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Australian English Glossary from A to Zed- Travelogue - Travel Library. Submitted by: David Stybr Submission Date: 14th Feb 2005 Much has been written about the differences between British English and American English. French French and Quebec French have a similar relationship. However, nothing quite matches Australian English for its lively colourful phrases. Some words and expressions are quite naturally taken from British slang. In addition to the slang, Australian pronunciation can be peculiar. Most obvious in Australian speech are the 'I' sound for 'A' and 'Ah' for 'R'.

Strine (Australian) Glossary from A to Zed A Act: Pretending to be something you're not. B Back of beyond: Far away in the outback. C Caaarn! D Dag, daggy: Dirty lump of wool at the back end of a sheep, also an affectionate or mildly abusive term for a socially inept person. E Earbash: Non-stop talk. F Fair crack of the whip! G Galah: Noisy parrot, thus noisy idiot. I Icy-pole: Frozen lolly water or ice cream on a stick. J Jack-in-the-box: Person who can't sit still. Australian slang dictionary. English dictionary & thesaurus, translation from English to Spanish & Turkish and Spanish to English - Cambridge Dictionary Online. Longman English Dictionary Online.

Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus: Free English Dictionary Online. Memidex - free online dictionary/thesaurus and more... Oxford Dictionaries Online. Shahi - A visual dictionary | Blachan Lab. The Internet Dictionary. Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary and thesaurus.

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