Why it Is Important to Implement an Ethics Program? Ethical sales practices. Clearly defining and communicating a code of ethics and code of conduct for selling will help your business meet its ethical selling obligations.
Demonstrating ethical sales practices is good business - it helps earn the trust and loyalty of your customers and strengthens your reputation. Implementing an Ethics Program in the Workplace. Do your customers trust and believe in your company?
Do you trust and believe your employees? Do your employees trust and believe in you? Trust and transparency in conduct is ever more important in our information-heavy age, and ethics need to be clearly stated, flowing down from the highest executives. All employees and clients get their cues from the highly-visible executives and owners, and if they are seen to push the limits of ethical behavior, they will as well. That’s why a clear and comprehensive ethics policy should be in place. A corporate ethics policy is a cornerstone to providing employees and clients with concrete guidelines about what is and is not accepted in the workplace without the need for constant oversight from management.
Creating an ethics policy can be daunting, as evidenced by how popular the Ethics topic is on KnowledgeLeader. If you need guidance on creating a good ethics program, we can help there as well. Here are a few sample points: Read Google employees' open letter protesting Project Dragonfly. Google employees are calling on the company to cancel Project Dragonfly, an effort to create a censored search engine in China.
“Many of us accepted employment at Google with the company’s values in mind, including its previous position on Chinese censorship and surveillance, and an understanding that Google was a company willing to place its values above its profits,” an open letter signed by Google employees published Tuesday on Medium says. “After a year of disappointments including Project Maven, Dragonfly, and Google’s support for abusers, we no longer believe this is the case.” Eleven Google employees had signed the letter as of its posting, and the number of signatures quickly grew, amounting to more than 100 several hours after it published.
By 5 p.m. West Coast time, the letter had 300 signatures. Google originally withdrew its search service from China in 2010 due to increased concerns about cyberattacks and censorship. Here’s the full letter from Google employees: Ethics As Freedom, Part I: Behavioral Science’s Surprising Insights About Motivation Every Ethics Manager Should Know - Forbes - Why Maslow. “The enemies of the discipline of rules are the enemies of freedom.” – Friedrich A. von Hayek “For what is ethics, if not the practice of freedom, the conscious practice of freedom?”
– Michel Foucault The previous post in my Ethics 2.0 column presented the scientific case that people have a capacity for ethical behavior. Under suitable circumstances people are quite capable and willing to conform responsibly with social norms and participate in upholding such norms. The critical question that then arises is this: How can companies more fully harness the latent stock of moral agency embedded in their organization? Behavioral science, specifically motivational science, offers valuable answers to this question. This two-part article will first summarize Self-Determination Theory, which is widely recognized as the leading theory in human motivation. Controlled Vs. Self-Determination Theory distinguishes two types of motivation: autonomous and controlled motivation.
Three Basic Needs Good Reads. What to do when your boss asks you to do something unethical. Maybe you’re asked to mislead a customer.
Maybe you’re told to lie to a client, or take a shortcut you know would produce an inferior product. When your boss puts you in a situation that compromises your ethics, none of the options seem particularly great. Go along with the unethical behaviour and you become complicit. Report it to a higher-up or outside organisation and you could face retaliation. But it’s certainly possible to raise your concerns without harming your job status or relationships at work. We’ll tell you what’s true. From 15p €0.18 $0.18 USD 0.27 a day, more exclusives, analysis and extras. Start with your boss First you should make sure you understand what, exactly, your boss is asking of you. Explain why the request made you uneasy. Paul Fiorelli, director of Cintas Institute for Business Ethics at Xavier University in Ohio, suggested you use plain language like: “You’ve asked me to do this, but if I did this it would violate this policy we have.