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Leadership vs. Management

Leadership vs. Management
Disciplines > Leadership > Leadership vs. Management Managers have subordinates | Leaders have followers | See also What is the difference between management and leadership? It is a question that has been asked more than once and also answered in different ways. The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivate the people who work or follow them, and this sets the tone for most other aspects of what they do. Many people, by the way, are both. Managers have subordinates By definition, managers have subordinates - unless their title is honorary and given as a mark of seniority, in which case the title is a misnomer and their power over others is other than formal authority. Authoritarian, transactional style Managers have a position of authority vested in them by the company, and their subordinates work for them and largely do as they are told. Work focus Seek comfort Leaders have followers Leaders do not have subordinates - at least not when they are leading. Seek risk Related:  Leadership

Boyatzis' management competencies Disciplines > Leadership > Leadership actions > Boyatzis' management competencies This is a set of competencies identified by Boyatzis (1982). through critical incident research. Efficiency orientation Focusing on objectives, tasks and achievements. Concern with impact Demonstrating a significant interest in power and its symbols. Proactivity Showing a strong belief in individual self-control and self-driven action. Self-confidence Showing belief in self, values and ideas. Oral presentation skill Able to speak well, using effective language, modes of speech and body language. Conceptualization Uses inductive reasoning to identify patterns and relationships. Diagnostic use of concepts Able to use deductive reasoning to convert models and ideas into specific instances and possibilities. Use of socialized power Developing networks and hierarchies of people and mobilizing them to to achieve specific ends. Managing group processes Building the identity of groups and people in them.

Confidence principle Principles > Confidence principle Principle | How it works | So what Principle A confident persuader creates confidence in the persuaded. How does it work? Emotions and attitudes are catching. We all have a need for certainty, and confidence is the outward sign of inner certainty. Confidence is a message. Confidence in yourself Confidence starts with yourself. A more powerful confidence is that which is quiet and confident enough in oneself to embrace the paradox of being open when you are unsure about something (which acts as the exception that proves that you are truly confident the rest of the time). Confidence about what you are selling Whatever you are selling or seeking to persuade, you need to believe that it is truly valuable and worthwhile. Confidence in your arguments When you are persuading another person, if your arguments are weak and easily challenged, then you will probably have difficulty in being confident about them. Confidence about the other person But not over-confidence

Four Stages for Team Effectiveness by Techdoer Times A few years ago, I was part of a software development group stressed by a combination of challenges. The first was our ability to quickly assemble small effective teams to take on an increasing amount of short term consulting assignments. The second was ensuring that these same people could divide their attention and continue their contribution to a core team focused on a longer term and more strategic software product. As a budding project manager in charge of both teams, I grasped at anything that could help me better understand the team-dynamics we would experience over the coming months. Source: Unknown I stumbled upon Bruce Tuckman’s, 5-stages of group development model (a.k.a. forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning), which despite it’s age, and simplicity, proved timeless in helping me understand the maturity of the transient and core teams I was managing. Four Stages for Team Effectiveness I’m proposing the following new model for effective team growth: Self-Organize

How to Pitch Anything in 15 Seconds [video] Few technologies are as complicated to explain as 4G LTE. Last year I worked with a group of leaders for the division of a global, publicly traded company who were responsible for pitching the technology to potential customers. Since the group was struggling to explain the technology simply, I introduced them to a tool that I’ve used very successfully with other brands—a message map. The leaders in this particular division were responsible for pitching the technology to public safety agencies. Their audience knew a lot about police work, but had little knowledge about wireless broadband. Imagine if the head of a public service agency heard something like this: 4G LTE is a standard for the wireless communication of high-speed data based on the GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA network technologies, increasing the capacity and speed of new modulation techniques. Build a message map in 3-steps. Step One. Step Two. Step Three. You can create a message map for any product or a brand. Welcome to Lush.

10 Principles of Change Management Updated: 10 Principles of Leading Change Management This classic guide to organizational change management best practices has been updated for the current business environment. To read the newest article, click here. Way back when (pick your date), senior executives in large companies had a simple goal for themselves and their organizations: stability. Market transparency, labor mobility, global capital flows, and instantaneous communications have blown that comfortable scenario to smithereens. This presents most senior executives with an unfamiliar challenge. Long-term structural transformation has four characteristics: scale (the change affects all or most of the organization), magnitude (it involves significant alterations of the status quo), duration (it lasts for months, if not years), and strategic importance. Many senior executives know this and worry about it. 1. 2. Executive teams that work well together are best positioned for success. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Author Profiles:

How to Hold People Accountable without using Authority How to Hold People Accountable without using Authority If you didn’t have authority, how would you hold people accountable? Don’t demand what must be given. Authority as a hammer: Maslow said, “I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.” Accountability is the nail when a leader’s hammer is authority. Short-sighted leaders rely on authority to overcome resistance. What’s the value of pressuring your team to do what they aren’t committed to do? Commitment can’t be demanded and accountability can’t be coerced. Forced accountability costs more than it’s worth. Accountability isn’t: Forced compliance.Pressuring people to do what you want, but they don’t want.Resorting to authority when you encounter resistance. True accountability is self-imposed. Establish accountability without pulling rank: Explore commitment when accountability is low. Create environments where people establish and embrace their own accountability. Advertisement

Transformational Leadership Disciplines > Leadership > Leadership styles > Transformational Leadership Assumptions | Style | Discussion | See also Assumptions People will follow a person who inspires them. A person with vision and passion can achieve great things. The way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy. Style Working for a Transformational Leader can be a wonderful and uplifting experience. Developing the vision Transformational Leadership starts with the development of a vision, a view of the future that will excite and convert potential followers. Selling the vision The next step, which in fact never stops, is to constantly sell the vision. In order to create followers, the Transformational Leader has to be very careful in creating trust, and their personal integrity is a critical part of the package that they are selling. Finding the way forwards In parallel with the selling activity is seeking the way forward. Leading the charge Discussion See also Bass, B. Bass, B. Burns, J.

The Leadership Dangers of Confusing Introversion with Shyness The July 8, 2012 edition of the New York Times included an article entitled, “The Spotlight Dims and Shyness Sets In” which states: The terms “shy” and “introvert” are used almost interchangeably and without distinction in the common parlance. “Psychologists debate about the overlap,” said Susan Cain, author of the recent book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” which extols the power of those who prefer listening to speaking, or reading to socializing. I was unhappy to see this paragraph because I believe it leads readers to believe it’s OK to use the terms “shy” and “introvert” interchangeably. Why the danger? If I tell someone I’m an introvert they usually say something like, “I never would have guessed that…you seem so confident (or bubbly, or sociable).” So why am I worried about the subtlety here? The Introvert’s Guide to Success in Business and Leadership “The Introvert’s Guide to Success in Business and Leadership” eBook is NOW Available!
