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Free Kids Music | Free MP3 song downloads for children! Pattern Block Rock by David Tulga Pattern Block Rock- adding whole numbers to make rhythms - The Pattern Block Rock activity connects your knowledge of geometric shapes and equivalency to musical notes and rhythms. Simply choose your pattern blocks and press play — your pattern will transform into a musical composition you can see and hear! Here's how it works: How to play the Pattern Blocks: Scroll down until to see the Pattern Blocks — they're near the bottom of the page. Technical Note: You must have Macromedia Flash Player 6 for this activity to work. Home Copyright © 2004 Phil Tulga Web Design by DT Tech

My Oatmeal Kisses: Top Educational Websites for Kids Technology is pretty amazing! There are lots of wonderful ways to help our child practice the skills they are learning in school. Often times with some of these great educational sites our children don't even know that they are learning at the same time! It's also a great way to motivate kids to do their homework, have them do their reading and math first and for a reward they can play an educational game...tricky! A friend of mine asked me for some recommendations on some other educational websites, so you know me, I went crazy and found a bunch. I spent many hours digging through cyberspace to find and test out the following educational game sites. Just bookmark this page, and every time you want to use a new site you can come here to find it quickly. 1. This site has lots of great language arts games. 2. Hello! 3. Here's a wonderful site c/o one of my readers! 4. Well after I posted this list on Monday I found an phenomenal site on Wednesday! 5. Wo this is another great site. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Sounds Historic About Age range: Good for 10-13 year olds Estimated Time: Give yourself some time! This interactive takes about 30 minutes to complete. Key Technology: You will need speakers (or headphones) for the music parts, Flash Player version 10 or higher, and Adobe Reader. This interactive site explores how music is inspired by history, makes history itself, or captures an important place and time. Think About... Don’t forget to try the listening activities for each of the pieces! Listen to Russell Nadel’s finished composition. Did You Get It? What are the three things that Russell Nadel says that a new composition needs to be? Think About It! Can you think of any other pieces of music that are influenced by history? What’s Your Take? What historic event would inspire you to write a piece of music? next: Learn More > < previous: About Learn More Try It Yourself! Compose your own music on these great sites: For the Educator Trying to spice up a history lesson? Instructional Strategies

Purple Planet Royalty Free Music ICDL - International Children's Digital Library Core Principles of MLE As the field of media literacy education has matured over the past 25 years, its focus has evolved from WHAT is taught to HOW we teach. The Core Principles of Media Literacy Education is a NAMLE project to expand the boundaries of the field and encompass the opportunities and possibilities of 21st century learning technologies to transform both learning and teaching – from kindergarten to college. CPMLE Downloads The Core Principles of Media Literacy Education The purpose of media literacy education is to help individuals of all ages develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators and active citizens in today’s world.Media Literacy Education requires active inquiry and critical thinking about the messages we receive and create. Referencing the Core Principals of Media Literacy Education A reference for the NAMLE Core Principles of Media Literacy Education in the United States is provided in three common styles below.

‘Melody’ Continue reading the main story Video For more than two decades, my home country of has had a stable democracy, as well as a thriving economy. At the same time, Chile has one of the largest wealth disparities in the world, reinforced by high tuition rates for secondary and college education. This means Chile has practically no social mobility, for how do you build a better future for yourself without education? This was a question I asked myself while making this short film, in which I explore music’s power to inspire children to escape poverty. Curanilahue is a small former coal-mining town that until recently was one of the poorest in Chile. Nearly all of the Curanilahue Orchestra’s children have pursued higher education, and most of them are the first generation in their families to graduate from a university. As this Op-Doc shows, Melody became a conductor for the new Children’s Orchestra in Chonchi, a small town on the distant southern island of Chiloé.

Tools for Teaching A preview of Smithsonian Folkways on iTunes U. Click the image to launch iTunes on your computer. Smithsonian Folkways is committed to offering educational materials to complement the music on our site. Tools for Teaching from Smithsonian Folkways provides ideas and resources for educators to inspire their use of Folkways music from around the world. Curricular experience, activities, streaming videos, liner notes, music samples, and other features are available for free. iTunes U Find Smithsonian Folkways Tools for Teaching at iTunes U.

Glossary of Musical Instruments by Hobgoblin Music This list is based on information originally compiled by ARC music, and has been extensively revised, extended and developed for the internet by Pete McClelland at Hobgoblin Music. Please E-mail me if you know of instruments not listed, so I can add them. There is now a Basque language translation of this page by Jennifer Indurayne. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Back to Top Accordion: Free reed instrument with a keyboard originating in Saxony and Bohemia, now common throughout the world in folk music. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Back to Top Baglama: long-necked turkish lute, about 1m, member of the saz family. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Back to Top Cabasa: South American rattle. Daduk: Bulgarian fipple flute / Armenian double reed pipe. Nay: Egyptian bamboo flute.

Instruments :: Philharmonia Orchestra Here, the Philharmonia's expert players guide you through the intricacies of the instruments they play. Choose an instrument from one of the sections. The string section is the basis of the orchestra and the one consistent component of orchestras down the ages. The range of expression available and the great stamina of strings makes them a powerful tool. The Principal of the First Violin section is also the Leader of the orchestra. The wind section is traditionally known as the woodwind section even though not all the instruments are made of wood (for example the saxophone is made of metal). The traditional line-up of the brasses is: Horns, Trumpets, Trombones, Tubas. The percussion section includes any number of instruments from timpani to tubular bells and from castanettes to congas.
