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Lanceurs d'alertes / Whistleblowers

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When Truth Becomes an Enemy of the State: Bradley Manning on Trial. Combat the epidemic of misinformation that plagues the corporate media!

When Truth Becomes an Enemy of the State: Bradley Manning on Trial

Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to Truthout and keep independent journalism strong. (Photo: cool revolution / Flickr)Yesterday, after three years of confinement, Pfc. Bradley Manning finally went on trial in a military court at Fort Meade, Maryland. George Monbiot on Canada: An unprecedented assault on the environment. US Whistleblowers on Being Targeted by the Secret Security State. The Chaos Communication Congress (29C3), which organizers describe as “an annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia,” began on December 27.

US Whistleblowers on Being Targeted by the Secret Security State

Yesterday, this blog featured Tor software developer and WikiLeaks volunteer Jacob Appelbaum’s talk. Later in the day, three United States whistleblowers gave presentations, which should be considered required viewing. Jesselyn Radack, who blew the whistle on ethics violations in the case of John Walker Lindh when she was an ethics adviser under Attorney General John Ashcroft, describes what led to her resignation and whistleblowing.

Leur nom en Tribut / Their name in tribut

Enfin, les lanceurs d’alerte sont entendus. Enfin, les lanceurs d’alerte sont entendus Il est heureux que certains médecins réputés disent enfin tout haut ce que tous les lanceurs d’alerte crient sur les toits, mais en vain, depuis plus de dix ans.

Enfin, les lanceurs d’alerte sont entendus

Dans l’élan de la sortie de son best-seller 4 000 médicaments utiles, inutiles ou dangereux écrit avec le Pr Philippe Even, le Pr Bernard Debré pose la question : « N’y a-t-il pas un vrai problème quand on prescrit des médicaments qui ni ne soulagent ni ne soignent ? WikiLeaks. Whistleblower - Informant Award. The IRS Whistleblower Office pays money to people who blow the whistle on persons who fail to pay the tax that they owe.

Whistleblower - Informant Award

If the IRS uses information provided by the whistleblower, it can award the whistleblower up to 30 percent of the additional tax, penalty and other amounts it collects. Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement Memorandum dated June 20, 2012 . The Whistleblower Office has developed new rules that will become effective August 1, 2012. We are providing the three Interim Guidance memoranda below for public comment. Please submit your comments by email to the Whistleblower Mailbox by July 31, 2012. Alain Soral est interviewé par des membres de (5 Novembre 2011)

Lanceur d'alerte. Sixteen Years for Espionage; Life in Jail for Whistleblowing. Anonymous supporters of Bradley Manning.

Sixteen Years for Espionage; Life in Jail for Whistleblowing

(Photo: Bradley Manning Support Network / Flickr)Spc. William Millay, a 25-year-old military policeman, was sentenced this week to 19 years in jail; a sentence reduced to 16 years after a plea deal, minus time served, for attempting to commit espionage and for illegally communicating “unclassified national defense information that could be used to the advantage of a foreign nation,” according to an Army press release. The prosecution of Spc. Millay is strikingly lenient relative to that of Pfc. Bradley Manning, 25-year-old intelligence analyst on trial for passing documents to WikiLeaks. Whistleblower Bradley Manning Gets Sentenced to 35 Years in Leak Crackdown. Pfc.

Whistleblower Bradley Manning Gets Sentenced to 35 Years in Leak Crackdown

Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison Wednesday for leaking 700,000 secret government documents to Julian Assange’s then-relatively unknown WikiLeaks, making him the latest victim of the Obama administration’s campaign against media leaks. Biberons toxiques: le combat de Suzanne de Bégon. Bradley Manning's Court Martial Trial Starts Monday. Bradley Manning.

Bradley Manning's Court Martial Trial Starts Monday

Jean-Luc Touly, trublion professionnel. L'ex-agent de police Sihem Souid dénonce des viols entre policiers. The Internet Must Go. WikiLeaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. Bradley Manning, the U.S.

WikiLeaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Army private accused of leaking classified U.S. information to WikiLeaks in 2010, has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Manning was arrested in May 2010 after allegedly leaking more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables, 400,000 U.S. L'Etat s'attaque aux lanceurs d'alertes. Lanceurs d’alerte : les scientifiques en première ligne - Lanceurs d'alerte: Les scientifiques en première ligne - 2011-10-06. Supporting the defense of Barrett Brown: imprisoned American journalist and activist, founder of Project PM. The Whistleblower / Film Trailer / Real story. Ag Gag: Safeguarding Industry Secrets by Punishing the Messenger. Numerous problems in the U.S. food supply, from E. coli outbreaks to animal abuse to pink slime, are precisely why the country’s lawmakers should be making it easier – not more challenging – for the truth about industry practices to reach the public.

Ag Gag: Safeguarding Industry Secrets by Punishing the Messenger

Brave whistleblowers (such as Kenneth Kendrick, who revealed Peanut Corporation of America’s dangerous practices that shed light on the 2009 Salmonella outbreak) can help expose problems more quickly and even prevent potential illness or death. Without adequate whistleblower protection, the use of undercover video, audio, and photographs to promote transparency in our food system has proved essential.

But the practice has come under attack in proposed legislation referred to as "Ag Gag" bills – which target whistleblowers rather than the individuals committing the wrongdoing. These various pieces of legislation essentially criminalize the act of taking video in animal and other agricultural facilities. Legislative History Case Studies.