet by ProLoser. AngularJs Tips and Tricks [UPDATED] ☢ These tips were developed in AngularJs v0.10.5 v1.0.1.

AngularJs Tips and Tricks [UPDATED] ☢

I'll keep updating this post, so check back often! I've compared a LOT of different javascript frameworks for my company's rewrite, and finally settled on AngularJS because of how rapidly I'm able to produce prototypes. In my opinion, although it's very alpha and fairly lacking on the graphical side, it's excellent for CRUD applications (meaning forms, tables and reports). I'm still trying to lean towards emphasizing reusable widgets and directives instead of just custom-coding everything for your own app. 5 surprisingly painful things about client-side JS - The Sourcegraph Blog. Updated: The title of this post previously began “Why we left AngularJS: ...”, but that was removed because these points are generally applicable to single-page JS app frameworks.

5 surprisingly painful things about client-side JS - The Sourcegraph Blog

Some folks construed this post as a criticism of AngularJS specifically, but that wasn't my intent. — Quinn When we opened up Sourcegraph to the public a few months ago, it was a rich AngularJS app. The server delivered the initial HTML page and hosted JSON endpoints. AngularJS did everything else. Angular-carousel demo. Transform your ng-repeat or DOM nodes in a mobile-friendly carousel just by adding a 'rn-carousel' attribute to your HTML; AngularJS directives FTW :) Carousels are data-bound to your ngRepeat collections and can be DOM buffered (good for performance) Swipe these demos with your mouse or finger.

angular-carousel demo

Call a Directive Controller's method from Parent Controller in AngularJS. Scope isolé dans les directives AngularJS. Marco da Silva : AngularJS : Change title based on Route. AngularJS is used to build single page WebApps.

Marco da Silva : AngularJS : Change title based on Route

Considering it's nature, you will only have 1 Title for your page, so even if you go to '/product' or '/about', you would see the same Title on the Browser. Not really user friendly... API: API Reference. Loading...

API: API Reference

Welcome to the AngularJS API docs page. These pages contain the AngularJS reference materials for version 1.5.5 material-conspiration. The documentation is organized into modules which contain various components of an AngularJS application. These components are directives, services, filters, providers, templates, global APIs, and testing mocks. Angular Prefixes $ and $$: To prevent accidental name collisions with your code, Angular prefixes names of public objects with $ and names of private objects with $$.

Angular UI

L'API Promise d'AngularJS. Building a RESTful web service with AngularJS (and PHP) – More power with $resource. This is a two parts post about how to make RESTful requests through an AngularJS web application.

Building a RESTful web service with AngularJS (and PHP) – More power with $resource

The index of this brief series of posts is quite simple. Backend setup is the first post in the series. As the subtitle, its main focus is (at least this time) on the backend domain. It will tackle how to setup a RESTful web service. I used PHP for all the examples; however at least the basic concepts beyond a RESTful service are language agnostic. $http or $resource? In all the posts about AngularJS that I wrote until now, every time that it was necessary to make an asynchronous request to the server I used the $http service.

$resource is a separate, optional module of AngularJS, built over $http. Developer Guide: Developer Guide. Loading...

Developer Guide: Developer Guide

On this page, you will find a list of official AngularJS resources on various topics. Just starting out with AngularJS? Try working through our step by step tutorial or try building on our seed project. Ready to find out more about AngularJS? Core Concepts Templates In AngularJS applications, you move the job of filling page templates with data from the server to the client. Application Structure Other Features Testing Community Resources We have set up a guide to many resources provided by the community, where you can find lots of additional information and material on these topics, a list of complimentary libraries, and much more.

External AngularJS resources Getting Help The recipe for getting help on your unique issue is to create an example that could work (even if it doesn't) in a shareable example on Plunker, JSFiddle, or similar site and then post to one of the following: Official Communications Official announcements, news and releases are posted to our blog, G+ and Twitter: AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework.