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5 Ways school administrators can use Google apps. 851 Shares Share Tweet Email One of the most powerful ways that administrators can encourage their faculty to adopt new technologies in their classroom and curriculum is by modeling effective application of new digital tools. With Google Apps for Education, there are many tools that are helpful for administrative tasks, providing a number of ways to effectively model technology usage on a daily basis.

Create a Shared Google Doc for Faculty Meetings Use Google Docs to create and share meeting agendas. Use a Google Form for Classroom Observations If you visit and observe classes, then turn your classroom observation forms into Google Forms. Use Google Forms for Sign-Ups If you need chaperones for a school dance or field trip, lunch duty, or detention, Google Forms is a simple way to have faculty and staff respond. Use Google Calendar’s “Appointments Slots” for Meetings One of my favorite features in Google Calendar is setting up “Appointment Slots.” Collect Images & Videos via a Shared Folder. 3 Ways to Teach Cell Phone Etiquette to High Schoolers | US News. Many high schools have relaxed strict bans on student cellphones in recent years, and some have even embraced the devices as an instructional tool in the classroom.

New York City Schools, the largest school district in the country, will end its cellphone ban for students​, Education Week reported this fall. Officials from Princes George’s County Public Schools in Maryland adopted a new cellphone policy earlier this year that permits the use of portable electronic devices during the school day under certain circumstances, the community's local publication, ​The Gazette reported.

"When cellphones​ first came out, the first response was to restrict them. Now they’re beginning to see that this technology, if used correctly, can be a great educational tool," Earnest Moore, who was then ​president of the Prince George’s County PTA Council​, told the paper. [Get more ideas on how teachers are using cell phones in the classroom.] [Read about how teens learn texting while driving from parents.] 10 Ways the Next Ten Years are Going to be Mind-Blowing. We are living in an extremely exciting time in terms of science and technology. Things that have always been considered science fiction are becoming normal day-to-day components of our lives.

And while we have been seeing invention after breakthrough over and over in the last couple of decades, this next ten years is going to blow everything else out of the water. The awesome thing about all these scientific discoveries it that they create technology that allows us to make more breakthroughs even faster. Our ability to innovate is increasing exponentially as the years go by. To give you an idea of the magnitude of this reality, here are 10 amazing innovations to different sectors of life.

They should give you a pretty good idea of what changes will be made by 2020. 1) Bio Technology Bionic Hand controlled by brain signals 2) Architecture Revolving Tower in Dubai All of that aesthetic stuff is great and all, but the real innovation comes from the wind turbines built in between each floor. 10 ways to revolutionize PD for the digital age. Jen Sieracki and Raymond Giovanelli December 11th, 2014 Top tips from school leaders on innovating digital professional development and putting the focus where it belongs—on teachers ver the past 6-8 years we have seen a supersonic advancement in public schools and the way our teachers now must teach.

This has hit education like a tidal wave, leaving precious little time for our teachers to process it, and especially to learn how to do it well. The consequence, in many schools, is that teachers have begun to use technology but have forced it into all the wrong places and for all the wrong reasons. Research has consistently shown that technology used in inappropriate ways is actually worse for learning, and this is happening all around us.

At Grand Oak Elementary School in Huntersville, NC we have worked hard to create an environment where we are supporting our staff through this transition. This process of adult learning has not been without bumps and obstacles. 10 Ways That Brain Myths Are Harming Us. Governments are pouring unprecedented sums of money into neuroscience. They want to know how the three pounds of meaty head sponge gives rise to human memory, personality and consciousness, and why it can go so tragically wrong. For now, so much remains mysterious. Unfortunately this ignorance is providing the perfect breeding ground for myth and misconception. For every genuine break through, there is parallel excretion of hype or utter neurobunk. Disclaimer: I’ve written a new book about brain myths called Great Myths of the Brain.

I used the latest research to tease fact from fiction in contemporary neuroscience. I’m delighted with the generous endorsements the book has received (see all the buzz on my website). 1). 2). 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). 9). 10). If you’d like to join the fight against neuro-nonsense, you can get my new book Great Myths of the Brain at a 20 per cent discount. Go Back to Top. 3 Ways Social Media Can Improve School Culture. I was having a great conversation the other day with a good friend, and she was sharing how many boards aren’t really worried about “social media” because they are needing to actually focus on improving their culture first. I thought a lot about what she said, and to be honest, if you cannot have conversations with people in your own organization, Twitter is going to be the last thing in your mind. That being said, I have seen a lot of school organizations use social media to actually improve their culture significantly.

It is not the only way, but if used in powerful ways, it definitely can have an overall impact on your school or district. Here are three ways that I have seen an impact (although I encourage you to look at some of the responses on this tweet when I asked the question). 1. Increased Visibility In large boards (especially), it is tough for directors, superintendents, principals, etc., to actually physically be in all places at all times. 2. 3. Concluding Thoughts. No Internet, No Problem: 3 Ways to Teach Without the Internet. No Internet, No Problem: 3 Ways to Teach Without the Internet by Beth K. Johnson “The Internet is down” is a phrase that causes plenty of drama, especially in classrooms that embrace web-based learning.

Unfortunately, many schools face terrible infrastructures that don’t provide consistent online connections. When problems arise, some teachers are quick to shrug and say: “The Internet doesn’t work; we can’t use technology.” When the Internet fails, consider forging ahead with technology, with a little different approach. But how? 3 ways to teach without the Internet 1-Teach keyboarding. 2-Teach reading. 3-Get creative. Any of these can turn into amazing learning opportunities, so don’t be frightened the next time a student shouts, “The Internet is down.” You won’t be sorry, and your students will thank you later. Beth K. The following two tabs change content below. About The Author markbarnes19. 3 Ways to Blend Tech and Hands-On Learning in Science Class | Instructional Tech Talk. Traditionally, science classes for students of all ages have involved a great deal of hands-on learning. From young kids in elementary school who learn about the life cycle of a butterfly to high school students who study chemical reactions in the lab, science has always involved active experiments.

Now, thanks to the advent of some pretty amazing technology like laptops, tablets and other devices, students are learning about science both on a screen as well as face-to-face/hands-on in the class. The following examples illustrate how educators can successfully combine both hands-on learning with the technology: Owl Pellet Lab This owl pellet lab is great for older elementary school kids.

As Carolina notes, the project involves pellets — which typically can be ordered from a science lab website or other educational source — paper notebooks for the kids, colored pencils or crayons and scissors. Gardening Lab Genetics Lesson Tags: Blended Learning, Gardening, Genetics, Science About the Author. 8 Ways to Evaluate Technical Employees | TNW Blog.

At many startups, technical hires are the backbone of the business. Their role is critical. But if you don’t have a foundation in tech yourself, how do you measure their success beyond just delivering a successful product? What factors should influence how you evaluate their performance? To learn what founders should look for — or systems they should set up — I asked eight entrepreneurs from YEC the following: What specific metric does your company use to evaluate the success of your technical employees? Their best answers are below: 1. You have to move fast in startups. For instance, the marketing team may be communicating the product and its value to the market. . – Andy Karuza, Gossip App 2. Building a product is a team effort, so we look at two key metrics – availability and execution. Execution is trackable with tools like Github, JIRA, Pivotal etc. based on the number of issues addressed and the complexity of each issue.

. – Tolga Tanriseven, GirlsAskGuys 3. 4. 5. . – John Rampton, Host 6. 3 ways to get every student coding | ISTE. Three Effective Ways to Look for Educational Content in Twitter. November 26, 2014 Twitter search is a great alternative to the conventional ways of searching the net. This socially-based kind of search allows students to access content and resources that are both timely and relevant. And most importantly, students do not need to have Twitter accounts to search its database. Below are some of the ways students can leverage the power of Twitter search to look for educational content: 1- Twitter Search Operators similar to Google search operators, Twitter search provides a set of powerful operators that students can use to conduct focused search queries.

They can use a combination of search operators to look for tweets from specific persons, sources and locations. Check out this cheat sheet to learn more about these search operators. 2- Use Hashtags Hashtags are a good way to gather people around content. A- Words section B-People Students can use this section to look for tweets coming from, sent to, or mentioning a certain account or multiple accounts. 10 Ways for New School Leaders to Use Twitter | A.J. Juliani.

I’m the new guy at our school district, and this is my first administrative role in a school. Let me first say that it is a lot of hard work, but it is also a lot of fun connecting with new teachers, administrators, and an entire community. In the past few months all of our Building Principals have joined Twitter. I’m the first person to say I love using Twitter as an educator, but I’m also not too pushy in getting people on board, because (as I’ve written before) “It’s OK to Not Be on Twitter.” Now that they’ve each joined I want to make sure they know the different ways they can use Twitter as a “Lead Learner” for the schools. Here are 10 ways new school leaders can use Twitter (without feeling overwhelmed): 1. The easiest way to start sharing information to your followers on Twitter is to use it as a platform to broadcast upcoming school events and information. 2. 3. 4. Sharing school events and activities is just the start. 5. 6. 7. Who doesn’t love pictures?

8. 9. 10. Six Ways to Save Time with Technology | Connected Learning Today. Oct 13, 2014 by Mark Barnes - photo credit: Barrett.Discovery via photopin cc Six ways to save time with technology… Give students a technology toolkit: In the age of the iStudent, all educators are technology teachers. It’s our responsibility, no matter what grade or subject we teach, to help students learn how to use various web tools and applications to demonstrate learning. The best approach is to introduce a new tool or app once every few weeks and instruct students to apply a skill or concept to a learning outcome, using the new technology. As the year progresses, students will build a “technology toolkit,” from which they can choose what will be most effective for particular projects in the future. About the author: Mark Barnes is a leading authority on student-centered learning and technology integration. Related. 10 Ways to Get Students Engaged. Getting students engaged is not an easy task particularly in an age that is full of all kinds of distractions.

Some argue that some of the habits that students have developed as a result of their heavy use of emerging technologies and social media have negatively impacted their capacities to concentrate and focus for longer stretches of time. Multitasking in particular is blamed for this and I personally side with the camp that views multitasking as a distractor to productivity and not a positive attribute. Yes multitaskers are hard to hook in and keep their focus on a learning task for longer time but motivation makes a difference. When students are motivated to learn, focus and attention comes along easily. Below is a beautiful graphic featuring 10 ways to get students motivated. Check out the full graphic from this page.

Five Ways to Lie with Charts/Data | Nautilus. A chart’s purpose is usually to help you properly interpret data. But sometimes, it does just the opposite. In the right (or wrong) hands, bar graphs and pie charts can become powerful agents of deception, tricking you into inferring trends that don’t exist, mistaking less for more, and missing alarming facts. The best measure of a chart’s honesty is the amount of time it takes to interpret it, says Massachusetts Institute of Technology perceptual scientist Ruth Rosenholtz: “A bad chart requires more cognitive processes and more reasoning about what you’ve seen.” It helps to know the kinds of tricks that charts can try to pull. Puzzling Perspective Both of these pie charts show “labor” taking up 30 percent of some total. Human vision isn’t very good at interpreting the third dimension, says Rosenholtz. Swindling Shapes A classic way to lie with a chart is to introduce irrelevant information.

In both charts, administrative costs take almost a third of each dollar. Hiding in Plain Sight. 10 Ways to Get Student-Centered Learning Right. Photo credit: Francisco Osorio If there’s been a single educational buzzword with traction over the past few years, “student-centered learning” certainly tops the charts. From the TED stage to experimental classrooms, an increasing number of thought leaders, schools and teachers are advocating a handover of the learning experience to the students who must do the learning. To seasoned educators, the basic concepts that undergird student-centered learning won’t strike them as particularly new. After all, Paulo Freire’s famous critique of the “Banking Model of Education” — the model in which knowledge is a resource that students passively withdraw from the bank (teacher) without active engagement — made waves all the way back in the early 70s.

Even earlier in the 20th century, John Dewey, Carl Rogers, and Maria Montessori advocated for student-driven learning, while Theodore Sizer’s 1987 book, Horace’s Compromise, advocated for collaborative learning. It Starts With Definition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 Ways to Get Student-Centered Learning Right. 3 Unique Ways Parents Can Assure Digital Safety. Four ways to advocate for school libraries. Engaged learning techniques. Via @elearningcoach: 12 Ways to Pick Up New Skills When You're Busy. 19 Ways to use blogs with students. 50 Ways to Teach With Current Events. 6 Ways To Access @YouTube Videos Even If They're Blocked at School. 19 Ways to use blogs with students. 5 Ways to Use Integrated Google Drive Apps for Group Projects.

10 ways to boost brain power for young students. 7 Ways to Create Characters for Your Online Training. Outlook organization tips: 5 ways to tame the email pile. 5 Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Questioners. 3 Ways Effective Principals Support Teachers. 10 Easy Steps to Looking More Photogenic (Not that any of you need this advise :-)

Your Windowless Cubicle Is Doing Horrible Things For Your Sleep And Mental Health. The Most Important Reasons To Avoid Educational TechnologyLooking Up. The Most Decade-Specific Words of the Past Two Centuries | There’s No Such thing as “Perfect Work-Life Balance” Whose ideas are they anyway? Academic work as a form of public action, rather than possession. Interesting Critical Thinking Posters for Your Class. Small Change, Big Impact - Design Thinking in Action, Phase 1.

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