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Hugging_kitten.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 × 768 pixels) - Scaled (73%) 3018167_700b.jpg (JPEG Image, 500 × 4353 pixels) Enter the Wild » Pulp Vulture. Share this: 783px-Maltese-Tiger.jpg (JPEG Image, 783 × 600 pixels) - Scaled (95. October-27-2011-22-47-17-tumblrlekou6XJs81qa4lqjo1500.jpeg (JPEG Image, 500 × 411 pixels) Portraits of Dogs as They Shake Off Water. For her series “Shake“, pet photographer Carli Davidson photographed curious portraits of dogs shaking off water. Use a fast shutter speed and you can capture all kinds of strange expressions on your dog’s face. You can find the rest of the photographs in the series here. Shake (via Photojojo) Image credits: Photographs by Carli Davidson and used with permission. 50 Adorable Animals To Melt Your Heart. 1142390969l.jpg (JPEG Image, 598 × 396 pixels)

An orphan baby raccoon. Click The Pic For More Cute Pictures!


DANCE. _ru_tigerwhitetigersh-1920x1080-1920x1200.jpg (JPEG Image, 1920 × 1200 pixels) - Scaled (47%) 6 Ways To Workout At Your Desk And Not Appear Creepy. Hard time fitting that workout affair inside of the workplace? You can sit at your desk looking like a fool or you could simply use these six ways to workout at your desk and not appear creepy – or at least once you get the hang of it. See, women have been known to use these tactics for quite some time and kept them well hidden from view. Live and learn the easy ways of a workout affair. Stretching out! Stretching out is the first of any workout affair at the workplace. Place your legs on the floor, body sitting up straight, and keep your chin level.

Stretch your legs out as far as they can go (one at a time). Leg lifts.Leg lifts should be done at fully covered desks. Hand lifts.Hands were created for touching, punching, pinching, hugging, and holding. Buttocks in lock! Abs-olutely! Neck-ercise.You will most likely want to work out the kinks of the neck after a long day of hiding a workout affair at the workplace. Puppets + Dolls + Plush. SUMMER :)" by Sandra Schürmans.