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NSA Accesses Smartphone Data

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Sim card database hack gave US and UK spies access to billions of cellphones ... NSA and GCHQ hacked Sim card firm to steal encryption codes - UK and US spy agencies have been accused of hacking into the network of the world’s largest Sim card manufacturer to steal encryption codes used to protect mobile communications.

NSA and GCHQ hacked Sim card firm to steal encryption codes -

The Intercept reports that documents provided by Edward Snowden reveal that the US National Security Agency (NSA) and GCHQ hacked into Netherlands-based firm Gemalto, which produces around two billion Sim cards a year for firms such as AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile. Gemalto cambriolé par la NSA et le GCHQ, des millions de cartes SIM en danger. Selon des documents dérobés par Edward Snowden et révélés par The Intercept, le constructeur Gemalto a été attaqué conjointement par la NSA et le GCHQ.

Gemalto cambriolé par la NSA et le GCHQ, des millions de cartes SIM en danger

Les deux agences de renseignement ont ainsi pu dérober des millions de clés servant au chiffrement des communications mobiles. Cette information pourrait d’ailleurs constituer le chaînon manquant dans les interrogations liées à l’obtention des données par les programmes de surveillance. L’union anglo-américaine pour pirater les cartes SIM Comment la NSA, le GCHQ (son équivalent anglais) et les autres agences de renseignement dans le monde peuvent obtenir si « aisément » des communications émises par les smartphones ?

Pourquoi la NSA et le GCHQ ont volé des clés de chiffrement de cartes SIM. Le site The Intercept a révélé que les services secrets britanniques (le GCHQ), aidés par les Américains (la NSA) avaient piraté les comptes email et Facebook de salariés de Gemalto, le leader mondial coté au CAC40 de la fabrication de cartes SIM.

Pourquoi la NSA et le GCHQ ont volé des clés de chiffrement de cartes SIM

Ces piratages ont permis aux agents britanniques et américains de mettre la main sur des clés de chiffrement de cartes SIM pour téléphones mobiles. NSA's Stealing Keys To Mobile Phone Encryption Shows Why Mandatory Backdoors ... The Great SIM Heist: How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle. AMERICAN AND BRITISH spies hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world, stealing encryption keys used to protect the privacy of cellphone communications across the globe, according to top-secret documents provided to The Intercept by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The Great SIM Heist: How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle

The hack was perpetrated by a joint unit consisting of operatives from the NSA and its British counterpart Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ. The breach, detailed in a secret 2010 GCHQ document, gave the surveillance agencies the potential to secretly monitor a large portion of the world’s cellular communications, including both voice and data. The company targeted by the intelligence agencies, Gemalto, is a multinational firm incorporated in the Netherlands that makes the chips used in mobile phones and next-generation credit cards. In all, Gemalto produces some 2 billion SIM cards a year. Its motto is “Security to be Free.” GCHQ slide.

Phone Records Program Declassified After Outcry

NSA collects millions of text messages daily in 'untargeted' glo. Collect of text messages. NSA admits listening to U.S. phone calls without warrants. Telephone metadata and what it can tell the authorities about U. iSpy: How the NSA Accesses Smartphone Data. Michael Hayden has an interesting story to tell about the iPhone.

iSpy: How the NSA Accesses Smartphone Data

He and his wife were in an Apple store in Virginia, Hayden, the former head of the United States National Security Agency (NSA), said at a conference in Washington recently. A salesman approached and raved about the iPhone, saying that there were already "400,000 apps" for the device. Hayden, amused, turned to his wife and quietly asked: "This kid doesn't know who I am, does he? Four-hundred-thousand apps means 400,000 possibilities for attacks. " Hayden was apparently exaggerating only slightly. In Germany, more than 50 percent of all mobile phone users now possess a smartphone; in the UK, the share is two-thirds. New Channels Smartphones, in short, are a wonderful technical innovation, but also a terrific opportunity to spy on people, opening doors that even such a powerful organization as the NSA couldn't look behind until now.

Confirmed: The NSA is Spying on Millions of Americans. Today, the Guardian newspaper confirmed what EFF (and many others) have long claimed : the NSA is conducting widespread, untargeted, domestic surveillance on millions of Americans.

Confirmed: The NSA is Spying on Millions of Americans

This revelation should end, once and for all, the government's long-discredited secrecy claims about its dragnet domestic surveillance programs. It should spur Congress and the American people to make the President finally tell the truth about the government's spying on innocent Americans. In a report by Glenn Greenwald, the paper published an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (or FISC) that directs Verizon to provide “on an ongoing daily basis” all call records for any call “wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls” and any call made “between the United States and abroad.”

There is no indication that this order to Verizon was unique or novel. This type of untargeted, wholly domestic surveillance is exactly what EFF, and others have been suing about for years. Exclusive: Former NSA Director speaks about US domestic phone spying. Earlier this year I interviewed former CIA and National Security Agency Director, General Michael Hayden, for an upcoming radio series that the Privacy Surgeon will soon be launching.

Exclusive: Former NSA Director speaks about US domestic phone spying

Part of this interview addressed domestic surveillance and the expansion of the NSA’s powers. Given the current controversy over the Agency’s access to US phone data I thought it might be useful to release the relevant part of the interview transcript. I doubt there’s anything new here, but the commentary might be interesting from a historical perspective. What I regret… in retrospect – is not briefing more members of congress. The series will be launched in July in audio podcast format. Simon – Now look at the wiretap scandal, it’s been a number of years – have you got any reflections now on the events of that period? The changes made to the FISA act in 2008 were far more dramatic, far more far-reaching than anything President Bush authorised me to do under his article 2 commander-in-chief authority.

Verizon customers targeted

NSA targeted all users not just Verizon. Government phone tracking raising privacy concerns. Monumental phone-records monitoring is laid bare. U.S. Maintains Vast Database of Phone Calls, Lawmakers Say. Top U.S. Intelligence Officials Repeatedly Deny NSA Spying On Am.