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Minjae Lee - Colorful Illustrations. Minjae Lee is a young South Korean artist whose work is filled with powerful colors, aggressive scenes and a clever blend of beauty, innocence and fragility. At just 22 years old, he’s a self-taught artist, that uses old-fashioned tools, such as markers, pens, crayons, acrylics, to create his illustrations. His dramatic works are all about pattern and texture that just add more authenticity to his illustrations.

You can check out more of his fantastic works on his DeviantArt profile. For purchasing his canvas prints and other products, check out the artist’s website. I have loved color since I was 7 year old. (All images via Minjae Lee) Maria Rubinke. Danish-born Maria Rubinke‘s small porcelain figures are reminiscent of the illogical compositions of surrealism, transforming the character of what are traditionally charming and passive objects into expressions of more taboo feelings that oscillate between desire and sadism.

Colossal | An art and design blog. Funny stories of toys | The Green Box.
