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Does Death Valley Conceal an Ancient Subterranean City?: The Legend of Shin-Au-Av. Historical landmarks | October 15, 2018 Death Valley National Park California United States Of America North America.

Does Death Valley Conceal an Ancient Subterranean City?: The Legend of Shin-Au-Av.

(Photo by: Francesco Vaninetti/ClickAlps/REDA&CO/UIG via Getty Images) California’s Death Valley is one of the most inhospitable places on the planet. Average temperatures are well over 100 degrees, water is almost non-existent, vegetation is scarce and the whole area is situated below sea level. It certainly earned its name. Paiute Indians Spoke of the Kingdom of Shin-Au-Av Just because Death Valley doesn’t offer the ideal habitat doesn’t mean that humans haven’t inhabited the area for thousands of years. Hyperborée au ciel du nord. On a vu comment l’île-vaisseau Atlantide s’est posée dans l’océan Atlantique.

Hyperborée au ciel du nord

On a vu comment le commandant de bord, Atlas, a loupé son décollage il y a 12 000 ans, provoquant le terrible tsunami du Déluge. Puisque les dieux Atlantes et les Hyperboréens se ressemblent tant -des êtres très civilisés, très instruits et très puissants, possédant des objets merveilleux, vivant dans des palais d’un luxe indescriptible- il y a fort à parier que ce sont vraiment les mêmes : des dieux cosmonautes.

Oui, ce sont les mêmes, mais pas au même moment. Ni au même endroit. Si l’Atlantide est une île en effet, le cas d’Hyperborée est un peu différent. Hyperborée n’est pas une île, c’est une terre dans le ciel. La présence ahurissante de cette nouvelle pleine lune, d’un diamètre apparent supérieur à l’ancienne, n’est pas passée inaperçue. . « D’après Démétrios, parmi les îles qui entourent la Bretagne, plusieurs sont désertes, dispersées, et quelques-unes tirent leurs noms de démons ou héros. The Hypogeum, Malta. Chronology At its earliest, the Hypogeum' is dated at around 4,000 BC (1).

The Hypogeum, Malta.

What was the purpose of the Hypogeum: The hypogeum offers us a rare glimpse at the prehistoric synthesis of funerary, solar-worship and shamanic traditions. The central chamber has several small rounded cubicles carved into the walls which it is currently suggested, were originally intended for 'living' people as part of a ritual, in which they would have had to lie inside in a foetal position (out of necessity). It is reported that from within these small cubicles, echoes from the 'speaking' chamber reverberate into a rhythm that is similar to the human heartbeat. Mysterious Enormous Underground Labyrinth Of Egypt Holds Secrets Kept From The Outside World- - The lost labyrinth, full of hieroglyphs sculpted for eternity in its endless stone walls is believed to contain all knowledge of ancient Egypt.

Mysterious Enormous Underground Labyrinth Of Egypt Holds Secrets Kept From The Outside World-

The Labyrinth of Egypt has been described by a number of ancient writers such as Herodotus, Strabo, Diodorus, and Pliny. Great Pyramid - Secret Tunnels of Giza Plateau. Secret Tunnels of the Giza Plateau Boris Said Interviewed By Kenneth and Dee Burke Boris Said is the Emmy award-winning writer and producer of the NBC-TV feature documentary, "The Mystery of the Sphinx", hosted by Charlton Heston, which focused on the research of John Anthony West, alleging that the "water weathering" on the Sphinx indicates that it is much older than previously believed.

Great Pyramid - Secret Tunnels of Giza Plateau

Boris also produced the documentary "Secret Chamber", about the opening of the room under the Sphinx which was located during the "Mystery of the Sphinx", research. Before becoming a well-known film documentarian, Boris was a champion auto racer and the driver of the U.S. Bobsled Team for 3 Olympics. LE: Our readership will be interested in the kind of presentation of your material that you are planning to give at the February Global Sciences Congress in Florida. I have been filming over there since 1991. I don't believe that there are conspiracies. LE: So your focus in Egypt is what? Boris: Yes. The Secret of Secrets - Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003.

The Secret of Secrets – Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003 In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi mountains, an epochal discovery was found that would completely change the destiny of mankind.

The Secret of Secrets - Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003

Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world. At places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800 kilometres to the opposite side of the country. It was using this very technology that the most remarkable discovery was made.