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Veritasium. 47 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself. I’ve decided to start a series called 100 Things You Should Know about People.

47 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself

As in: 100 things you should know if you are going to design an effective and persuasive website, web application or software application. Or maybe just 100 things that everyone should know about humans! The order that I’ll present these 100 things is going to be pretty random. So the fact that this first one is first doesn’t mean that’s it’s the most important.. just that it came to mind first. Dr. 121 Documentaries To Expand Your Consciousness.

"The Man Who Runs The World's Smartest Website" (in The Observer) Since the mid-1960s John Brockman has been at the cutting edge of ideas.

"The Man Who Runs The World's Smartest Website" (in The Observer)

He is a passionate advocate of both science and the arts, and his website Edge is a salon for the world's finest minds To say that John Brockman is a literary agent is like saying that David Hockney is a photographer. For while it's true that Hockney has indeed made astonishingly creative use of photography, and Brockman is indeed a successful literary agent who represents an enviable stable of high-profile scientists and communicators, in both cases the description rather understates the reality. More accurate ways of describing Brockman would be to say that he is a "cultural impresario" or, as his friend Stewart Brand puts it, an "intellectual enzyme". Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events 2014. Hand Facts: News about hands! Scientists simulated the change of the primate hand into the human hand.

Hand Facts: News about hands!

Scientists may have solved the mystery of how human hands became nimble enough to make and manipulate stone tools. The team reports in the journal Evolution that changes in our hands and fingers were a side-effect of changes in the shape of our feet. This, they say, shows that the capacity to stand and walk on two feet is intrinsically linked to the emergence of stone tool technology. The scientists used a mathematical model to simulate the changes. Other researchers, though, have questioned this approach. Campbell Rolian, a scientist from the University of Calgary in Canada who led the study, said: “This goes back to Darwin’s The Descent of Man.

“[Charles Darwin] was among the first to consider the relationship between stone tool technology and bipedalism.” HAND LINES - The primate hand vs. the human hand: palmar creases & skeletons! These observations partly explain why in humans the 'single palmar transverse crease' has been nicknamed as the 'simian crease' - the 'simian' is a synonym for an ape or monkey.

But while the 'simian crease' is rare in humans, far most primates actually have multiple likewise creases that fully cross (transverse) theirs palms. The photos below present an impression from the hand lines in a human hand and a few more impressions from the hands of the great apes. Hand lines, an impression from a human hand. The hand lines of a bonobo (San Diego Zoo).

The hand lines of two chimpanzees: Petit (left) & Memosa (right) + chimp hand photo. The hand lines of a gorilla: hand & hand cast. The hand lines of an orangutan: hand + handprint. Versatility is the hallmark of the primate hand. The hands of a primate species (homo = human, pan = chimpanzee, pongo = orangutan).

Page. Cada uno en su región y Voronoi en la de todos. Estudié matemáticas, sí, por lo de la belleza suprema, ya saben, a cada uno le da por algo.

Cada uno en su región y Voronoi en la de todos

Boundary Functions (1998) by Scott Snibbe. Clara Grima. World Airports Voronoi. Jason Davies → Maps → Spherical Voronoi Diagrams 2,980 large and medium airports with scheduled services from OurAirports.

World Airports Voronoi

Each region is closer to a particular airport than any other. This partitioning of the sphere is called a spherical Voronoi diagram. Estos son los candidatos del mes de Enero a los Premios Tesla de divulgación científica. Os presentamos los tres artículos seleccionados como candidatos para los Premios Tesla de Divulgación de este mes de enero.

Estos son los candidatos del mes de Enero a los Premios Tesla de divulgación científica

Cada mes elegiremos al menos tres post que pasarán a formar parte de la selección final. En septiembre podréis votar vuestros favoritos de todo el año y finalmente un jurado de divulgadores de prestigio ajenos a Amazings determinará quienes son los ganadores. Los candidatos de este mes de enero 2012 son: 1. Un Universo virtual que se parece mucho a la realidad.

En una simulación que empieza muy poco después del Big Bang y que se extiende hasta la actualidad, astrónomos y expertos informáticos han conseguido la mayor aproximación hasta la fecha a la realidad observable del Universo.

Un Universo virtual que se parece mucho a la realidad

Han simulado lo que pasó a lo largo de 13.000 millones de años en un cubo de 346 millones de años luz de lado (la estrella más cercana al Sol está a 4,2 años luz) y han conseguido que surja en sus pantallas la mezcla de galaxias elípticas y espirales que se observa en la realidad, así como detalles a mucha menor escala, la del gas y las estrellas, que con simulaciones anteriores no se apreciaban o no eran correctos. Spiritual Science - Spiritual Science - Homepage. Sankhyakarika. The miracle of a perpetually dynamic Universe is enabled when two opposing factors in an interactive state occur simultaneously.


Compression and expansion are two opposing activities but when it takes place simultaneously, activity time is conserved and the dynamic state continues. The theoretical clue, lacking in Physics and Cosmology is the numerical algorithm that defines the threshold of simultaneously interactive states, which is also the key to gravitation phenomena. Newtons gravity constant and the fine structure constant are an approximation of precise axiomatic ratios that governs all phenomena in the Universe. Such an interactive activity among the sea of components in space is called a Vriti or vortex in Sanskrit and can be visualised as shown in the adjacent diagram. It is the most exotic process of interaction where dynamic space and cyclic time parameters are conserved totally at every instant.

The component forming space is defined dimensionally. SIMBOLOGÍAS: Estructura Binaria y Exponencial del I Ching (Yi Jing). ESTRUCTURA BINARIA Y EXPONENCIAL DEL I CHING (YI JING)Por Artemidoros En verdad, el común de las personas no sospecha que casi todos los sistemas "adivinatorios" esotéricos tienen un fundamento númerico, SON modelos numéricos (Dios "geometriza", como bien se percataron Pitágoras y Platón).

SIMBOLOGÍAS: Estructura Binaria y Exponencial del I Ching (Yi Jing).

Así como el Tarot trabaja con el desarrollo de la matemática del número 4 (según demuestra Papus en el Tarot de los Bohemios), el I Ching trabaja con la matemática del número 2 mediante sucesivas emanaciones (combinaciones) de dos principios (2 elevado a la n); en otras palabras el I Ching es una forma de expresar la aritmética binaria, pues este antiguo método chino de sabiduría contiene los números del 0 al 63, como se puede ver cuando se usa el arreglo de Fu Hsi. Leibniz fue el inventor a fines del siglo XVII del sistema binario que entre otros hoy utilizan los ordenadores (lenguaje de máquina). Dicho sistema binario solo contiene 2 números, el 0 y el 1. Secrets In Plain Sight. It has long been known that the three most important factors determining real estate value are: location, location, location.

Secrets In Plain Sight

I notice that this aphorism is true not only for residential and commercial properties, but also somewhat unexpectedly for sites having great symbolic and/or spiritual significance. My research reveals a previously unknown system of non-monetary valuation transcending any particular culture, tradition, or time period that takes the entire Earth and the built environment into account.

Repdigits and transcendental mathematical constants are the keys to locating sites in this system. For example, consider the fact that the Western Wall in Jerusalem is 666.6 nautical miles from the Kaaba in Mecca. These two are the most sacred sites in Judaism and Islam. ‘Sacred Stones’ from Quantification Why nautical miles? The nautical mile was defined as exactly 1852 m by international convention, so they rounded it off to the nearest meter. Museum of Harmony and Golden Section - StumbleUpon. Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky - StumbleUpon.