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Recursos TIC - MÚSICA. CORTAME UN RAMITO VERDE. (Aprendo música) Aprende esta bonita canción con las notas sol, la y mi. Viviendo entre Sonidos. Proyecto Primartis: Educación Artística para Educación Primaria. Colorear los instrumentos musicales. Colorear los instrumentos musicales Con las siguientes fichas se puede realizar un acercamientos a algunos de los instrumentos musicales más destacados, de igual forma ampliando los dibujos, los alumnos pueden realizar póster con ellos, para decorar el aula de música.

Instrumentos de Viento- madera : Fagot, Clarinete, Flauta travesera , Saxofón, Oboe , Flauta dulce ( Instrumentos de viento - metal: trompeta, trompa, trombón, tuba. Instrumentos de Cuerda: Violín, viola, violoncello, contrabajo, piano, guitarra, arpa ( Instrumentos de Percusión: Caja, bombo, pandereta, batería, pandero, timbales sonajas, triángulo, cascabeles, crótalos, platillos, castañuelas, maracas, claves, caja china, xilófono. Si los quieres ya coloreados, pincha aquí Fichas para trabajar diversos aspectos de las familias instrumentales LOS INSTRUMENTOS: Pulsa el instrumento para ver una ampliación.

Presentacion.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) Aprendo Musica y solfeo con las TIC. Recursos gratuitos - RECURSOS PARA E. PRIMARIA. Juegos de Música. Actividades de Música para PDI. Music games: piano, guitar, notes, rhithm, pitch, drums online ear trainings. Music - Free Online Games & Interactives for Kids. Fun Stuff: Interactive Games For Kids. Art and Music Learning Games For Kids. Music Games for Kids - Kids' Musical Games - Games with Music - Classics for Kids. Educational Music Games for Kids: Fun Interactive Classical Music Games for Girls and Boys, Gifts for Kids Galore. ::::: Sphinx Kids! Classical Music Interactive Learning & Games :::::

Home. Homemade Musical Instruments. All children love music, and what better way to inspire them than by making their own homemade musical instruments! Kids get to be creative in two ways, by actually creating their own instrument and then by making their own music. Not only are these fun crafts to make, they also make use of recycled materials, like tin cans, toilet paper and paper towel rolls.

Easy TambourineAges 3 and up This Easy Tambourine is a great homemade instrument for any child. You may need to tie on the bells, put they'll love to decorate it and then play some music! KazooAges 3 and up This is a very fun and easy musical instrument to make! When you blow into the open end of the toilet paper roll the sound waves hit the wax paper and make a Kazoo noise! Tin Can XylophoneAges 3 and up Dig through your recycling bin to find some tin cans to make this great Tin Can Xylophone.

GuitarAges 4 and up This guitar is a great musical instrument for kids to make. Easy-to-Make Drum Kit - Kit for 12 Why do we love this? DSO Kids | Home. Homeschool Music Sitemap. What are the elements involved in teaching homeschool music? Perhaps you don't think that your family is very musical and perhaps right now, none of your children are learning a musical instrument, but may I suggest to you that in teaching music, our children learn and develop these skills: Focused AttentionLong Term MemoryVisual and Auditory ProcessingLogic and Reasoning Above and beyond the skills above, there are some obvious benefits to studying music and learning an instrument.

These include: Becoming a part of a community of musicians;Learning that perseverance carries its own special reward, and its own special recognition.Leaning to be a part of a group like an ensemble or a band and being an important spoke in the wheel. I think we would all agree that music can enrich and add to our appreciation and enjoyment of life. Some thoughts on music teaching ideas. Here are some ways in which you could teach homeschool music: Learn a Musical Instrument You can either: Muscial Appreciation. Zen Home Education: Music Education, Music Maitri, Musical Instruments, Singing, Dancing.

Music Education in Homeschool – Guest Post. Today’s guest post is from Kate at Modern Alternative Mama showing us just how easy it is to include music in our homeschool. Don’t forget to stop by her blog and show her some love. Back before I had kids, I was a music teacher. Since they were born, though, I haven’t been so interested in teaching other peoples’ kids, and recently stopped entirely. But I did get a lot of experience in music during that time! I worked almost entirely at home, teaching private lessons and small group classes, and I worked with a lot of homeschooled kids. A lot of early music education can be replicated at home, by parents, even if you have NO experience with music whatsoever.

Go to the library and get a CD of kids’ songs. What about “mommy and me music classes?” Hopefully you’ve found some new ideas you can use in your home music educating efforts! Kate blogs at Modern Alternative Mama.