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C++ Programming/Exercises/Iterations

C++ Programming/Exercises/Iterations
Iterations[edit] Solutions requirements Solutions must: Use only standard C++.Be compilable.Be in accordance to general coding practices. (no esoteric demonstrations are required) and should: Handle error situations, even if behavior is not defined. Please do not add solutions that are 99% similar to another that is already present, if it is an improvement just add it to the existing solution. EXERCISE 1[edit] Write a program that asks the user to type an integer and writes "YOU WIN" if the value is between 56 and 78 (both included). int main() {int i; cout << "Type all numbers between 58 and 73: " << endl; cin>>i; if (i>=58 && i<=78) { cout << "YOU WIN" << i << endl; else cout<<"YOU LOSE!" EXERCISE 2[edit] Write a program that asks the user to type all the integers between 8 and 23 (both included) using a for loop. Solution Alternative solution by Bartosz Radwanski Alternate solution Solution in C Another alternate solution Failed solutions (correct them as an extra exercise) EXERCISE 3[edit]

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist — How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3 Version date: October 2012 by Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers (based on 2nd edition by Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers) Corresponding author: Beating the Averages April 2001, rev. April 2003 (This article is derived from a talk given at the 2001 Franz Developer Symposium.) In the summer of 1995, my friend Robert Morris and I started a startup called Viaweb.

Python - Programming books Python Programming From Wikibooks, open books for an open world Jump to: navigation, search creating an in-house dropbox In this article we try to mimic the great Dropbox. This part of the series deals with setting up basic file synchronization in Linux. Create a Central Repository Create a folder on a large hard drive or raid your main computer/server For example: mkdir /meda/drobo/inhouseDropbox C Tutorial The C is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop the UNIX operating system. The C is the most widely used computer language, it keeps fluctuating at number one scale of popularity along with Java programming language, which is also equally popular and most widely used among modern software programmers.

Extreme Programming Rules Planning User stories are written. Release planning creates the release schedule. Make frequent small releases. 6 Books Every Programmer Should Own I’ve seen many lists about the best programming books and I am sure there are a lot of books that are specific to a programming knowledge or technology – that I have not included in my list. The books I have chosen are those that are meant to inspire, increase productivity and improve your programming design skills. Note: This list has no particular order. Code Complete 2 Steve McConnell

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How To Change The Windows 7 Logon Background Windows 7 comes packed with a lot of new and interesting backgrounds. However Windows 7 fails to include an easy way to change the background you see every single time you login to your computer. Perhaps you want a little flavor, or maybe you just don’t like the built-in background. Whatever the case may be, with this groovy trick you can change the background for both your Windows 7 logon screen and the menu you see whenever you hit CTRL+ALT+DEL . [learn_more caption="Editor Update 7/27/11"]After much feedback in the comments, if you’re not comfortable updating the system registry – I recommend you read this groovyPost which reviews the process of updating the Winodws 7 logon background using a freeware tool instead.[/learn_more]
