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The 99 Percent - It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, knowledge, data - visualized! - home of fine hypertext products. PSFK - the go-to source for new ideas and inspiration. Brain Pickings. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Espresso monkey shake. More coffee talk! This is potentially my favorite drink of the summer. Its based on a shake I often order from a local restaurant (i.e. Fresh) with a few modifications.

It seems kind of simple, but something about the combination of bananas and coffee makes this taste really chocolate-y delicious without being too sweet or bad for you. Perfect for drinking on a hot mid-morning summer patio. Espresso Monkey Shake 1 double shot espresso 1 cup milk 1 banana peeled 1 tsp maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla 1 dash cinnamon 6 ice cubes Make the espresso. Calendar Reform. 1.) Why fool with the calendar? There are enormous economic advantages to the proposed calendar. These benefits come because the new calendar is identical every year... except that, every five or six years, there is a one-week long "Mini-Month," called "Xtr (or Extra)," at the end of December. "Xtr (or Extra) Week" brings the calendar into sync with the seasonal change as the Earth circles the Sun.

How much needless work do institutions, such as companies and colleges, put into arranging their calendars for every coming year? From 2017 on, they do it once ... and it is done forevermore. 2.) Yes, starting 2017 January 1, it is proposed that Universal Time, on a 24 hour scale, be used, everywhere on earth, and forevermore. 3.) Yes ... but those folks live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 4.) If, for example, your birthday is March 7, it will ALWAYS fall on a Wednesday, for evermore. 5.) No, you can adopt it right now; but you need to persuade your neighbors to agree on the date. 6.) 7.) The World Clock – Time Zones.