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Review of the Melbourne Declaration. Librarian Carina: The Right Questions to Ask While Genrefying Your Fiction. Someone recently asked me how I pick where a book would go if it meets multiple genres.

Librarian Carina: The Right Questions to Ask While Genrefying Your Fiction

The truth is, it is extremely rare that a book ONLY falls in to one genre. Many westerns have romance in them. Time travel stories can happen entirely in the past and therefore be attractive to historical fiction readers. This Is The Overlooked Trait That We Need To Cultivate At Work. The world of work is changing.

This Is The Overlooked Trait That We Need To Cultivate At Work

This statement has become a perennial mantra of sorts, blazoned across everything from trade show booths to billboards to websites for software companies. Ww2.kqed. 10 Characteristics of Learner Centered Experiences   – KATIE MARTIN. Education Reimagined defines the paradigm shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered as shifting how we see learners and their critical role in their own learning now, and throughout their lives.

10 Characteristics of Learner Centered Experiences   – KATIE MARTIN

The critical shift is that “Learners are seen and known as wondrous, curious individuals with vast capabilities and limitless potential. This paradigm recognizes that learning is a lifelong pursuit and that our natural excitement and eagerness to discover and learn should be fostered throughout our lives, particularly in our earliest years.” When we focus on learners, connect to their interests, needs, and goals, we can create experiences that ignite curiosity, develop passion, and unleash genius. As I work with diverse educators and talk with students, there are common characteristics that always surface when people share powerful learning experiences. It’s (still) not OK for teachers to remain digitally illiterate. Here’s why… Just over ten years ago, Karl Fisch wrote a blog post that has stuck with me through the years.

It’s (still) not OK for teachers to remain digitally illiterate. Here’s why…

In it, he asked if it was OK to be a technologically illiterate teacher. Even though we’ve learned greatly in the last decade about the merits of using technology to replace teachers, I think Karl’s arguments back then are even more relevant today. Why the design of Education 2.0 must begin now. This month I went to Moscow, Russia at the invitation of the Global Education Leaders Partnership (GELP) to present FYA’s New Work Order research on young people and the future of work.

Why the design of Education 2.0 must begin now

The pre-summit introduction included our Russian hosts explaining Russia to us by quoting Winston Churchill, who famously said: “Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” There was no shortage of passion, mastery and intrigue (with a mysterious dash of poetry and music thrown in) when education professionals from 15 countries joined Russian education leaders, Ministers and government officials, philanthropists, and business leaders to discuss the future of education.

GELP was established by the Centre for Strategic Education (Australia) and CICSO ten years ago, and supported by the Gates Foundation, as an intensive learning exchange with a vision to build the global education eco-system. The purpose and future of education The learner of the future. Award winning Scotch College headmaster calls for overhaul in schooling. The head of a prestigious private boys’ college says he would like to see schools move away from their reliance on rigid timetables and bells.

Award winning Scotch College headmaster calls for overhaul in schooling

Scotch College headmaster Alec O’Connell, who last night received the Australian College of Educators highest accolade, said schools were structured to deal with big groups of students and had changed little from the way they were run 100 years ago. 200 universities just launched 600 free online courses. Here’s the full list. If you haven’t heard, universities around the world are offering their courses online for free (or at least partially free).

200 universities just launched 600 free online courses. Here’s the full list.

These courses are collectively called MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses. In the past six years or so, close to 800 universities have created more than 8,000 of these MOOCs. And I’ve been keeping track of these MOOCs the entire time over at Class Central, ever since they rose to prominence. In the past three months alone, over 200 universities have announced 600 such free online courses. I’ve compiled a list of them and categorized them according to the following subjects: Computer Science, Mathematics, Programming, Data Science, Humanities, Social Sciences, Education & Teaching, Health & Medicine, Business, Personal Development, Engineering, Art & Design, and finally Science.

Flogging Dead Horses – Making the case for new school designs – Innovation Unit. Words Martin James A building revolution is taking place across Australia.

Flogging Dead Horses – Making the case for new school designs – Innovation Unit

State governments and education systems are commissioning new school builds in response to population growth and the changing demographics of both regions and metropolitan areas across their jurisdictions. In New South Wales there will be 120 new school builds or upgrades over the next four years at a cost of $4.2 billion. New South Wales is not alone. Victoria, through its public private partnerships, will see 15 new school builds being delivered between 2017-2019. This investment in new schools is a once in a lifetime opportunity for innovation, both for many of those who lead schools as well as those who work in education systems supporting them. There has been a similar revolution of opportunities for and modalities of adult education.

The classroom of the future. Here’s one of my favourite neologisms: “hangry.”

The classroom of the future

It’s a punning portmanteau. Why school must change.