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Publishing E-Books For Dummies Cheat Sheet. Writing an e-book is a huge achievement — and one that you deserve to be proud of — but it’s only the first step.

Publishing E-Books For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Five Simple Ways To Promote Your Self-Published Book. Here are five tips on how to promote your self-published book.

Five Simple Ways To Promote Your Self-Published Book

My post title should be credited. I have been asked how to market a self-published book or how to promote a book so often. I won’t, however, because it would end up being a very long list of credits. So I apologize to all those who have asked me these two questions. But I doubt you will be upset that I haven’t mentioned you by name. Always remember that any publicity is good publicity. How to Publicize and Promote Your Book - Writer's Digest. This column is Part 1 of Steve's thoughts on promotion.Read part II here.

How to Publicize and Promote Your Book - Writer's Digest

Congratulations! You’ve just written your first book (or 10th). Now comes the hard part: making sure people know about it and buy it. Perhaps you’re a natural born promoter, in which case, this will come easy. Or perhaps you chose writing because you prefer to deal with the world through the written word and you find the notion of having to sell yourself intimidating or undignified. Author Marketing 101: Part 1—The Absolute Basics. Promote your ebook on social media. For self-published authors and writers of any kind, social media holds the key to free online marketing and a worldwide audience with their ebook.

Promote your ebook on social media

As those publishing their own work likely don’t have the budget from a comprehensive promotional team, these easy and free-to-use platforms offer the perfect alternative, so long as you can properly harness their power. Want better data from AdWords Keyword Planner? Use the forecasting tools, says Google. 19 Ways to Promote Your Ebook. Ebooks are a tried and true method for getting the word out about your expertise as well as creating a nice flow of income.

19 Ways to Promote Your Ebook

However, a big obstacle for many ebook authors is finding the best way to get the word out and promote their fabulous ebook. This comes up time and time again with clients and readers. Recently in the survey Ellen Britt and I conducted about digital publishing, one of the top questions online entrepreneurs had was about marketing, promoting and selling ebooks. 20 Powerful Ideas for Creating and Marketing Your EBook. Despite the multi-media temptations of Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube we still haven’t stopped wanting to consume a good book.

20 Powerful Ideas for Creating and Marketing Your EBook

It’s just that they come in digital formats as well as the old fashioned way…print! Don't Underestimate Sex When It Comes to Designing Your Website. Successful product marketing is looking at products and services from the customer or user’s point of view.

Don't Underestimate Sex When It Comes to Designing Your Website

User-centered design optimizes products for how users need to use them, rather than forcing users to change their behavior to use a product. An important variable that we can use to differentiate between users is gender. Research has provided evidence that there are inherited differences between the cognitive style of men and women -- in other words, the way men and women think, perceive and remember information. According to Simon Baron-Cohen, a professor of developmental psychopathology at the University of Cambridge, there are observable differences between how boys and girls behave at birth.

While most female babies give most of their attention to social stimuli such as human faces and voices, the majority of boys pay most attention to non-social, spatial stimuli, such as the movement of a mobile hanging above a crib. The proof is in the pudding. Conclusion Entrepreneur Coaching. How To Make Money As A Blogger. When it comes to a lifestyle-friendly business, blogging appears to have it all.

How To Make Money As A Blogger

You get to work from home, focus on a topic of interest and share your creative talents. But can you really earn a living as a blogger? And if so, what’s the best way to get started? To help answer those questions, I recently spent two days at BlogHer15, the world’s largest conference for women bloggers (and a few brave men). And I came away with some smart tips from the experts that can help prospective and current bloggers interested in making money from full-time or part-time work. How to Make Money Blogging: A Quick Guide for 2016. Zac Johnson has 20 years of experience in the online marketing and business space.

How to Make Money Blogging: A Quick Guide for 2016

You can learn more about Zac at and through his latest online learning course and community at To make money blogging, you will first need to understand the Internet’s current landscape. Content might be king, but it’s also becoming quite overwhelming. How to Make Money Blogging - Updated Guide for 2016. Updated September 6, 2018 Are you wondering how to make money blogging?

How to Make Money Blogging - Updated Guide for 2016

Several years ago I realized bloggers were making money. In some cases, they were making great money! Many of them seemed like regular people, just like me. How exactly were they doing it? This post contains affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, if you click through an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may make a commission. Table of contents Do people really make money blogging? Yes, absolutely. 6 Top Ways to Make Money Blogging in 2016. Want to make money blogging? Blogging monetization and optimization has been a hot topic for a few years now, but with the ever-changing nature of the web, new ways for achieving that goal tend to pop up every day. How to Make Money Blogging in 2016. How to Do All Your Social Media Chores in 30 Minutes. Is social media the biggest business opportunity of our generation – or a complex scheme devised to take up all your time?

I’ll admit it can feel like the latter, but productive, efficient social media activity is possible. It happens every day. You can cover all your bases on the major social networks in just minutes. I’ll give you the play-by-play tips to manage social media in 30 minutes below. But to really make that plan rock, you’ll need to apply a few social media productivity strategies. 1) Share content from other content creators. Maybe a little obvious here, but I still see most small business social media accounts sharing nothing but their own stuff.