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Treats for Growls?! Changing an Aggressive or Anxious Dog's Mind. By Jess RollinsCopyright Info This article was inspired by the work of Amy Cook at shy-k9's yahoo group. Grrr... When a dog growls at you, are you tempted to sternly tell him "No! "? It seems like the right thing to do and many trainers, (even famous ones!) , will tell you to do just that.

The simple fact is, however, that you can't reward or punish emotional states and have it work the way it does for other behaviors like teaching your dog not to steal food off of the counter. If you punish your dog when he steals your dinner, he may stop doing that, but if you punish your dog for growling, you may get more growling, or worse, a bite. This is because fear or anxiety does not respond to rewards and punishments in the same way that behaviors do. Just say "No!? " Just say "Cheese"?! A free tip for husbands everywhere.. Easy does it.. Okay to say "it's okay"? Before you begin training.. Happy Training! (223) Il est dominant .......(ah bon .... ?) .... qu'est ce que cela veut dire ? When is it OK for Your Dog to Pull on Leash? Is there actually a situation in which it’s OK for your dog to pull on leash? Oh, yes. For fearful and reactive dogs there are at least two!

One is when you are practicing desensitization/counterconditioning with your dog in public and can’t ask her for an operant behavior.The other is later, when she is approaching something she used to be scared of with joy and enthusiasm. Those of us who have fearful, reactive, fear-aggressive, or feral dogs and are using desensitization and counterconditioning with them out in the world are working on giving them a positive conditioned emotional response. We do this by building associations between triggers that formerly scared them and wonderful things.

Working on these associations first and foremost affects other decisions we make when we have our dog out and about. Doing DS/CC Correctly The guidelines for doing successful DS/CC call for great clarity. In addition, our dogs’ behavior doesn’t matter. So I’m not saying “don’t train your dog.” Stigma. Nouvelle tendance : Les piscines colorées - Idées design pour votre maison.

Cette nouvelle tendance a vivement piqué ma curiosité! Alors que je m'adonnais à des visites virtuelles de grands hôtels à travers le monde, question de voir les nouveautés en matière de design, je suis tombée sur une série d'hôtels (au Maroc, au Brésil, et à Koy en Thaïlande) qui arboraient des piscines rouge sang! Ma première réaction? Beurk! Je n'aurais nullement envie de m'immerger dans une eau si morbide! Mon oeil de décoratrice a toutefois vu le potentiel d'un tel concept, pour un aménagement tout à fait original, coloré et inattendu! J'ai fait ma petite recherche et j'ai trouvé un produit qui semble être le seul au monde détenant un brevet et on peut se le procurer ici, au Québec. Comment ça fonctionne? Pour une piscine, il suffit de retirer les pastilles de chlore non diluées, d'attendre au lendemain et on peut ensuite ajouter le colorant, selon de dosage recommandé. Des risques? Le colorant est respectueux de l'environnement.

Remerciements : Frontiers in Zoology | Full text | Dogs are sensitive to small variations of the Earth¿s magnetic field. Dogs rely much on their owner, and for many tasks they might anticipate the demanded behavior by reading their owner’s facial expression and make use of unintentional experimenter-given cues [18-20]. This adds a bias-trap to any research relying on behavioral studies and particularly conditioning. However, this is certainly not a confounder in our study because the dogs do not have to fulfill a certain task, but perform everyday routine behavior. The study was truly blind. Although the observers were acquainted with our previous studies on magnetic alignment in animals and could have consciously or unconsciously biased the results, no one, not even the coordinators of the study, hypothesized that expression of alignment could have been affected by the geomagnetic situation, and particularly by such subtle changes of the magnetic declination.

In this study, we provide the first clear and simply measurable evidence for influence of geomagnetic field variations on mammal behavior. Neurosciences - En finir avec la peur. (218) Minervino Wanderley. Why do dogs eat grass? | Dr. Marty Becker. Tuesday, Jun 24th, 2014 | By Dr. Marty Becker Sometimes I think my dogs spend too much time with the horses, they love to graze so much! Why exactly do dogs eat grass? One theory goes that eating and vomiting grass has evolutionary benefits. If the wild canid took a chance and ate something she shouldn’t have, it likely caused a digestive upset, and this triggered an instinct to eat even more grass than normal. This major league chew, if you will, served two purposes. The mass of grass intertwined with the offending material and irritated the lining of her stomach, resulting in the whole shebang being heaved up faster than a supermodel after eating the buffet at Golden Corral.

Some people think all dogs tend to eat grass when they have a stomach upset, even if the cause of the nausea isn’t dietary indiscretion (emptying the contents of the cat’s litter box, the garbage can or digging up something disgusting). Why do dogs eat grass? | Dr. Marty Becker. The Line. A Couple Have Recreated "Game Of Thrones" With Their Pugs And It's Magnificent. Monsanto, sa vie son empire #DATAGUEULE 6.

Trucs et astuces faciles pour prolonger la vie de votre ordinateur | Maison du développement durable. Le 26 juin à 12 h 15, la Maison du développement durable présente, en collaboration avec le Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal, l’atelier « Trucs et astuces faciles pour prolonger la vie de votre ordinateur » donné par Saad Sebti d’Insertech. Après avoir couvert les problèmes écologiques liés à chaque étape du cycle de vie d’un ordinateur, vous verrez comment le fait de prolonger la vie de votre matériel peut vous aider à minimiser ses impacts environnementaux, tout en faisant des économies. Comment, concrètement ? En consommant les appareils électroniques de façon plus responsable, mais aussi en optimisant leur utilisation pour les garder le plus longtemps possible, et finalement en favorisant leur réemploi. Des trucs et astuces techniques simples et efficaces vous seront présentés, tous tirés du Guide pour les citoyens développé par Insertech Angus, avec capsules vidéos à l’appui.

Durée : 1 h. Saad Sebti Insertech Merci! Crédits visuel : Insertech. Dog’s Crawling School. He’s Preparing For Her First Date - And When You See Who It Is, You Will Burst Into Tears When Aaron went to ring the doorbell, you could see he was a little nervous, but as soon as she appe... This Dog Loves Music, But The Look On Her Face When It Stops Is Priceless Proving music is a universal language, Bailey loves listening to the guitar and actually bops her he...

Barbra Streisand And Jackie Evancho Will Take Your Breath Away ‘Somewhere,' from the 1957 Broadway Musical West Side Story, performed as a mash up duet with the ta... Man Overcome With Stage Fright Leaves Audience In Tears It took Christopher 5 years to muster up the courage to audition and then he shocked everyone with h... Bride Makes Stunning Grand Entrance Bride Arianna Dubovik makes her grand entrance singing Carrie Underwood’s hit, ‘Look At Me’ surprisi... God Is Bigger Than Any Obstacle Watching tiny Ward’s miracle transformation from being born fifteen weeks premature to a thriving ba... Les 10 meilleurs façons d’être mordu. Avec environ 4,5 millions de morsures estimées aux Etats-Unis, dont la moitié concernant des enfants, une semaine entière a été dédiée à la prévention des morsures de chien. Beaucoup d’articles intéressants ont été publiés tout au long de cette semaine et je vous propose ici de revenir sur celui de Jennifer Cattet, Ph.D. qui énumère dans un article les 10 « meilleurs » façons de se faire mordre par un chien et de les prévenir. 1.

Ennuyer un chien quand il mange, mâche un os ou un jouet Les plupart des chiens n’ont pas de problèmes avec la proximité des humains quand ils mangent, ils tolèrent même d’être touché ou de jouer avec leur nourriture. Mais vivre dans un environnement où les humains contrôlent la plupart des objets signifie que les chiens ont peu ou pas de pouvoir de décision sur l’accès à la nourriture. Pour la plupart des chiens, la nourriture est une ressource de très grande valeur. 2. Tous comme les personnes, les chiens peuvent être surpris. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. Ain | Une usine de la Bresse transforme les plumes de volailles en pâtée pour chiens. 24 drôles d'erreurs faites au travail. Décidément, là où il y a de l'homme, il y a de l'hommerie. Ces gens ont effectué des travaux, mais n'ont pas utilisé leurs fonctions cérébrales plus qu'il ne le fallait lorsqu'ils ont accompli leur boulot.

Regardez les images et vous comprendrez pourquoi, c'est hilarant. À VOIR AUSSI : 12 drôles d'images récupérées de Google Street 1. Ces spectateurs auront droit à un beau spectacle! 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Source(s) image(s): Divers. Wolves Might Use Their Eyes to Talk to Each Other | Science. He’s trying to say he wubs you. US Fish and Wildlife Service It’s no secret that wolves, foxes, and dogs are highly social animals.

But beyond all the wagging, pawing and yipping, we like to try to interpret, canids may have yet another way to communicate. New research hints at the possibility that dogs and their ilk could be sending each other signals with their eyes. A team of Japanese researchers looked at pictures of nearly every canid species and found that those with highly social pack and hunting behaviors were more likely to have easily-visible eyes. They then watched some of those species interact in zoos and concluded that those with eyes that were easier to see were more likely to be social. “What this study shows is that there’s a correlation between facial markings and sociality and the need to communicate,” said zoologist Patricia McConnell of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a dog behavior researcher who was not involved in the study.

PLoS. What your dog's breed says about you. Paris Hilton's Chihuahua Tinkerbell may be more than just a purse accessory. According to new research, the breed of dog you choose can reflect your personality. Owners of toy dogs, like Hilton and — believe it or not — Sir Isaac Newton, score high on a personality trait called openness, a measure of how intellectually curious, open to new experiences and appreciative of arts and culture a person is.

Meanwhile, owners of famously friendly dogs such as the Labrador retriever are likely to be the most agreeable personalities around. "We go for dogs that are a bit like us, just as we go for a romantic partner who is a bit like us," study researcher Lance Workman, a psychologist at Bath Spa University in the United Kingdom, told LiveScience. Workman and his colleagues are interested in how personality traits influence real-world behavior. In collaboration with the Kennel Club, the researchers set up an online questionnaire for 1,000 owners of purebred dogs. Related on LiveScience: Loose Dog? Don’t chase! Stop, Drop and Lie Down. Have you ever had a dog escape your arms or car or home? What is the first thing you do? If you’re like most people, you chase after them.

They run and then you run. It seems almost instinctual, doesn’t it? I’ve come to believe that it REALLY IS INSTINCT that takes over when we chase after our loose dog(s). It’s not just something we do when our own pets get loose, but something we do when a friend’s dog gets out of the house or when we see a stray dog running down the street or the highway. The problem with our first instinct (to chase) is that it rarely gets us closer to getting them. The truth is it can be pretty hard to go against the instinct to chase a loose dog, but we really must learn to so, because when we chase we risk putting ourselves and the loose pet in danger. This past week, a lost dog was lost forever when a good samaritan gave chase. But what is instinctual is exactly what is most likely to put the dog in more danger.

Like this: Like Loading... (212) Croque-Café. 12 Habits of People Who ALWAYS Stay Fit. Number 5 Is So Smart! Please check your device.Open the Email app to download. Email nowDownload app Description Sometimes emojis just don’t cut it. Share your true feelings with GIFs. It’s perfect for all those times you wanted to... - Express just how much you love pizza. - Annoy your friends with that one lyric you just can’t stop singing. - Tell your crush that cuddling should be in your future. Screenshots. A Little Girls Potato Experiment Will Change The Way You Think About Food! Si le chien s'est distingué du loup, c'est grâce à l'amidon qu'il a appris à digérer. SCIENCE - Si le chien a pu devenir le meilleur ami de l'homme, c'est parce qu'il a appris au fil du temps à mieux digérer l'amidon que le loup, son ancêtre carnivore, suggère une étude comparative du génome des deux animaux publiée mercredi dans la prestigieuse revue Nature.

On ignore pourquoi et comment nos ancêtres ont apprivoisé des chiens, mais il s'agit vraisemblablement du premier animal à avoir été domestiqué. Un fossile de canidé semblable au chien vieux de 33.000 ans a été découvert, tandis que des restes de chiens datant de 11.000 à 12.000 ans ont été identifiés en Israël dans une sépulture humaine. Des génomes modifiés par le processus de domestication La génétique indique que la domestication du chien a commencé voici au moins 10.000 ans en Asie du sud-est ou au Moyen-orient, mais les changements génétiques qui ont accompagné la lente transformation des loups antiques en chiens domestiques restent encore très flous. Pas d'amidon, pas de domestication. Raw Meat and Bone Diets for Dogs: It’s Enough to Make You BARF. Some of the most rewarding interactions we have with our pets involve food.

Most dogs respond with gratifying enthusiasm to being fed, and this activity is an important part of the human-animal bond. Providing food is also part of the parent/child dynamic that in many ways characterizes our relationships with our pets. Giving food is an expression of affection and a symbol of our duty of care to our pets. Because of these emotional resonances, pet owners are often very concerned about giving their pets the “right” food to maintain health and, if possible, to prevent or treat disease.

This has allowed the development of a large, and profitable commercial pet food industry that aggressively markets diets with health-related claims. This industry resembles in some ways the pharmaceutical industry. And like “Big Pharma,” the pet food industry is often demonized by those who wish to promote unscientific or alternative veterinary medical treatments or theories. Dogs are Wolves Dr. Raw Meat and Bone Diets for Dogs: It’s Enough to Make You BARF. (208) Priceless Pet Personalities - (207) Manteau rafraîchissant Cooling Coat pour chien. National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors - NADOI | dog trainer | endorsed instructors | find trainers | educational resources.

Who's Going to Win? An overview of the dog–human dyad and ethograms within it. The "D" Word: Dominance. Do dogs see what’s happening on TV? Être homosexuel au secondaire | Mélanie Noël | Sherbrooke. Biographies - Sherwood Park Animal Hospital. Rockstars, Ethograms and Behavior (Problems) Ethiopian village dogs: Behavioural responses to a stranger's approach. Comparing prices for Measuring Behaviour: An Introductory Guide. Alpha status, dominance, and division of labor in wolf packs - Canadian Journal of Zoology. Scientists Finally Conclude Nonhuman Animals Are Conscious Beings. Do our pets need Prozac? Are we making them feel better, or ourselves? Why dog people are crazy… but also totally awesome and better than you. Probably. | Six Dog Blog. Faire jouir une femme : mieux que le point G, le deep spot.

Rafale 26 : Ocytocine, alcool et muscles et jeux d’enfants | Paléo Québec. Chiens sur la piste cyclable: La Tuque propose un compromis | Audrey Tremblay | Haute-Mauricie. A response to the group "Beyond Cesar Millan" Échec du chargement de la page. Wistiki : Une application pour retrouver ses objets perdus.

Aggressive behavior—the making of a definition. Tumblr. SPCA patrouille | Animo. Sign Up | Coursera. Here's What Facebook Is Doing to Your Brain. It's Kind of Shocking. The Secrets of Body Language: Why You Should Never Cross Your Arms Again. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are.

Dog swimming pool opens in Spain with waterslide and extra-strong inflatables. The Dog Show with Julie Forbes and Simon Gadbois, PhD by SPARCS. 18 things you didn't know about dog paws. Dr. Becker: 10 Reasons Not to Use a Retractable Leash. Three Reasons To Reconsider Spay/Neuter. Législation: Ces animaux, on n'en veut plus. (302) Ce soir, c’est avec beaucoup d’émotions que je... - Great Dane Rescue Quebec.

Aggression in Dogs - Possessive - Objects and Toys. Les 10 aliments les plus cancérigènes | SwagActu | Zoothérapie des Laurentides. | Le répertoire de cours | Trouver un cours près de chez-vous. - EXTREME LEASH PULLING, BARKING, LUNGING and JUMPING! Train your Dog to Walk on a Leash HUMANELY. Sécurité alimentaire : de la viande avariée dans les produits «premier prix» Tuam mass grave 'contains bodies of 800 babies' at site of Irish home for unmarried mothers. Les gens intelligents boivent plus d'alcool que les autres.

I Never Knew How To Fold A Fitted Sheet – I Do Now!! How To Peel A Potato With Your Bare Hands! My Life Just Got Easier!! Comment choisir le bon dresseur pour votre chien. Des solutions pour un chien qui aboie. Understanding Training Equipment Options - Collars, Leashes and Crates. Woof Driver :: The Original Sacco Cart ADV. Valérie Boudreau. Équins & Animaux de la ferme - Nos vétérinaires - Clinique vétérinaire de Sherbrooke. Strobe Illusion - Fixez l'intérieur du stroboscope et commencez à halluciner! Les meilleures illusions d'optique. Mighty Optical Illusions. Focus. Brain Teasing Black and White Illusion. - Unbelievable Facts. Optical Illusion Dance! دانلود دات کام :: لینکدونی :: به آرامی تصویر سمت راست را روی صفحه به سمت چپ بکشید و حرکت دهید ببینید چه چیزی توجه شما را جلب می کند!جالب نیست؟