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Manuel de sécurisation de Debian - Introduction. [ précédent ] [ Table des matières ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ suivant ] L'une des choses les plus difficiles dans l'écriture de documents liés à la sécurité est que chaque cas est unique. Il faut prêter attention à deux choses : la menace que constitue l'environnement et les besoins de sécurité liés à un site individuel, une machine ou un réseau. Par exemple, les exigences que l'on a pour une utilisation familiale n'ont rien de comparable aux exigences que l'on retrouve dans le réseau d'une banque.

Alors que dans le premier cas, l'utilisateur aura à affronter de simples scripts d'attaque, le réseau d'une banque sera, lui, sous la menace d'attaques directes. De plus, la banque se doit de protéger l'exactitude des données de ses clients. Il faudra donc que chaque utilisateur trouve le bon compromis entre la facilité d'utilisation et la sécurité poussée à l'extrême. 1.1 Auteurs. Programme_BBC_web-1.pdf (application/pdf Object) Open Source Life: How the open movement will change everything. Consider this: in just a few short years, the open-source encyclopedia Wikipedia has made closed-source encyclopedias obsolete — both the hard-bound kind and the CD-ROM or commercial online kind.

Goodbye World Book and Brittanica. Sure, these companies still exist, but their customer base is rapidly shrinking as more and more people would rather go with Wikipedia — it’s free, it’s easy to use, and it’s much, much more up-to-date. This is but one example of how the concept of open source has changed our lives already. Over the next 10 years or so, we’ll be seeing many more examples, and the effects could change just about every aspect of our lives. The open-source concept was popularized through GNU and the GPL, and it has spread ever since, in an increasingly rapid manner. Now consider this: the open-source concept doesn’t have to just apply to software. Schools. Open-source governance. Open-source governance is a political philosophy which advocates the application of the philosophies of the open source and open content movements to democratic principles in order to enable any interested citizen to add to the creation of policy, as with a wiki document.

Legislation is democratically opened to the general citizenry, employing their collective wisdom to benefit the decision-making process and improve democracy.[1] Theories on how to constrain, limit or enable this participation vary however as much as any other political philosophy or ideology. Accordingly there is no one dominant theory of how to go about authoring legislation with this approach. There are a wide array of projects and movements which are working on building open-source governance systems.[2] Applications of the principles[edit] In practice, several applications have evolved and been used by actual democratic institutions in the developed world:[3] Common and simultaneous policy[edit] History[edit]

Government. Are we on the cusp of seeing dramatic changes in the way governments operate by publishing and consuming open data? Mark Headd, Developer Evangelism at Accela seems to think so. Earlier this year, Croatian political party ORaH published a new policy that relies heavily on open source solutions, addresses the dangers off vendor lock-in, and insists on open document standards. Best of all, they did it the open source way. The Open Election Data Initiative wants to give access to election data for a true picture of an election process, including how candidates are certified, how and which voters are registered, what happens on election day, whether results are accurate, and how complaints are resolved. The Government of India (GOI) has adopted a comprehensive and supportive open source policy. It builds on their earlier efforts to adopt open standards for procurement. The impact of technology on society and the economy continues to excite and challenge government.

Portail:Logiciels libres. Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. L’expression « logiciel libre », donnée par Richard Stallman, fait référence à la liberté d’exécuter, de copier, de distribuer, d’étudier et de modifier un logiciel. Plus précisément, elle fait référence à quatre libertés définies par la licence d'un logiciel, données à un individu ayant acquis une version du logiciel : la liberté d’exécuter le logiciel pour tous les usages ;la liberté d’étudier et de modifier son fonctionnement, notamment pour vérifier son fonctionnement et pour l'adapter à ses besoins ;la liberté de redistribuer des copies ;la liberté de distribuer des versions modifiées, pour en faire profiter toute la communauté. Sélection d’articles Lumière sur... Il existe plusieurs familles de systèmes d’exploitation libres. La plus connue est GNU/Linux.

Lumière sur KDE KDE est avec GNOME la principale alternative libre et grand public aux interfaces des systèmes d'exploitation conventionnels (Microsoft Windows et Mac OS). Lire l’article. Index - CodingTeam. IPCop v1.4.21 Administration Manual. Un discours libre sur le libre. Des discours sans polémique Les discours sur le logiciel libre (et, plus généralement, sur l’art libre, la culture libre ou même le « monde du libre » : cet article ne cherchera pas à faire une distinction, même s’il sera évident que je privilégie ici la question du logiciel libre) sont en général de deux grands types : ceux tenus par des libristes, le plus souvent militants, sans interroger ni critiquer la culture, les principes et les pratiques du libre, et leur inscription dans les diverses types de sociétés contemporaines (et principalement, bien sûr, les sociétés occidentales où le libre trouve de nos jours son milieu d’épanouissement principal) ceux tenus par des « spécialistes » extérieurs au libre : sociologues, économistes, commentateurs, philosophes, militants politiques.

L’extériorité de ces derniers pourrait impliquer une réflexion indépendante, mais ils sont en réalité fortement marqués par la culture libre ou bien l’« esprit du libre » : Sujets du discours etc. Open Definition : Open Software Service Definition (OSSD) Bulgarian Introduction The Open Software Service Definition defines ‘open’ in relation to online (software) services. An online service, also known under the title of Software as a Service (SaaS), is a service provided by a software application running online and making its facilities available to users over the Internet via an interface (be that HTML presented by a web-browser such as Firefox, via a web-API or by any other means). With an online-service, in contrast to a traditional software application, users no longer need to ‘possess’ (own or license) the software to use it. Instead they can simply interact via a standard client (such as web-browser) and pay, where they do pay, for use of the ‘service’ rather than for ‘owning’ (or licensing) the application itself.

The Definition An open software service is one: Notes The Open Definition requires technological openness. Acknowledgements This definition was originally drafted thanks on the open definition discussiong mailing list. L.A. - Libre.Accès. Présentation [Code Lutin] Delphi CodeS SourceS | 3384 sources Delphi, Source, Code, Programmation, Cours , Tutorial, Tutoriaux etc... For glopness solutions - e-glop. De e-glop. Baptiste SIMON (aka BeTa) Choose life ! Qui est derrière ?

Baptiste SIMON, je suis passionné par les logiciels libres, les humains dans leur environnement, les autres... j'essaie de construire ma vie dans le respect de ces notions. Cela m'amène aujourd'hui, après avoir travaillé dans plusieurs entreprises et administrations à différents postes gravitant toujours autour de l'informatique libre, à m'intéresser de plus près à l'agriculture et à l'environnement, en essayant de lier cela avec mes compétences professionnelles.

Je suis actuellement une démarche me permettant de me concentrer sur ces idées, en créant un pôle de services pour la culture, les agriculteurs, etc... cela afin de les accompagner dans une gestion informatisée de la partie la plus théorique de leurs activités. Pour plus d'informations sur mon parcours professionnel, n'hésitez pas à consulter un de mes CV (, professional.en) en ligne ou à m'écrire sur mon adresse email. Engagements Divers.

Pas Tout A Fait. Bienvenue. Open Source Initiative OSI - The BSD License:Licensing. The following is a BSD 2-Clause license template. To generate your own license, change the values of OWNER and YEAR from their original values as given here, and substitute your own.

Note: see also the BSD-3-Clause license. This prelude is not part of the license. <OWNER> = Regents of the University of California <YEAR> = 1998 In the original BSD license, both occurrences of the phrase "COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS" in the disclaimer read "REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS". Here is the license template: Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. 2. FLOSS Manuals (fr)

CeCILL. Ohloh, the open source network. Monotone. AFNIL. L’ISBN est un numéro international normalisé permettant l’identification d’un livre dans une édition donnée. Selon le décret n° 81-1068, du 3 décembre 1981, pris pour l’application de la loi relative au prix du livre, ce numéro doit figurer sur tous les exemplaires d’une même œuvre dans une même édition. Il a été conçu pour simplifier le traitement des livres en ordinateur : les libraires peuvent passer des commandes standardisées, les distributeurs ont le même code pour traiter les commandes, et les retours. Les différentes opérations de gestion dans les bibliothèques et centres de documentation sont facilitées. Par ailleurs, le caractère international de cette numérotation constitue, à l’étranger également, une référence unique pour tous les professionnels du livre.

En France, l’Agence francophone pour la numérotation internationale du livre vous attribuera un indicatif ISBN. Chaque manifestation commerciale d’une publication se voit attribuer un ISBN à 13 chiffres différents. Accueil - 16+ Projects & Initiatives Building Ad-Hoc Wireless Mesh Networks. The Document Foundation Blog. Pétition « Stop aux brevets logiciels » Introduction Our petition aims to unify the voices of concerned Europeans, associations and companies, and calls on our politicians in Europe to stop patents on software with legislative clarifications. The patent system is misused to restrain competition for the economical benefit of a few but fails to promote innovation. A software market environment is better off with no patents on software at all.

Healthy competition forces market players to innovate. European court decisions still accept in many cases the validity of the software patents granted by national patent offices and the European Patent Office (EPO) that is beyond democratic control. They not only continue to grant them, but also to lobby in favor of them. On 2005 the Commission appeared to be more supportive to the interests of major international conglomerates than of small and medium sized enterprises from Europe - who are a major driving force behind European innovation. Considerations Studies American mistakes. Framasoft - Logiciels libres. Top ten open source projects of 2011. Best of the Blog 2011 – Open Source The open source movement has come a long way since its beginning with computer software. Now we have open source electronic hardware, digital fabrication machines, and even farming equipment and houses. If it can be made, it can be open sourced. Here are our top ten articles about open source projects from 2011. #10 Second Generation Open Source Laser Cutter This is a new and improved version of a laser cutter project organized on Buildlog.Net.

. #9 Arduino 1.0 programming environment and language released Despite the fact that Arduino has been widely used for several years, the programming language/environment only recently left beta status. . #8 FabFi: community-built wireless network This is one of those inspiring projects that is so simple, yet so effective, you have to wonder why no one thought of it earlier. . #7 Comic-style introduction to Arduino #6 Global Village Construction Set #5 Open source hardware from Microsoft #3 FabScan open source 3D scanner. Open Source hardware - does it work? | Joren De Wachter. Open Source hardware is the next step in the development of “open” licenses;A review of the most important OS hardware licenses show them to be a combination of known techniques, like creative commons, and “covenant not to sue” for patents or design rights;Their validity and enforceability seem somewhat weaker than the software Open Source licenses, mainly because, paradoxically, there is a fundamental freedom to copy hardware (unlike software);it makes sense for Open Source hardware licenses to focus on patents and design rights.

Open Source hardware is starting to be mentioned from time to time. Unlike Open Source software, which is now well established, it is still relatively unknown. One of the best-known examples of Open Source hardware is the Arduino board. The Arduino board is a single board microcontroller. With an Arduino board, you can direct hardware. Expect Arduino boards to be found in a product or application near you soon. So how enforceable is such Open Source hardware?

Le Libriste : Actualités Ubuntu 11.10 et Android. Le logiciel libre moteur de recherche. Gitorious. The KDE Education Project. The FNF – Free Information, Free Culture, Free Society. Wired 11.11: Open Source Everywhere. Open Source Everywhere Software is just the beginning … open source is doing for mass innovation what the assembly line did for mass production. Get ready for the era when collaboration replaces the corporation. By Thomas Goetz Cholera is one of those 19th-century ills that, like consumption or gout, at first seems almost quaint, a malady from an age when people suffered from maladies. But in the developing world, the disease is still widespread and can be gruesomely lethal. Since cholera kills by driving fluids from the body, the treatment is to pump liquid back in, as fast as possible. "It's a health problem, but it's also a design problem," says Timothy Prestero, a onetime Peace Corps volunteer who cofounded a group called Design That Matters.

But the team needed more medical expertise. ThinkCycle's collaborative approach is modeled on a method that for more than a decade has been closely associated with software development: open source. But software is just the beginning. Linus.