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Pangaia productions. [MAITRISEZ LES FILTRES] 01 – Introduction aux filtres ND, GND | Lovinpix. Dans cette longue série d’articles rédigée depuis 2010, je vous dévoilerai tout ce que je sais des filtres neutres (ND), neutres dégradés (GND) et polarisants afin de permettre à certains d’entre vous de mieux les utiliser sur le terrain. Trop de photographes restent encore confus quant à la signification des densités, des types de dégradés ou encore à propos de l’utilité de ces filtres. D’abord destiné à un Ebook que je dévoilerai avec un peu de chance un jour, ce travail de recherche donne finalement naissance à des articles plus digestes et faciles à trouver sur le net. Rédigé en partenariat étroit avec, vous trouverez la plupart des ressources matériels sur cette boutique en ligne pas comme les autres Remerciements Je tiens tout d’abord à remercier Erick Loitière et Yoann Rigolleau de m’avoir orienté et inspiré à utiliser ces filtres.

Les filtres, Une totale confusion … «Gris» ou «neutres» ? Le «pouvoir bloquant» Table de conversion des densités de filtres neutres (ND/GND) How To Shoot Truly Contagious Milky Way Pictures | PhotoPills. What if I told you that you’re more than capable of imagining, planning and shooting Milky Way pictures that will put people into what I call a sharing trance? Would you believe it? Nowadays, almost everyone can take good photos, even very good ones. We see it every day, social networks are filled up with multiple great photos, published by great photographers hoping that their work will be massively shared.

Unfortunately, the truth is that just a few achieve to go viral. Social transmission expert, Jonah Berger, in his New York Times Bestseller book Contagious: why things catch on, maintains that: “Remarkable things provide social currency because they make the people who talk about them seem, well, more remarkable [...] Therefore, how can we make photos so that people will share and talk about? The idea behind this article is to help you better communicate through your photography, and thus better persuade people. Are you ready? Content Do you know Mark Gee? Think big! Add a shooting star. Accueil - Sebastiao Salgado. WordPress Photography Themes by Photocrati. Page d'accueil - Nikon France, appareils photo numériques, argentiques, objectifs et Sport Optics.

Photography and Photos of the Day - National Geographic. Galerie Lumas. Galerie de L'Imagerie. World Press Photo. Leica Oskar Barnack Award. LFI Gallery - Welcome ! Soju Luminale 2014 - Geripptes Armin Floreth Skyline Frankfurt am Main brianabrooksm8 Montreal, Quebec, 2013 Frankie Chu City Light bomberclad spargel_tarzan Zubizuri davidhee Sydney from Jeffrey Street Wharf Kirribilli Marc Cadas Valence jpthozet vélo ThomS Wohnen am Alex ChrisHal4D 911 Memorial Anticrepuscular rays - Atmospheric Optics Colonia Boxes tharchitekt Hof (courtyard) Freelance Photographer Oslo_18 Andrew Gough PLW85909.tif joeyyy Alex'n'Alex (D 2013) Skyline vom Mainwasenweg furia through the window Gunnar Eggers Two and two woods Higobashi #002 - Leica S2 weinacht dito Leica M9 Monochrom, Zeiss C-Biogon 21mm/4.5@f8 hilton osaka Stern Roppongi at night bellpic WTC reflections Dockland - Study 1 Kito Robot Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge schmeckers Canelli no.2 Pau ll.

GWB From Jersey Lower Manhattan from Brooklyn at Night chrisvs Berlin 2013, Windows of the mind astavrou San Francisco Downtown EZB / Skyline - Frankfurt am Main mtsullivan Tall Buildings - Chicago, IL Kohl Photography Stahl WilsonMiashiro Ernstblofeld Hong Kong. The Leica Camera. Leica Rumors. Leica User Forum - Leica Forum. Online Portfolios on the Behance Network. Blues and pictures. Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson. Kenneth Parker Photography. Jeanloup Sieff. John Miskelly. The Ansel Adams Gallery.

Vincent Munier : Wildlife Photographer. Nick Brandt : Photography.