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Science of Life

Facebook Twitter The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine – Educational. STAR: Biochem - Home. StarBiochem is a 3-D protein viewer that allows students to learn key concepts about the biology of proteins in an interactive manner.

STAR: Biochem - Home

Unlike traditional 3-D protein viewers which may require installation and significant technical expertise, StarBiochem is an intuitive 3-D protein viewer designed with students in mind. StarBiochem’s user interface was designed to visually represent protein structural information based on the four different levels of protein structure, which mirrors how students get introduced to this topic in class and in textbooks.

Using StarBiochem StarBiochem is accessible via the web. Virtual Labs. BioInteractive’s virtual labs have won several awards, including top honors in the Pirelli INTERNETional Award competition, which recognizes the best multimedia products designed to use the Internet to educate about science and technology.

Virtual Labs

Designed in close consultation with educators and scientists, these virtual labs are fully interactive biomedical laboratory simulations and provide students with skills and techniques used in scientific research. BioInteractive’s series of virtual labs allows students to examine heart patients, analyze DNA sequences, probe the nervous system of a leech, use human antibodies to diagnose disease, and measure physical traits of stickleback fish and anole lizards to examine key concepts in evolution. Learn Genetics. STAR: Genetics - Home. StarGenetics is a Mendelian genetics cross simulator developed at MIT by biology faculty, researched-trained scientists and technologists at MIT's OEIT.

STAR: Genetics - Home

StarGenetics allows students to simulate mating experiments between organisms that are genetically different across a range of traits to analyze the nature of the traits in question. Its goal is to teach students about genetic experimental design and genetic concepts. For more information on StarGenetics click here. Using StarGenetics StarGenetics is freely accessible via the web. Learn.GeneticsDNA from the Beginning - An animated primer of 75 experiments that made modern genetics. Genetics GenerationGenetics Generation.