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Notepad++ Classic Programming Quotes. Scripting Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk - Hyperpolyglot. A side-by-side reference sheet sheet one: version | grammar and execution | variables and expressions | arithmetic and logic | strings | regexes | dates and time | arrays | dictionaries | functions | execution control | exceptions | threads.

Scripting Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk - Hyperpolyglot

C++ Programming/Exercises/Iterations. Iterations[edit] Solutions requirements Solutions must: Use only standard C++.Be compilable.Be in accordance to general coding practices.

C++ Programming/Exercises/Iterations

(no esoteric demonstrations are required) and should: Handle error situations, even if behavior is not defined. Please do not add solutions that are 99% similar to another that is already present, if it is an improvement just add it to the existing solution. EXERCISE 1[edit] Write a program that asks the user to type an integer and writes "YOU WIN" if the value is between 56 and 78 (both included).

Int main() {int i; cout << "Type all numbers between 58 and 73: " << endl; cin>>i; if (i>=58 && i<=78) { cout << "YOU WIN" << i << endl; else cout<<"YOU LOSE! " EXERCISE 2[edit] Write a program that asks the user to type all the integers between 8 and 23 (both included) using a for loop. Solution Alternative solution by Bartosz Radwanski Alternate solution Solution in C Another alternate solution. C Programming and Data Structures NPTEL Course, IIT Kharagpur Programming, P.P.Chakraborty.

SEE: Guide to Download NPTEL Video Lecture Course Description : Contents: Introduction C Programming Data Structuring: Case Study Problem Decomposition By Recursion Problem Decomposition By Recursion Merge sort And Quick sort Characters And Strings Arrays: Addresses And Contents Structures Dynamic Allocation Linked Lists Complexity (Efficiency) of Algorithms Asymptotic Growth Functions Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms Data Structuring Search Trees 2-3 Trees Algorithm Design Graphs Conclusions Other Resources : Citation | Other Programming Courses » check out the complete list of Programming Video lectures Respected Sir,These Courses are very useful to the students to enhance their subject knowledge and also useful to the teaching staff to enhance their subject presentation skills.It's a boon to the student community as well as parents who opt for Quality Education.

C Programming and Data Structures NPTEL Course, IIT Kharagpur Programming, P.P.Chakraborty

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