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Reponses Bio : Sylvie Simon "Le lobbying et la peur" Brussels, lobby planet... rapport. FIGHT BREAKS OUT IN EU PARLIAMENT. Exposing the power of corporate lobbying in the EU. Sites/default/files/conflits_indigestes_0.pdf. Why we need to stop EU officals becoming lobbyists. WHO director-general slams industry involvement in health policy. The director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said the food and drink industry’s involvement in public health policy is ‘dangerous’ and has urged governments to put public health before business, at a global health promotion conference in Finland.

WHO director-general slams industry involvement in health policy

Addressing Helsinki conference delegates last month, Dr Margaret Chan said that unlike in previous centuries, improving socioeconomic conditions are now creating conditions that increase disease – including type-2 diabetes and other obesity-related illnesses. Preventing these illnesses goes against the business interests of “powerful economic operators”, she said. “It is not just Big Tobacco anymore. Public health must also contend with Big Food, Big Soda, and Big Alcohol. All of these industries fear regulation, and protect themselves by using the same tactics,” she said. “This is formidable opposition. “Let me remind you. Biotech_Report_US.pdf / How the U.S. State Department Promotes the Seed Industry’s Global Agenda. Pesticides : ce que lobbyingveut vraiment dire [PDF]

Thierry Coste, lobbyiste auteur du "Vrai pouvoir d'un lobby" en chat sur L'Internaute Magazine. BREVE: l'infiltration des industriels auprès de la DG Entreprise de la Commission européenne. Alter EU, une ONG qui lutte contre la corruption et le lobbying auprès des institutions européennes, a sorti récemment un rapport au sujet de l’infiltration de l’industrie à la DG entreprises, la Direction générale Entreprises et Industries de la commission européenne. De fait, les 2/3 des experts qui conseillent ladite DG seraient directement issus du monde de l’entreprise. Cette DG Entreprises et Industries s’occupe de la recherche, du commerce international, des consommateurs, des politiques des marchés de l’environnement et du marché interne, et elle participe à l’élaboration des lois.

Les enjeux sont donc essentiels pour le monde de l’entreprise, qui a tout intérêt à avoir une législation favorable. C’est par exemple à la DG entreprises qu’on a concocté les normes de CO2 pour les véhicules ou la réglementation REACH, qui devait à l’origine contrôler drastiquement les substances chimiques entrant ou fabriquées en Europe, et qui à force de lobbying a perdu toute sa portée. Exemples. The 9 Most Loathsome Lobbyists in Washington. July 13, 2012 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Tis the bleak post- Citizens United season in America—money equals speech, and corporations, super PACs, and an egregiously wealthy minority have the biggest mouths in the land. But the oligarchs’ work is never done. For your edutainment, below is a list of some of the most depraved lobbyists money can buy. 9) Chris Dodd The former Connecticut Senator, and internationally renowned eyebrow-haver, isn’t the most prodigious scum in the Beltway swamp, but he may be the most hypocritical.

Dodd’s most public, and ultimately ill-fated, advocacy was in pushing two potentially disastrous bills: the Stop Online Piracy Act, and its Senate counterpart, Protect IP Act—both of which would’ve given the federal government the right to shut down any website that was merely being accused of copyright infringement. 8) Billy Tauzin And ditto that for the awful Medicare Part D fine-tuning in ’05. Thierry Coste, lobbyiste auteur du "Vrai pouvoir d'un lobby" en chat sur L'Internaute Magazine.

Sylvie Simon : Le lobbying et la peur. Le lobbying agressif de Washington pour les OGM.