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How Often to Work Out Abs. “Should I workout abs everyday or just once a week?”

How Often to Work Out Abs

There is a lot of confusion about ab workouts, should you do them every day or just once a week? The arguments go on endlessly on bodybuilding forums everywhere and the reason is that there is no right answer, it depends on your goals! There are two basic ab workout methodologies: A hardcore, long and grueling ab workout done once a week like you would for any other muscle group wanted to get big and strongA quick ab workout done daily or every other day. As I said, both these will give you the core strength you need for sports and to prevent back injuries, its mainly a cosmetics issue. The abs are no different than any other muscle in the body.

Now lets look at the two kinds of ab workouts: If you want a small waist with tight, flat abs like a marathon runner then do the 3 minute ab workout. If you want big, powerful abs like a bodybuilder with big ridges and deep valleys then do this workout.


Strengthcamp. The 60-Minute Workout Myth: Why Cortisol Isn’t The Lifter’s Enemy. IIFYM — If It Fits Your Macros. How To Increase Squat Depth: Proper Squat Depth. While the squat is a functional movement that many consider the “King” of all exercises, it can be very difficult exercise to complete with proper form.

How To Increase Squat Depth: Proper Squat Depth

So why is proper squat form difficult for so many people? The simple answer is that many men and women have muscle imbalances, movement inefficiencies, or flexibility issues that inhibit proper squat depth to maximize strength and minimize injury. This article will teach you (1) 5 of the most common issues that inhibit squat depth, (2) an exercise test to determine if you need work in a given area, and (3) possible solutions to rectify these issues. In sum, you will learn how to increase squat depth. Note: “Possible” solutions are listed because some postural, or flexibility issues may not be correctable due to congenital issues, or trauma. Squat Depth Problem #1: Core Muscles Aren’t “Firing” Properly. Talking Tech: Those 7 Minute Workout apps. PISMO BEACH, Calif. — I'm out of breath in a hotel room.

Talking Tech: Those 7 Minute Workout apps

For the past 13 minutes, I've been doing jumping jacks, push-ups and squats, guided along by my iPhone. I feel terrific, and thrilled that I got a decent workout before starting my day out in the real world. Welcome to the 7 Minute Workout app. There are many of them, including The 7 Minute Workout, 7 Minute Workout Challenge, The 7 Minute Workout with High Intensity Interval Challenge and the Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout. Take a look at the featured apps these days on iTunes, Google Play or the Windows Phone app store and you'll notice several offerings for 7 Minute apps.

RELATED: BodBot personalizes fitness training The apps promise to cut the typical 30- to 60-minute workout down to a bite-size one. REVIEW: Calorie counter apps MyFitnessPal vs LoseIt Experts do say the most effective workouts are those 30 minutes or more in length. How to Squat: Proper Form & Technique To Squat Perfectly. Squats are the KING of all exercises because they are a “functional” exercise that affect your ability to live a full, healthy life.

How to Squat: Proper Form & Technique To Squat Perfectly

Anything from getting out of a chair, to squatting down to pick something off the floor requires squat strength. Especially as we get older, proper squat technique is absolutely critical to maintain health and longevity. The biggest problem with proper squat form is not having enough mobility in your hips, legs, and upper back. For more detail, see: How to Increase Squat Depth & How Deep Should You Squat. The following video gives you 7 basic tips to squat with perfect form every time assuming you have enough mobility: While there are several different squat variations that I will be introducing in future posts, here are the 7 tips in more detail to ensure you squat with perfect form every time: How to Help Fix Lower Back Pain with a Single Kettlebell Exercise.

There are many reasons why your lower back might be sore from kettlebell training.

How to Help Fix Lower Back Pain with a Single Kettlebell Exercise

One of the primary ones is weak, immobile shoulders. fix it! Your overhead kettlebell position will be unstable and weak if you have mobility and alignment issues—the excess lordosis, forward head posture, and tight muscles in your hips, chest, and shoulders. What you want is the ability to pack your shoulder and stabilize a load, while maintaining vertical proprioception. That’s a fancy word for your muscles and joints’ ability to right themselves, stabilize, react and interact with the outside world. Fixing Lower Back Pain with the Kettlebell Use corrective exercises, stretches, and strength exercises to target your weaknesses. One example of an exercise that can help you fix your weak shoulders is the arm bar. The kettlebell is the best tool for the Arm Bar because of the offset center.

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