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WEARABLE TECHNOLOGY COMPETITION - Reshape - digital craft community. Grasshopper for 3D printing – FabLab Firenze. 3D printing is a revolutionary technology that is growing exponentially during the last few years invading every field of manufacturing, objects fabrication, wearing, chemistry, cooking, architecture, medicine.

Grasshopper for 3D printing – FabLab Firenze

It is not (only) important becouse it is cool, trendy or a possible business, but becouse it is an affordable way to give shape to matter described by several layer of information. The workshop will explore the use of the plugin Grasshopper for Rhinoceros to define algorithmical procedures aimed to express highly complex structures informed by different conditions at different scales and levels of details. We will learn by play that information is matter substance. La stampa 3D è una tecnologia rivoluzionaria che sta evolvendo in maniera esponenziale negli ultimi anni, invandendo ogni campo dell’industria manufatturiera, produzione di oggettistica, moda, chimica, cucina, architettura, medicina. . general data . detailed schedule . application & fees Grasshopper + 3Dprinting Workshop.

INTIMACY 2.0 interactive fashion and dresses by Roosegaarde. Suntory Whisky 3-D Printed the World's Most Incredible Ice Cubes. Advertising craft doesn't get more delicate than this.

Suntory Whisky 3-D Printed the World's Most Incredible Ice Cubes

Check out the crazy ice cubes TBWA\Hakuhodo created for Japan's Suntory Whisky. The agency used what's called a CNC router (and a process that's kind of inverse 3-D printing) to carve the designs, which ranged from the Statue of Liberty to the Sphinx to Batman and everything in between. (There even appears to be, perhaps presciently, a Cannes Lion in the mix.)

Miwako Fujiwara of TBWA\Hakuhodo said the CNC router was chilled at -7 degrees Celsius to keep the ice from melting. The agency used an app called Autodesk 123D to capture the 3-D images and prep them for printing.


Advances in Architectural Geometry - MIT. Production Methods: Metal Injection Molding (MIM) At this point even laypeople, not just us industrial designers, have heard of injection molding; it's how a lot of the plastic stuff we own is made.

Production Methods: Metal Injection Molding (MIM)

But few layfolk have heard of metal injection molding, and it's only a minority of ID'ers who will get to work with the process because it's so darn expensive. Expensive, and cool. Metal injection molding can be used to create small, complex metal parts that would be too difficult to machine, and it affords higher tolerances than casting. It's accurate enough to mold tiny threads, as you can see on the shaft of the arrowhead below: Here's how MIM works, and this should give you an idea of why it's so pricey:

How to transition from a free business model to revenue-based. Image credits: In a recent article on, I introduced Data Geekery, the company behind jOOQ, and talked about the challenges we faced when transitioning our products from open source to a revenue-based business model last year.

How to transition from a free business model to revenue-based

Our team learned a lot about running a business in general as well as making a big transition in our structure. Here, I'll share the top 5 lessons we learned that every open source business making this kind of change should know. Welcome. Welcome. 'Fab labs': de lo digital a lo físico. Análisis | Manuel Gausa.

'Fab labs': de lo digital a lo físico

Tomás Diez - PostBarcelona ShùPostBarcelona Shù. 'Fab labs': de lo digital a lo físico. Ateneus de fabricació vs bancs d’aliments. Quin model de cultura volem? – Nativa. Text publicat originalment a: El Centre de Creació Digital promogut per l’ajuntament de Barcelona, al barri de Ciutat Meridiana del districte de 9 Barris, ha estat okupat pels veïns del barri per fer un Banc d’Aliments.

Ateneus de fabricació vs bancs d’aliments. Quin model de cultura volem? – Nativa

Banc d’aliments vs Ateneu de fabricació. Foto de l’AVV El mes de maig del 2011 Xavier Trias en la seva campanya per l’alcaldia de la ciutat de Barcelona va anunciar el que per ell era un projecte “revolucionari”. El nacimiento de una nueva profesión. Luciano Betoldi (Buenos Aires, 1982) manager del Fab Lab Barcelona asistiendo a una estudiante de la Fab Academy Estar al día con la tecnología no es solo para profesionales.

El nacimiento de una nueva profesión

El Fab Lab da la posibilidad de aprender a fabricar lo que queremos. Tanto ha impactado la tecnología en Barcelona, que el Ayuntamiento impulsa los centros de producción digital. En el Fab Academy BCN, la capacidad de construir un objeto no se limita a diseñadores y arquitectos profesionales. Cualquier persona puede acceder a una formación para convertirse en el autor de un producto propio y, próximamente, incluso a un grado universitario. Oribotics [the future unfolds] FabLab UNI Hack Space - Aprende, Entrena, Desarrolla. Cell Cycle - WebGL design app - create organic designs for 3d printing. 3D Printing Lawsuit Brings A Flurry Of Negativity On Reddit. With 3D printing looking to be one of the next big sectors in technology, everyone knew the patent battles would begin. 3D printing hit this landmark recently with Stratasys’s announcement it was suing Afinia for infringement.

3D Printing Lawsuit Brings A Flurry Of Negativity On Reddit

From Minneapolis Star Tribune: The suit, filed in federal court in Minneapolis, seeks unspecified damages from Microboards and a permanent injunction preventing sales of the Afinia printer. FAB LABS, URBAN HACKING Y LA COMUNIDAD DE MAKERS COMO CATALIZADORES DE LOS ECOSISTEMAS INNOVADORES URBANOS.- URBAN 360º, the blog curated by Pablo Sánchez Chillón, Urban Planning Lawyer, International Speaker, Researcher and CEO and Co-founder of Eolexcitylab, Urban Innovation Lab & Think Tank (Spain).


4-D Printing Means Building Things That Build Themselves : All Tech Considered. Hide captionH.

4-D Printing Means Building Things That Build Themselves : All Tech Considered

Jerry Qi, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Colorado University, holds simple models printed using polymers that have "shape memory. " The flat piece on the left can reshape itself into a box with the application of heat. Glenn J. Asakawa/University of Colorado H. In our Weekly Innovation series, we pick an interesting idea, design or product that you may not have heard of yet. The advent of 3-D printing brought on a number of innovations worthy of news coverage.

Now a handful of engineers around the world are trying to push the boundaries one step further — by printing objects that can build themselves. 15 of the best 3D-printed items from 2013. Helen Foley is Marketing Executive at Elanders, a global printing group with production units in nine countries on four continents. Love it or hate it, 3D printing is here to stay. It is considered the future of print and manufacturing, and is set to dramatically change the way we buy and produce products in the future.

Over the years, experts have been researching and developing different concepts, printing designs and processes and several breakthroughs have been made — including a working 3D kidney made in 2002 by the Wake Forest Institute and a prosthetic leg, inclusive of the knee and foot, etc. made in 2008 by Bespoke Innovations. Outside of professional and engineering circles, consumers have been able to get their hands on the first affordable devices that are powerful enough to produce small 3D printed objects, mainly through Kickstarter projects. Those who have had their eyes on the slightly larger machines for bigger objects can buy 3D printers like The Buccaneer.

Google Glass. Markus Kayser Builds a Solar-Powered 3D Printer that Prints Glass from Sand and a Sun-Powered Cutter. Industrial designer and tinkerer Markus Kayser spent the better part of a year building and experimenting with two fantastic devices that harness the sun’s power in some of the world’s harshest climates. The first he calls a Sun Cutter, a low-tech light cutter that uses a large ball lens to focus the sun’s rays onto a surface that’s moved by a cam-guided system.

As the surface moves under the magnified light it cuts 2D components like a laser. The project was tested for the first time in August 2010 in the Egyptian desert and Kayser used thin plywood to create the parts for a few pairs of pretty sweet shades. But he didn’t stop there. The business plan. Some people contact us from time to time asking where is our business plan, if we can share it with them.

We’d love to, but the truth is that there is no formal business plan. Not any … at all. I know what you are thinking. And to answer your question, there are three reasons why we didn’t set one. One, because 80 days do not give a lot of time for planning. LIVE Singapore! Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! Diseño paramétrico. De la abstracción a la forma. Una nueva forma de diseñar esta revolucionando la manera que tenemos de concebir el diseño, nos referimos al Diseño paramétrico, en esta variante el diseñador parte de la abstracción de una idea o un concepto y mediante algoritmos y medios computacionales crea posibilidades formales que se mueven dentro de un rango establecido.

En el proceso paramétrico se utilizan relaciones entre los puntos, lineas, curvas o superficies para definir todas las posibles variantes geometrícas que nos ofrecen esas relaciones. Algunos ejemplos de Diseño paramétrico: Diseño © Matsysdesign Fuente © Chrysalis. Fab Foundation – Fab Labs. Taller de Arduino. Entrevista a Tomas Díez, director del Barcelona Fab Lab. Talleres, fabricación digital, DIY y comunicación.