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'Citizen Scientists' Crowdsource Radiation M

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RDTN.ORG. As Japan nuclear fears spread, so does crowdsourced radiation tracking. Tokyo Radiation. Japan's Nuclear Crisis: Crowd-Sourcing Answers. In the aftermath of Japan's earthquake, tsunami, and unfolding nuclear crisis, several new sites are aiming to empower citizens through crowd-sourcing tech.

Japan's Nuclear Crisis: Crowd-Sourcing Answers

BBC News reports that people close to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant have begun plotting and sharing radiation levels through websites such as and allows users to submit radiation readings, maps, and data. In order to contribute, users must use a radiation detection device (an EMF radiation detector). For purchase, the site recommends International Medcom, Lab Safety Supply, Cole-Parmer, Universal Detection Technologies, and—because they apparently sell everything—Amazon. 'Citizen Scientists' Crowdsource Radiation Measurements In Japan : Shots - Health Blog. Hide captionA cluster of radiation reading mapped by A cluster of radiation reading mapped by Marcelino Alvarez was getting frustrated and a little paranoid last week as he watched news reports about radiation levels in Japan and plumes drifting across the Pacific.

'Citizen Scientists' Crowdsource Radiation Measurements In Japan : Shots - Health Blog

"There were a lot of talking heads speculating about how this could happen or that could happen," says Alvarez, a Web developer, news fiend and all-around data junkie. Pachube - data infrastructure for the Internet of Things.