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There is a lot to know about a person. I feel that if you want to know someone, it should not be through Facebook. But more or less in person! I can explain who and how I am. But that won't do no good! Meet me in person, you'll find out!

Wagstaff, Clayton W 15317-CO-CC-023911833. 101 Most Inspiring Quotes of All Time. By Celes on Jun 16, 2009 | ShareThis Email This Post This is volume 1 of the 101 Most Inspiring Quotes of All Time Series.

101 Most Inspiring Quotes of All Time

Think of Happy Times. Create a habit of morning prayer/meditation (at. Positive thinking: Stopping unwanted thoughts. To stop unwanted thoughts, you focus on the thought and then learn to say "Stop" to end the thought.

Positive thinking: Stopping unwanted thoughts

At first, you will shout "Stop! " out loud. Then you will learn to say it in your mind so that you can use this technique anywhere. Here's how to get started: List your most stressful thoughts. Other ways to stop thoughts You can change how you do thought-stopping: Put a rubber band around your wrist. This new image or idea is not the same thing as replacing a negative thought with a helpful thought that is related to it. An example of thought-stopping Here's an example of how thought-stopping might work: You're worried about a presentation you are giving at work later in the day. Positive Psychology Exercises. Mental health is the true concern of psychology.

Positive Psychology Exercises

But how can one's health be judged? Add Finding Happiness to a Personal Growth Plan: Learn to Cheer Up with Secrets of Happiness from Positive Psychology. The secrets of happiness have been discovered in recent studies conducted by positive psychology researchers.

Add Finding Happiness to a Personal Growth Plan: Learn to Cheer Up with Secrets of Happiness from Positive Psychology

Their findings have led to the development and validation of interventions everyone can use to include finding happiness in their personal growth plans. The Secrets of Happiness There are three components of happiness: Set point, Circumstances, and Intentional Activities. Positive psychologist's research indicates that most people attempt to find happiness by changing their circumstances, such as changing jobs or spouses, seeking to make more money, or buying status-symbol products. Unfortunately, there are problems associated with changing one's circumstances in order to find greater happiness. Circumstances contribute only ten-percent of a person's total happiness.Circumstances are not generally within an individual's control.The happiness deriving from changes in life circumstances tends to be short-lived.

Wikipedia: Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is a type of clear, reasoned thinking.

Wikipedia: Critical Thinking

According to Beyer (1995) Critical thinking means making clear, reasoned judgements. While in the process of critical thinking, ideas should be reasoned and well thought out/judged.[1] The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking defines critical thinking as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.'[2] Propaganda Techniques. Propaganda designers have been putting messages into television commercials, news programs, magazine ads, and other things we read and see for years.

Propaganda Techniques

These messages have been carefully designed to influence our opinions, emotions, attitudes and behavior. Their purpose is to persuade us to believe in something or to do something that we would not normally believe or do. These messages have been designed to benefit someone, and that someone may not be you! It's not as easy as you might think to spot hidden messages. Propaganda designers know you are on your guard. Nothing says that you can't appreciate a good piece of propaganda, and still agree with the messages hidden within it.

Is everything we see and hear propaganda? Developing Questions for Critical Thinking. How to Pitch Anything in 15 Seconds [video] Leadership vs. Management. Disciplines > Leadership > Leadership vs.

Leadership vs. Management

Management Managers have subordinates | Leaders have followers | See also What is the difference between management and leadership? It is a question that has been asked more than once and also answered in different ways. The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivate the people who work or follow them, and this sets the tone for most other aspects of what they do.

Many people, by the way, are both. Managers have subordinates By definition, managers have subordinates - unless their title is honorary and given as a mark of seniority, in which case the title is a misnomer and their power over others is other than formal authority. Authoritarian, transactional style Managers have a position of authority vested in them by the company, and their subordinates work for them and largely do as they are told.

Work focus Seek comfort Leaders have followers Leaders do not have subordinates - at least not when they are leading. Seek risk. Well-connected brains make you smarter in older age. Brains that maintain healthy nerve connections as we age help keep us sharp in later life, new research funded by the charity Age UK has found.

Well-connected brains make you smarter in older age

Older people with robust brain 'wiring' – that is, the nerve fibres that connect different, distant brain areas – can process information quickly and that this makes them generally smarter, the study suggests. According to the findings, joining distant parts of the brain together with better wiring improves mental performance, suggesting that intelligence is not found in a single part of the brain. Be More Optimistic. Here's Why. Whenever I post about the impact of beliefs on lives and careers, I tend to get at least one comment contrasting "optimism" and "realism.

" That's an odd comparison to make, because they're actually the exact same thing. Let me explain. 5 Ways To Make a Killer First Impression.

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