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Swite. Créer un site avec le contenu de vos réseaux sociaux – Les outils de la veille. Swite est un service qui permet de créer en quelques secondes un site web complet avec le contenu de vos comptes sur les réseaux sociaux.

Swite. Créer un site avec le contenu de vos réseaux sociaux – Les outils de la veille

Un outil de curation et de diffusion de votre travail sur le web social qui saura ensuite se faire oublier puisque les mises à jour se feront automatiquement à chaque fois que vous réaliserez un post sur l’un ou l’autre des réseaux sociaux. Pratique. The Social Media Content Calendar Template Every Marketer Needs [Free Template] Blog.hootsuite. One of our favorite quotes, provenance unknown, is “You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.”


But how many of us tried explaining social media to non-users, such as our older relatives, or even the C-suite of our companies, and failed to do justice to all its benefits? The challenge is underestimated, since the definition of social media is in the state of constant flux. Nowadays, no type of social media is completely isolated from others, as major networks adjust their functionalities to offer more services to their users—recent examples of this include Facebook’s announcement of Place Tips, as well as Pinterest’s acquisition of new advertising technologies. To help you distinguish different types of social media, we highlighted the primary capabilities of different online services, and illustrated each with examples of major players. Meerkat : la nouvelle application de live-streaming vidéo qui cartonne sur Twitter  Comme souvent ces derniers temps, l’histoire du succès de cette application commence sur Product Hunt.

Meerkat : la nouvelle application de live-streaming vidéo qui cartonne sur Twitter 

Postée vendredi dernier sur le service de découverte de sites, apps et start-ups, Meerkat a connu un franc succès en très peu de temps. Il faut dire que l’application (disponible uniquement sur iOS pour l’instant) propose des fonctionnalités novatrices : un live-stream en temps réel partagé automatiquement avec ses contacts Twitter. L’utilisation de Meerkat est simple comme bonjour : après avoir téléchargé l’application, vous devez l’autoriser à accéder à votre compte Twitter.

Sociallymap. Tiempy - Schedule posts for multiple social networks for the best time. 2014 Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet. It seems like every week, there’s a new example of how images can be used to improve your results on social media.

2014 Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet

One of the most recent examples is from Twitter, which released data showing that tweets with images generate 35 percent more retweets than those without. There are also examples from Facebook — which says that posts with images generate 100 percent more engagement than text-only posts — and from LinkedIn, which revealed that members who share images with their network are five times more likely to have other LinkedIn users engage with their updates. Understanding why you should use images is the easy part. It’s the mastering of how to actually do it that can be tricky.

In addition to finding the right images to post, tweet, pin, and share across your different networks; you also need to figure out the right dimensions for your images, as well. Then there are things like profile pictures and cover photos — which need to be different sizes, based on the network that you’re on. Guide pour bien créer vos profils sociaux. Words that get content shared on social media. How important are the actual words you use in your social media posts?

Words that get content shared on social media

Evidently, extremely important. Cartographie des Médias Sociaux en 2014 en fonction de Vos Objectifs. Quels médias sociaux choisir en 2014 en fonction des objectifs suivants : le référencement, la notoriété, la communication client et la génération de trafic ?

Cartographie des Médias Sociaux en 2014 en fonction de Vos Objectifs

C’est la question à laquelle essaie de répondre l’infographie ci-dessous éditée par d’Adobe. Depuis la sortie de la 1ère version en 2010, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn et Youtube ont toujours été incontournables. En 2014, ces médias sociaux sont rejoints par Google+, Pinterest, Slideshare et Instagram. 10 Image Editing Tools To Make Photos Fit for Social Sharing. Social media cheat sheet (2014) – super speedy, all you needy. Download our cheat sheet here (To download it, simply share the love using the pink box at the bottom of the page!)

Social media cheat sheet (2014) – super speedy, all you needy

You know the situation. You’ve got a new logo or image you want to use across all your social media, and that means spending the next hour Googling what size the image needs to be, how big the file can be and how many different options you need. RSE, community manager, collaboration. King Content Blog. 5 Tools Everyone In Social Media Should Be Using. Social media is becoming more and more of a data game in 2014.

5 Tools Everyone In Social Media Should Be Using

Those in the know can optimize and dominate those who aren't running their campaigns in a data-led way. Combine this with the ever increasing usage of social, the fragmentation of audience by platform, and the trend towards paid reach on some platforms and many social media managers will be at a loss as to how to manage their social presence in a sensible way. Fear not though, we've put together a handy guide on 5 of the tools that everyone in social media should be using to help you survive and thrive in an ever-expanding marketplace! Socialbakers ( Socialbakers are a company providing a whole suite of tools, including listening, posting and ad analytics.

The ability to fully use data to optimise your content is really helpful, and allows you to consistently deliver better results from each Tweet & Facebook post based on your learnings. Kuhcoon Ads ( TweetDeck ( Klout Offers FREE Social Media Sharing Tool– What’s In It For Klout? by Ralf Skirr. Just a few days ago Klout revolutionized its public facing service.

Klout Offers FREE Social Media Sharing Tool– What’s In It For Klout? by Ralf Skirr

Le meilleur de Pinterest pour un digital marketeur - MarketingZ. Klout revoit en profondeur son modèle. Si vous vous intéressez de près aux médias sociaux, et que vous y êtes relativement actifs, vous avez sûrement dû déjà entendre parler (en bien ou en mal) d’ailleurs.

Klout revoit en profondeur son modèle

Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. - Le Don, tout simplement. Google Open Gallery : ouverture des outils jusque là réservés aux musées à tous les artistes. Mardi 10 décembre Web - 10 décembre 2013 :: 11:04 :: Par Valentin-Pringuay Google a adapté les outils qu’il a développé pour les musées afin de les rendre disponible pour tous les artistes : découvrez Google Open Gallery. Cela fait depuis des années que Google développe de nombreux outils pour démocratiser la culture. How To Design for Viral Growth [Infographic] Viral growth is the holy grail for Web-based companies.

Entrepreneurs spend late nights thinking of tactics like funny videos, PR stunts, Facebook quizzes and other mechanics that can make their product “go viral.” Viral growth is alluring because it 1) can generate a ton of users quickly, 2) the follow-on viral-acquired users are typically free, and 3) it generates press and buzz which in turn fuel the viral loop. Free users and lots of buzz? It’s no wonder everyone is working on one viral hack or another. Squidoo : Welcome to Squidoo. Manage your Twitter account. 1. Optimize Your Twitter Bio Make sure that your account's identity and voice has great branding.

This means that you should have a bio that effectively tells other people about your or your business, who you are, and what you do. It should also include a link to the landing page or website of your company. It is important that the bio has a consistent tone so that other people can clearly understand what your company is about. 2. If you want to engage more people on Twitter, whether they're your followers or unfollowers, then you'll need to engage with the content that they tweet, so you get noticed, which in turn will help you get more followers on Twitter. 3. It is important that you retweet your followers tweets too here and there because it will help them feel valued if you share what they have tweeted, especially if it is of value to other followers or even people not following you. 4. 5. Shine on the web. Les Médias Sociaux pour l'entreprise. Startup. Notre marché: La publicité Mobile/tablette. La "Social Media Toolbox" du Community Manager.

Inbound Marketing with HubSpot. Maps. HubForum 2013. HubForum 2013 Visualization of Twitter Community. Visualize communities.