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Alain de Tang

R.I.P.: Arkitekturkritikken er død. Politiken har som landets eneste dagblad en 100 år lang tradition for at have en fast arkitekturredaktør ansat på avisen. Karsten Ifversen har nærmest monopol på arkitekturanmeldelsen i Danmark. De andre dagblade er for længst sat af i arkitekturdebatten. Af samme årsag kan Karsten Ifversen til sine anmeldelser vælge og vrage blandt de millioner af kvadratmeter byggeri, der hvert år færdiggøres, som det passer ham (og kulturredaktøren, naturligvis). Og jeg kan da godt forstå, at det er sjovere og mere spændende at skrive om store, vellykkede kulturbyggerier end billige, præfabrikerede rækkehuse. Men det medfører alt andet lige en unuanceret, ensporet debat. Hvorfor er det et problem? Hvorfor skal vi overhovedet debattere arkitektur i den brede offentlighed? For det første er arkitektur ikke at sidestille med finkultur.

For det andet: Arkitektur er en direkte afspejling af det samfund vi lever i. For det tredje har arkitekterne brug for at blive udfordret på deres argumenter. 10 Ways to Transform your Interiors with Industrial Style Details. In recent years the ability to renovate and give life to old warehouses, barns, and industrial buildings has taken the design world by storm. From rustic exposed finishes and structural elements to industrial inspired lighting fixtures, there is no doubt that industrial details are here to stay. The appeal of bringing back a design age that focused on manufacturing, mechanical ingenuity and appreciating raw and unfinished interiors is a gorgeous way to bring industrial style to your home.

If you’ve been admiring those urban lofts and barn conversions in your latest interiors magazine, take a look at these 10 ways to transform your home with these industrial style details. 1. Before you can know what type of industrial details you like, look to buildings that share a historic past to reveal creative ideas you may not know about. 2. 3. 4. 5. Another way to bring industrial architectural details into your home is to use artwork to express your creative design style. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Endelig bliver Lille Nyhavn en realitet - Lokalavisen Skanderborg. Lige siden erhvervsmanden Lars Kromand i November 2006 præsenterede sit ønske om at etablere et Christianshavn-lignende bymiljø imellem Adelgade og Skanderborg Sø, har idéen mødt bred opbakning i befolkningen. Men det er ikke let at få et så by- og sønært projekt til at rette ind efter diverse myndighedskrav, så det har taget nogle år og en del tilretninger at nå frem til den lokalplan, som et enigt byråd onsdag sagde ja til.

"Vi ser utroligt positivt på, at Lille Nyhavn nu endelig kan blive en realitet og vi tror, at det får stor betydning for miljøet i Skanderborg Midtby. Adelgade er måske ikke verdens skønneste at have som butiksgade, men med Bloms Butikker i den ene ende og Lille Nyhavn i den anden ende, kan vi måske få skabt et butiksmiljø, i stedet for noget, der lige nu mest af alt minder om en landevej igennem Skanderborg," sagde byrådspolitiker Christina Bottke (V).

"Jeg forstår ikke al den snak om Adelgade. Processed Meats Declared Too Dangerous for Human Consumption. The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has just completed a detailed review of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer. Its conclusion is rocking the health world with startling bluntness: Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives. Processed meats include bacon, sausage, hot dogs, sandwich meat, packaged ham, pepperoni, salami and virtually all red meat used in frozen prepared meals. They are usually manufactured with a carcinogenic ingredient known as sodium nitrite. This is used as a color fixer by meat companies to turn packaged meats a bright red color so they look fresh.

Unfortunately, sodium nitrite also results in the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body. And this leads to a sharp increase in cancer risk for those who eat them. And finally, eat more fresh produce with every meal. Source. Epigenetics: How Your Mind Can Reprogram Your Genes. Surprise! Man finds himself in audience full of people he saved as children from Nazi camps [W/VIDEO. (TruthSeekerDaily) Sir Nicholas Winton organized the rescue and passage to Britain of about 669 mostly Jewish Czechoslovakian children destined for the Nazi death camps before World War II in an operation known as the Czech Kindertransport.

After the war, Nicholas Winton didn’t tell anyone, not even his wife Grete about his wartime rescue efforts. In 1988, a half century later, Grete found a scrapbook from 1939 in their attic, with all the children’s photos, a complete list of names, a few letters from parents of the children to Winton and other documents. She finally learned the whole story. In the video below, the survivors gathered to give him a wonderful surprise: Source: [PowerOfGood] The hidden dangers of bagged tea. Chamomile, mint, rooibos, oh my! I love tea. Everyday tea. Tea to help calm my muscles. Tea to help me wake up. Tea to help my body detox. Tea tea tea. OK I think you get the point. Now I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I tell you that my heart broke when I recently learned that there exists a hidden danger in bagged tea.

Plastic tea bags Some newer teas have plastic bags, which are often pyramid-shaped and, I have to admit, are pretty darn cool looking. “If the question is, ‘As the polymer goes through that transition state, is it easier for something to leach out?’ Paper tea bags If you’re like me, at this point you may be going, “Phew! When epichlorohydrin comes in contact with water, it “hydrolyzes” (science-speak for decompose) to 3-MCPD, a known carcinogen that has also been linked to in infertility and suppressed immune function. How can we protect ourselves? Cut loose! Sources: The Atlantic and Dr. All images are ©Body Unburdened unless otherwise stated. The pros and cons of eating chilli on the body - Ping Ming Health. In one province of China called Sichuan, chilli is a very popular food. Almost everyone there eats chilli with each meal. The local chefs use chilli with every dish, and without chilli, Sichuan food would not be as delicious. Many Chinese diet therapy researchers have found that Sichuan people eat a lot of chilli because it is associated with their weather, which makes chilli a suitable food for them to eat.

Sichuan is a very damp, foggy and cold place throughout most of the year. One very important function of chilli is to clear the dampness and to expel the cold. This is in accordance with Traditional Chinese Medicine as it is well-known that eating certain foods can help to expel environmental conditions (such as dampness and cold) which may affect the body. This why the local people of Sichuan like to each chilli and many people have told me that if you live in Sichuan, you should also learn to eat chilli. I have another story to tell you from my friends. 1. 2. 3. 4. Easily Remove Image Backgrounds Online - Clipping Magic.

Water-Powered Cars & Inventors Killed. November 21, 2013 (Left, Genepax, a Japanese car that can drive at 50km/h for an hour on a liter of water.) Humanity is being held hostage by the Illuminati bankers who control the oil cartel. "The number one thing that will diffuse the [Illuminati agenda] is to bring in an alternate energy source. " by David Richards ( Water-powered cars have existed for years. Oil, with its attendant evils - pollution, oil wars, oil spills - are unnecessary. Water-powered cars have been given scant media coverage. The Illuminati quash free energy technology because it would transform society and breakdown the economic order.

Stanley Meyer, who invented a water fuel device, encapsulated the agenda: 'The internationalists want zero industrial growth, zero population growth... Most of the cars use water as a source of hydrogen, which is a very efficient fuel. Here is a list of men and companies who have invented water powered cars. Herman created a water powered Chevy Cavalier (left). Jim Perloff: Coconut Oil Benefits for Workout. Chocolate Coconut Banana Protein Shake with coconut oil - Click for Recipe Coconut Oil Benefits for Workout: Using Coconut Oil in Fitness, Training, Body Building, Weight Lifting, Cardio Exercises, Running, and Athletics by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy Coconut Oil: Losing Fat without Losing Muscle Mass!

When we first started publishing the truth about coconut oil on the Internet 12 years ago, we started an online discussion group to facilitate peoples experiences about coconut oil. The archives still exist today in our Coconut Diet Forums. One common response we were getting from people who were beginning to use coconut oil in their diet, was that although they were not seeing a lot of weight loss, their clothes were fitting better! Here are some examples: I haven’t seen a big weight loss, but my clothes fit better and I know adding an exercise program will impact the weight. I just learned about coconut oil in October. Last year I was measured at 10.5% body fat. The Numerous Benefits of Activated Charcoal. Eating charcoal sounds about as appetizing as scarfing down some black, charred remains of a Saturday BBQ, but activated charcoal is a whole other animal.

Activated charcoal is used as a detox agent to absorb a host of heavy metals, chemicals, and pharmaceutical drug remains that flow through your blood stream and cause a hindrance to your best health. Activated charcoal absorbs the toxins from your body and then, since it is not absorbed by the body, the toxins along with the charcoal are expelled, leaving you cleaner and more toxin-free. Charcoal is “activated” because it is made to have a very small particle size. This increases its overall surface area and absorptive capacity. Activated charcoal is produced by adding acid and steam to carbonaceous materials such as wood, coal, rye starch, or coconut shells. To understand just how effective this substance is at absorbing toxins, one standard 50-gram dose of activated charcoal has the surface area of 10 football fields.

New Gripping Satirical Illustrations By Pawel Kuczynski. Art isn’t just meant to look pretty – it can also be used to transfer ideas and messages. Polish illustrator Pawel Kuczynski’s grim and sharply satirical works, which we’ve featured before here, are a perfect example of art that speaks volumes. Kuczynski’s images are so powerful because they force us to face some of the worst realities of our times.

It’s beautiful – not in a flowers-and-sunlight kind of way, but in a brutally truthful way. He addresses war, political manipulation and hypocrisy, environmental damage, economic disparity and many other ills facing mankind today. The images strike just the right balance between obvious and complicated – just about anyone can get what they mean, but you will have to discover that meaning first. The pastel colors and simple shapes and forms of his artwork gives it a sort of timeless look.

And, for better or for worse, so do the messages he displays in his work. Source: | Facebook | Prints. Matthew Schuler | Why Creative People Sometimes Make No Sense. Photo by Sophia. I’ve been having an insightful shuffle through Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book Creativity: The Work and Lives of 91 Eminent People. Mihaly is a seminal professor of Psychology and Management, and is the Founding Co-Director of the Quality of Life Research Center at Claremont.

He writes: “I have devoted 30 years of research to how creative people live and work, to make more understandable the mysterious process by which they come up with new ideas and new things. If I had to express in one word what makes their personalities different from others, it’s complexity. They show tendencies of thought and action that in most people are segregated. Nine out of the ten people in me strongly agree with that statement. Mihaly describes 9 contradictory traits that are frequently present in creative people: Most creative people have a great deal of physical energy, but are often quiet and at rest. Most creative people tend to be smart and naive at the same time. Roadtrips i USA - hjælp til billig billeje, oplevelser og ruter i USA.

3 vigtige tips: Beskyt din shop mod svindel | KRÆS bloggen. 11. november 2013, Af Heine Aaen Hansen Som webshopejer er du urimelig dårligt stillet, hvis der svindles i din shop, og du ikke opdager det, inden varen sendes. Det er du, fordi der ikke er nogen, der beskytter dig. Den tager vi igen: Der er ikke nogen, der beskytter dig. Som i I-N-G-E-N. Hvis en person får stjålet eller taber sit betalingskort, og kortet bruges til at lave ulovlige køb på nettet (såkaldt tredjemandsmisbrug), så dækker den bank, der har udstedt kortet, kortholderens tab.

Vedkommende får simpelthen ført pengene tilbage på sin konto. Men foregår svindlen i din shop, risikerer du at miste både produktet og pengene; Produktet har du sendt til svindlerne, og pengene bliver ført tilbage til kortholderen (det kaldes en chargeback). Desuden kan du få en regning fra banken for sagens omkostninger. Gæt selv, om det er sjovt … Hvis man ikke sikrer sin webshop, må man se grædende til mens pengene forsvinder Heldigvis er der flere ting, du kan gøre for at beskytte din shop mod svindel. 1. Kan huller i tænder regenereres? | infowars. Verden er langsomt ved at vågne op til det faktum, at når du giver kroppen, hvad den har brug for, kan den helbrede ting, vi tidligere troede var umulige. Et fint eksempel på det er, som ofte anses for et uhelbredeligt sundhedsproblem er huller i tænderne, men omfattende forskning er nu ved at blive mere offentlig om den sande natur af huller i tænderne, og det faktum, at der er bevist alternative løsninger, der kan afhjælpe det.

Hvorfor får vi huller i tænderne? Caries eller karies er den medicinske betegnelse for huller i tænderne. Caries forekommer når der sker en kemisk opløsning af tandsubstans. For at caries udvikles kræves der plak, som omdanner sukker til syre og nedbryder tanden. Udover bakterier og kulhydrat kræves der uforstyrrede forhold, så bakterierne kan sætte sig på tanden og tid før end der udvikles caries. Der er bare nogle problemer med den definition og teori. Hvad skaber huller i tænder Mange tandeksperter mener det hele afhænger af 3 ting. Mad man skal fokusere på: Print design – bleeds, safe areas, margins, a0 / a1 / a2 / a3 / a4 / a5 | Creation.Machine. Sure it sounds kinda easy, but when we design for print it’s important to keep some basic rules in mind. If you never did any print designs read on to find out what to do, to avoid instant failure. The most important thing is – modern printers are pretty precise, but still not as precise as your screen.

That means that if you make an A4 sized paper and print it on a bigger one, the cutting and printing process together can result in your design being actually less than a4. And most clients don’t really want that. So what we do is we set up the bleed. This means we make the image actually larger than what we want to achieve. A typical bleed in europe (and most of the world) is somewhere around 3mm. Once we have that covered there’s one important thing to add to this. Sådan undgår miljøkemikeren giftige stoffer i sit køkken. Sådan undgår miljøkemikeren giftige stoffer i sit køkken. Machobrød – til store, stærke mænd. 18 Breathtaking Architectural Lookouts You'll Wish You Could Visit. Tartine's Baker on Working with Heirloom Wheat Varieties. Stick Out Your Tongue! Understanding Chinese Tongue Diagnosis.

Martin Brofman, Ph.D. on the Body as a Map of the Consciousness Within (First Chakra, Second Chakra, Third Chakra, Fourth Chakra, Fifth Chakra, Sixth Chakra, Seventh Chakra) Where Christian Persecution Is The Worst | World Watch List. Pæne psykopater kan gøre stor skade på omgivelserne. 15 Weeks To Ripped | Men's Fitness Magazine. PurePharma Omega-3 Capsules for fatty acids content. Nature Knows: After reading this, you’ll never look at a banana in the same way again. Produkter. Oscar Umahro video - Live chat med Oscar Umahro Cadogan. The Endocannabinoid System: We Are Born With It. 40 Small Bedrooms Ideas To Make Your Home Look Bigger. New World Order – of darkness of the World Elite (part IV) – The Pope was the Devil self! | Scripts of Stig Dragholm. How long did YOUR ancestors live while eating BACON, LARD, & WHOLE MILK? | Weed'em & ReapWeed'em & Reap. 25 Things a Dad Should Teach a Boy. Kritikere diskuterer: Hvor cool er nordisk arkitektur?

How too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 is making us sick. Depression | Din mad kan være din lykkepille. Hør Martin Thorbog fortælle om starten på det hele og få indspark til hvordan du får succes | AminoTV. Slaves for Christ. Last Exit Magazine « Fermenting Change. What Starbucks Gets that Architects Don’t — What I Learned Building… Enzymes For Yeast Infection. HPV Vaccine Policy: At Odds With Evidence-Based Medicine? Know your type: Gotham. Pure C Chewables - Reflective Health. Yeast Infection Advisor. B for bæredygtig bolig | HPV-vaccinen er som russisk roulette… | En Bygning Vi Rejser. We Should All Eat More Oats. Fru Vipp er gået i køkkenet | 10 destinationer til bryllupsrejsen - Rejser. HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT JUST ANOTHER SIN!! Natural News Blogs Discover a Common Vegetable to Cure Skin Cancer. Sådan får du fuldt flor i altankassen. Evolution Is Religion, Not Science.

Yahya Hassan: »Jeg ved ikke, om de inderst inde er racister, eller om de kan lide mine digte« ECLIPTICA viser vejen ved ”VM i plus-energihuse” | Fiberline Composites. Vidste du det? Fisken som kristent symbol. New RATE Data Support a Young World. Fire Pit Ideas. Mange bruger deres radiatorer forkert: Læs her hvad du skal gøre. Eating Tilapia is Worse Than Eating Bacon. Photos from a 1972 Rothschild illuminati party. Iværksætteri på skoleskemaet - Iværksætterturen 2013.

Kulturhuset udvider - både åbningstider og lokaler - Lokalavisen Skanderborg. Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus. Stafier Holland's Ultra Thin Solar Tiles Seamlessly Integrate Into Rooftops. Kulturhuset i Skanderborg nærmere udvidelse - Lokalavisen Skanderborg. Fonts In Use – Type at work in the real world.

Designer villa uden at det ligner et typehus. En villa fra os er ikke som de andres. Flere borgere gør brug af Kulturhuset - Ugebladet Skanderborg. Chairs' Tectonics. Psychologie: Sieht so die Durchschnittsdeutsche aus? Aarhus afd. - Lejemål til erhverv Aarhus med Colliers | Danmark. Homeschooled: How American Homeschoolers Measure Up. Black Seed – ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death’ 9 gode råd til iværksættere | KRÆS bloggen. The 12 Best Pizza Places In NYC. Watch Free Documentaries Online | Documentary Heaven.

Life Beyond 960px: Designing for Large Screens. A Trumpet for My People - Steve Fletcher. Build Muscles as a Vegan or Vegetarian - Sunwarrior News | Vegan, Vegetarian & Raw Food Recipes. Ionic Detox Foot Bath. Food Cravings? Here Is What Your Body Really Wants. | Tamara Star | Daily Transformations. Page Unlimited 2: Wang Shaoqiang. Natural News Blogs The Complete Guide to Understanding Probiotics and Prebiotics.

The Health Cure » Homeopathic Treatment. Creationist claims about Pasteur and Spontaneous Generation. How to Make Lacto-Fermented Vegetables without Whey (plus video) Know your type: Futura. Three Tips for Making Crunchy Lacto-Fermented Dill Pickles. Skabelsens Hvordan, Hvorfor og Hvornår, Del 1. HPV-vaksinen - avslørende masteroppgave | Arkiv. Children Born With Advanced DNA :: Families destroyed by Corrupt Co.