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Pinterest. 5 Reasons Pinterest Works and 4 Weaknesses That May Kill it. Pinterest Popularity Explained: What's Behind The Pinning Addiction? (INFOGRAPHIC) What makes some social media sites reign supreme while others whither and die? It's a question that marketing gurus and users themselves have often pondered. Take Pinterest. At first glance, the site resembles a collage of images ranging from Hello Kitty cupcakes to nail polish and ornate wedding dresses. But take a closer look at the user demographics and you'd be sorely wrong to dismiss the concept.

Nearly a third of all Pinterest users have annual salaries of $100,000 or more, almost 70 percent are female and the largest age demographic represented on the site are people between 25 and 34. Moreover, since the pinboard-style website's inception in September 2009, the site has seen a nearly 900 percent increase in unique visitors, with 17.8 million unique monthly views in February, up from 11.7 million one month earlier. Its referral traffic -- that is, the number of users it sends to other websites -- is also through the roof, beating out Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined. The Soaring Popularity of Pinterest [INFOGRAPHIC] If you have not caught on to the Pinterest craze, here is the lowdown on the visual social network; it allows you to create and manage themed photo and video collections and share them with your friends and other connections.

Although Pinterest is more popular among women than men, it attracts a diverse age demographic. Pinterest offers users all the standard social networking options, including following the “pin boards” of friends, “liking” and commenting on images others “pin,” “re-pinning” content to their own collections or “pin boards,” and the sharing of photo and video content through Facebook, Twitter and email. Pinterest could become a powerful channel for your content marketing, especially if your website features high-quality video content and infographics. Pinterest is a visual social network, so successful marketing on the site must be visual too. If you sell products, experiment with creative ways to showcase them visually on Pinterest.

Optimizing Your Business Page. Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. YouTube. Bienvenue sur Flickr – Partage de photos. Twitter. Twitter et les chercheurs, l'exception française ? Le Monde | • Mis à jour le | Par Sylvain Deville (chargé de recherche CNRS au laboratoire de synthèse et fonctionnalisation des céramiques (unité mixte CNRS-Saint-Gobain).

Lauréat 2012 de la médaille de bronze du CNRS) Voilà quelques jours, je me demandais sur Twitter pourquoi, en comparaison avec nos collègues anglo-saxons, si peu de chercheurs français se servent de cet outil. A chaque fois que je discute de l’utilisation de Twitter avec des confrères, on me renvoie un regard mi-étonné, mi-méprisant et toujours lourd de préjugés sur les réseaux sociaux. La recherche, c’est du sérieux. Pas de place pour Twitter. La non-adoption de Twitter n’est que la partie émergée de l’iceberg. Les chercheurs français ont longtemps eu une attitude bien particulière vis-à-vis de la communication scientifique.

Ayant travaillé deux ans en Californie, j’y ai appris beaucoup sur le sujet. La situation évolue toutefois. Prérequis indispensable : la science sur laquelle on communique doit être bonne. Bienvenue sur Facebook. Connectez-vous, inscrivez-vous ou découvrez ! «Facebook, c'est le réseau social des vieux»