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TINYpulse: Engaging Employees for Happier Companies. How A Startup Helps Employees Speak Their Minds Without Fear Of Getting Fired. What would you say to your supervisor if you didn’t fear your feedback would be met with a pink slip and a gentle shove out the company door?

How A Startup Helps Employees Speak Their Minds Without Fear Of Getting Fired

Of course a bad boss can make work-life hell, but even worse is an unhappy office. No one wants to lose a star staffer with just two week's notice. It’s the reason David Niu started TINYpulse. Now just a year old, the Seattle-based startup has a 300+ growing roster of companies using its feedback technology from teams at Amazon to Clickbank, GE to Ticketmaster. But the journey to launch the company didn’t happen immediately. Finding a Way to Improve Feedback As a management consultant, Niu had to endure the processing of lengthy employee satisfaction surveys annually.

Yet habits, once formed, are hard to break. The 7 Steps To Delivering A Mind-Blowing TED Talk. It's been said that there are no original ideas.

The 7 Steps To Delivering A Mind-Blowing TED Talk

But what may seem like old hat to you could become the next compelling TED talk. You can transform your presentations by mining your expertise, experience, and epiphanies. Start by writing down things about your work; your best practices, non-negotiables, and the things you'd like to pass on that you think would open people's minds and get them talking.

The 8 Steps To Creating A Great Storyboard. [Editor’s note: This is the fourth in a series of seven posts on running your own Google Ventures design sprint.

The 8 Steps To Creating A Great Storyboard

Read the first part here, the second here, and the third here.] At the Google Ventures Design Studio, we have a five-day process for taking a product or feature from design through prototyping and testing. We call it a product design sprint. In the first two days of the sprint, we’ve learned about the problem, shared a lot of knowledge, and chosen the challenge we want to tackle in this sprint. It’s time to start cranking out solutions. I call this step "diverge" because when everyone (from the CEO to the marketing manager) is cranking out quick sketches, we tend to get a lot of ideas—and different kinds of ideas. Justin Rosenstein, Asana - Leading Big Visions From the Heart.

Gary Hamel

The 5 Questions Every Company Should Ask Itself. “One does not begin with answers,” the legendary business consultant Peter Drucker once said.

The 5 Questions Every Company Should Ask Itself

“One begins by asking, ‘What are our questions?’” The notion that questions may at times be more valuable to a business than answers is counterintuitive. But in my research into the value of inquiry, I’m finding a growing number of today’s leading business consultants share Drucker’s view on the critical importance of getting company leaders to focus on asking the right questions. “It’s the number one thing I spend my time thinking about these days,” says Dev Patnaik of design firm Jump Associates. Eric Ries, meanwhile, finds that as he trains companies in Lean Startup methodology, one of his biggest challenges is getting his clients to “acknowledge uncertainty and ask the seemingly dumb questions.” But as Yamashita notes, that can only happen if business leaders are willing to question boldly. Why Can't We Get Anything Done? These days, people know a lot.

Why Can't We Get Anything Done?

Thousands of business books are published around the world each year. U.S. organizations alone spend more than $60 billion a year on training — mostly on management training. Companies spend billions of dollars a year on consulting. Meanwhile, more than 80,000 MBAs graduate each year from U.S. business schools. These students presumably have been taught the skills that they need to improve the way that companies do business. But all of that state-of-the-art knowledge leaves us with a nagging question: Why can't we get anything done? To answer that question, Fast Company talked to Jeffrey Pfeffer, 53, the Thomas D. 1. One culpable party is the literature of knowledge management — almost the cult of knowledge management — that has grown over the past few years. The reason that we've fallen into this knowing-doing gap is this: Doing something actually requires doing something! 2. Today, there are experts on everything except how to get things done.

The Future Of Coworking And Why It Will Give Your Business A Huge Edge. Fun.

The Future Of Coworking And Why It Will Give Your Business A Huge Edge

Friendly. The Employee-Motivation Checklist. Great leaders make all the difference.

The Employee-Motivation Checklist

In business, we see the impact of great leaders such as Tony Hsieh, who took the helm of online shoe retailer from founder Nick Swinmurn. Under Hsieh’s leadership, the company grew from $1.6 million in sales in 2000 to more than $1 billion in sales in 2009. Through many years of research, trial and error, and working with companies of all sizes in numerous industries, I have identified 16 critical ways to motivate your employees. Learn these techniques and adapt as many as possible in your business. 1. A recent survey by BNET (which is now part of CBS MoneyWatch) asked the question, “What motivates you at work?”

The results showed that doing something meaningful is more important than money or recognition to your employees.