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Straight Razor Place - Welcome to Straight Razor Place. Project Aon: Main / Books (browse) Une nuit dans une hutte de hobbit | Isabelle Audet | Cantons de l'Est. Quiconque est inattentif peut passer devant la hutte sans la voir. Du sentier, on ne voit qu'une colline couverte de paillis. Seule une cheminée trahit la vie qui se cache dessous. La porte et les fenêtres circulaires du Troglo sortent de terre de l'autre côté, face à la forêt. La ressemblance est frappante: le plus récent gîte du domaine touristique Entre cimes et racines semble tout droit sorti d'un livre de Tolkien. «Nous ne sommes pas vraiment des grands fans du Seigneur des anneaux, mais j'aimais l'architecture tolkienne, avec les ouvertures rondes, les colonnes, le toit vert et son intégration à la forêt», explique Michaël Berger, l'un des propriétaires.

Au cours de la dernière année, les frères Berger et leur équipe ont imaginé la structure, puis ils l'ont construite eux-mêmes. Une hutte aux allures de celle qu'habite Frodon dans Le Seigneur des anneaux, mais aux dimensions nord-américaines. Une apparence romanesque, oui, mais une architecture fort pratique, été comme hiver. - Science News, Technology, Physics, Nanotechnology, Space Science, Earth Science, Medicine. Game of Thrones Infographic : Illustrated Guide to Houses and Character Relationships. If you’re here because you love GoT.

Visit the Lore Timeline post for a chance to win GoT on Blu-Ray. More changes to the guide since it’s been first posted. Thank you very much to all the “editors” for submitted corrections. Your help is much appreciated. LOTS of changes to this post based on comments/requests. Don’t forget this is for the Game of Thrones television series NOT the books so PLEASE DO NOT post spoilers from the books in the comments. Lastly, thank you for all the comments, retweets, reblogs, and likes… Illustrated guide based on HBO’s Game of Thrones mini-site WARNING! Click image for a full screen version. Houses Only Illustrated map based on HBO’s Game of Thrones mini-site House Locations How All This Started: I’m a huge fan of HBO’s new series Game of Thrones. SOME NOTES / Explanations: 1. Lannister – Yellow.

Thanks for Stopping by & I hope you all enjoy my Game of Thrones Illustrated Guide. Magda Episode Specific Guides WARNING! Map of locations and episode specific events. Not A Joke: Brainwave-Powered Cat Ears Put Your Emotions On Display | Co.Design. You know a sci-fi concept like "brain/computer interface" is gaining critical mass when it starts to be incorporated into incredibly silly products. I remember playing with a brain-sensor headset from Emotiv at CES a few years ago, and thinking: "Wow, this could really help amputees and veterans use their computers! " Well, now a Japanese company called Neurowear is using the technology to cater to batshit-crazy cosplayers. See for yourself: The lifelike movement is undeniably powerful as a "communication tool. " The product, called Necomimi, is billed as "a new communication tool that augments [the] human's body and ability.

" It uses sensors embedded in a headband to pick up the electrical activity in your noggin and power a pair of servo-controlled cat ears. When you focus your attention on something, the headband senses the spike and pricks up the ears. Necomimi is totally wacko, but the movement is so lifelike that it's undeniably powerful as a "communication tool" all the same. 24 heures de science » 6 et 7 mai 2011. Geek-zodiak-full2.jpg (Image JPEG, 2000x1517 pixels)

Quel est votre signe astrologique geek ? New dinosaur species is a missing link. It's fitting that a place called Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, would yield the discovery of a scary-looking creature. But it's not a ghost - it's a dinosaur. This dog-sized, ferocious-looking critter is called Daemonosaurus chauliodus, which means something along the lines of “buck-toothed evil lizard,” says Hans-Dieter Sues, lead author of the published research describing this dinosaur, and curator of vertebrate paleontology at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.

The illustration above compares the head and neck with a quarter. You can see that it has a short snout and enormous front teeth. Scientists found the skull and neck of this previously unrecognized dinosaur, and described it in a study in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. This dinosaur provides a link between what paleontologists consider "early" and "later" dinosaurs. How did it go extinct? "It just shows that even here in the United States, there are still many new dinosaurs to be found," Sues said. Cats and Mice armors. Meubles Design, Farfelus et Surprenants! Straight Line Designs est une entreprise de Vancouver avec 25 ans d’expérience dans le domaine du design de meubles. Ce qui les démarque du reste du marché? La création de meubles très design, mais surtout très farfelus, surprenants et innovateurs. Le designer Judson Beaumont et son équipe ne donnent pas seulement une personnalité aux meubles, ils les rendent presque humains!

Définitivement une entreprise à découvrir! La liste de photos suivante est parue initialement sur le site web le 25 février dernier. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Article-36081. International observance. An international observance, also known as an international dedication or an international anniversary is a period of time to observe some issue of international interest or concern. This is used to commemorate, promote and mobilize for action. Many of these periods have been established by the United Nations General Assembly (UN), Economic and Social Council, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),[1] World Health Organization (WHO) and other United Nations bodies including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

List of international observances[edit] Days[edit] January[edit] February[edit] March[edit] April[edit] May[edit] June[edit] July[edit] August[edit] September[edit] October[edit] Weeks[edit] Pipl - People Search. Numérisation de livres Open source.

Spacewar! - Original 1962 code on PDP-1 emulator.


Cosplay. How-to find the fastest wireless carrier or wired Internet where you live and work. February 23, 2011, 4:32 PM — Getting the best performance and coverage is a key part of choosing a wireless carrier. Yes, there are plenty of other important questions to consider. What phones, smartphones, tablets, USB modems, netbooks, or MiFi cards are available? What individual, family, and business plans are available? Is data use unlimited, pay-per-GB, or throttled after a cap has been reached? Whether your phone or device will get coverage where you live, work, and frequently travel, however, is paramount.

Up till now, all consumers have really had access to is the coverage maps that carriers provide. What carriers don’t show is how well their data service performs in any given area where they have coverage. Thankfully, this state of affairs is no longer the case. The National Broadband Map has all manner of interesting statistics and information that you can view. There are a couple of caveats, of course. One is that the you see speed but not price. National Broadband Map. 874683. Celestia archive at Negative Space. Finally! After two and a half years in the making, my celestial clock is finished. I guess you could call it my Christmas gift to myself: In following posts, I’ll explain a little bit more about how I designed an built it.

Here are some still photos of the Clock, in Progress. Back in 2005, I created a sort-of industrial art-project in the form of a decorative brass clock. The project introduced me to some rapid-prototyping technologies such as photo-chemical etching and other cool stuff. The question was, what to do next? The clock is 2-feet by 2-feet in a solid oak case. Although it looks as though it might be mechanical, its actually a network enabled robot in the shape of a clock.

The clock gets the time/date from the NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) over a WiFi connection. The rest is software, much as it should be. Another source of inspiration was the Uranographicarum Star Atlas. For the unifying design theme of the clock, I considered several different motifs. Up-Inspired Real Life Floating House national-geographic-x-up-01 – TrendsNow. Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. the Computer - Interactive Feature. Stuff for Smart Masses. Shop for Gifts. B&C Débardeur "Marcel" Femme personnalisé - Comboutique. WikiLeaks Shop Canada. Rubrique. Le Geek Test en Fran?ais. News Geek en vrac - : Le site de la BD Les Geeks. Je ne suis pas un numéro de hotline, je suis un geek libre ! - Où suis-je ? - Au village ! - Que me voulez-vous ? - Des renseignements ! Nous voulons des renseignements !

- Vous n’en aurez pas ! Lorsqu’on écoute un linuxien se plaindre et râler, il y a fort à parier que cela concerne le système Windows de Microsoft. Car, avant d’être linuxien, Robert est avant tout considéré comme celui-qui-s’y-connait-en-informatique. Robert ayant passé des heures à configurer l’ordinateur de Gérard, lui ayant expressément recommandé de ne pas utiliser Internet Explorer, il est forcément fou de rage quand, une semaine plus tard, Gérard lui annonce que l’ordinateur est de nouveau “planté”. Alors, comme Robert est gentil, il va se contenter d’aller hurler sa haine sur son blog[1] ou dans un forum. Celui qui… Beaucoup de linuxiens se reconnaîtront probablement dans cette caricature de Robert.

Tout ce travail bénévole, me valait quelque fois un merci[1]. En gros, j’effectuais bénévolement le travail du service après-vente de Microsoft. Non, je ne suis pas un helpdesk ! Riverboat zombie survival compound blog. Heroes of the North. Real-life gadgets for real-life superheroes. Yes, there are real-life superheroes. And no, we’re not just referring to firefighters, paramedics, and other heroic people who we’re used to seeing coming to the rescue of others. We’re talking about costume-wearing, identity-concealing, cool-name-having people who fight crime, pollution, or other evils in their own communities, on their own time, and at their own risk. Many of them actually patrol the city streets, ready to intervene if they see trouble brewing – and being ready includes having the right tools. Given that none of these people have Bruce Wayne’s budget, however, their gadgets tend to be less like Batmobile clones, and more like... well, read on and see for yourself.

View all Off-the-rack items First of all, there are some household products that are popular in the RLSH (Real Life Superhero) community, including flashlights, first aid kits, mobile phones, cameras, and zip ties, to use as handcuffs. The Eye’s Custom Gear Master Legend and the Master Blaster. Clues Suggest Stuxnet Virus Was Built for Subtle Nuclear Sabotage | Threat Level. New and important evidence found in the sophisticated “Stuxnet” malware targeting industrial control systems provides strong hints that the code was designed to sabotage nuclear plants, and that it employs a subtle sabotage strategy that involves briefly speeding up and slowing down physical machinery at a plant over a span of weeks. “It indicates that [Stuxnet's creators] wanted to get on the system and not be discovered and stay there for a long time and change the process subtly, but not break it,” (.pdf) says Liam O Murchu, researcher with Symantec Security Response, which published the new information in an updated paper on Friday.

The Stuxnet worm was discovered in June in Iran, and has infected more than 100,000 computer systems worldwide. At first blush, it appeared to be a standard, if unusually sophisticated, Windows virus designed to steal data, but experts quickly determined it contained targeted code designed to attack Siemens Simatic WinCC SCADA systems. See also: Festival Celtique de Québec | Horaire. How Vinyl Records Are Made–And How to Pirate A Vinyl Record | DO IT: Projects, Plans and How-tos.

Vinyl records have a unique place in the world of music media. Aside from their warm analog tone, vinyl is the only popular medium that is nearly impossible to create or duplicate at home – something that can’t be claimed by cassettes, CDs, DVDs, and certainly not mp3s. Not to be an apologist for piracy, this inherently creates more value for recorded music than using an easily reproducible medium (be it physically or digitally) does.

But as we all know, digital is the present and the future, and I am not complaining about that at all; one look at my iTunes playlist and you’ll know what I mean. A while back, the site ran a piece on how to “pirate” a vinyl record using normal silicone casting materials. Sadly, the link is broken, but thanks to the Wayback Machine, I’ve pulled the archived copy up and am attaching it here for posterity: Posted May 14, 2006 at 06:49AM by Anna S.Listed in: Misc. So you thought you’ve pirated everything huh? Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Pour in the mixture. Welcome to Steam. On Set: Empire Strikes Back. Shut up, Spock! – how Battlestar Galactica beat Trek babble. High performance access to file storage Interview No guns firing beams of light.

No photon torpedoes. And, sorry, no aliens – menacing or otherwise. The "re-imagined" Battlestar Galactica that concluded last year couldn't have been further from its 1970s namesake – or from what most of us think of as sci-fi. In fact, the science and technology in the award-winning show – the story of survivors of a human civilization fleeing a nuclear holocaust unleashed by machines and now searching for a new home called Earth – couldn't have been more hidden or more familiar in some cases. What we got was guns firing lead bullets, battleships hurling nuclear missiles at each other, and a space vessel - Galactica - that was more mauled aircraft carrier than sleek ship. The reason? Moore has written for Star Trek Voyager, and he believed that story development in the series had been hindered by the sort of Roddenberrian nonsense that was used to explain how the original USS Enterprise worked.

Das ApfelBrett. Eine Verneigung aus Apfelbaumholz vor dem Design des legendären Apple MacBook Pro! Schneidebrett, Vesperbrett, Untersetzer, oder einfach ein Objekt zum Anfassen. Produktbeschreibung Oberfläche lebensmittelverträglich geölt. Erhältlich in drei Grössen: 13" (325 x 227 mm) 15" (364 x 249 mm) 17" (393 x 267 mm) Close Im Shop seit: 07.12.2009 Preis inkl.

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