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Internet of Things

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"The Internet of Things revolves around increased machine-to-machine communication; it’s built on cloud computing and networks of data-gathering sensors; it’s mobile, virtual, and instantaneous connection; and they say it’s going to make everything in our lives from streetlights to seaports “smart.

”' Wired 11 Nov 2014. @clarinette02: When technology becomes your friend Guitar gloves for victims of stroke. Wearable technologies and data protection issues. Wearable technologies and the Internet of Things are one of the most discussed at the moment with a considerable potential impact on our approach to technologies in the next years. But, with the huge amount of personal data relating to users as well as images/sounds on the people/events around him collected by means of such devices and the possibility to very easily share them on the Internet, the impact on privacy rights of these technologies will require a careful review.

This post is not meant to cover all the privacy-related legal issues relevant for wearable technologies but to shortly outline some of the most relevant. 1. Collection of user’s health-related and even biometric data Especially in the case of usage of health and fitness Apps, a number of health-related sensitive data concerning their users will be collected and this will require to comply with stringent privacy obligations. 2. 3. Following this post, I ran a webinar on the topic whose slides are available here. Privacy advocates try to keep ‘creepy,’ ‘eavesdropping’ Hello Barbie from hitting shelves. Hello Barbie is displayed at the Mattel showroom at the North American International Toy Fair. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan) At a recent New York toy fair, a Mattel representative introduced the newest version of Barbie by saying: "Welcome to New York, Barbie.

" The doll, named Hello Barbie, responded: "I love New York! Don't you? Tell me, what's your favorite part about the city? The food, fashion or the sights? " To revive the sinking sales of its flagship brand, Mattel is bringing Barbie to life with voice-recognition software that will allow the doll to "listen" to children speak and give chatty responses. This WiFi-connected Barbie may soon be a hit among children used to tinkering with iPads, but children's privacy advocates are crying foul. Hello Barbie works by recording a child's voice with an embedded microphone that is triggered by pressing a button on the doll.

The doll is expected to hit store shelves in the fall, and ToyTalk says it is still developing its privacy policy.

Internet of things/secuity

Big data and privacy. Big data for surveillance. The Internet will disappear with the Internet of Things? The Internet will disappear with the Internet of Things? Giulio Coraggio on 26 January, 2015 - 8:38 am in Internet of Things The Internet of Things will make the Internet disappear according to Eric Schmidt of Google. The Internet will become part of any object around us collecting personal data in a seemless manner which might lead to privacy issues that regulators shall properly address. The Internet will be all around us At the end of the World Economic Forum in Davos Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, responded to a question about the future of the web with the comment “I will answer very simply that the Internet will disappear” then adding “It will be part of your presence all the time [—] Imagine you walk into a room, and the room is dynamic. The growth of the Internet of Things smart technologies will have the consequence that the Internet will be in any object around us.

The Internet of Things as hidden privacy threats? How privacy protection can match business needs? Will Privacy Be Part of the IoT Standards Battle? The free flow of information is an exciting prospect, especially as we navigate into the wide-open world of the Internet of Things (IoT). I love that I can easily hook up the latest activity tracker with my smartphone and immediately log calories burned and time slept.

But that’s nothing. We’ve featured a number of dispatches from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) looking at what a new generation of connected technology will bring for privacy pros, the Personal Privacy Marketplace and, yes, drones. And though privacy is making it into many of these products, “it’s not something you’re seeing in marketing messages alongside the size of screens or the speed of processors,” my colleague Sam Pfeifle writes. The underlying technological factor, here though, is the protocols dictating how all of these connected devices communicate with one another.

But an important question remains: How is privacy being considered as these protocols develop? And what about other things, like webcams? 3 reasons why the Internet of Things (still) doesn’t make sense. Yoon Boo-Keun, president and co-chief executive officer of Samsung, speaks at a news conference during CES in Las Vegas. Samsung has emerged as one of the biggest backers for the “Internet of Things.” (Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg) If there was one big buzzword out of this year’s CES, it was the “Internet of Things.”

Not so fast. 1. This is a real deal-killer – the current generation of consumer products for the Internet of Things is still way too expensive. There are a limited number of items that people are going to pay a premium price for — things like the Nest Learning Thermostat, where the ability to control your home actually might bring cost savings later down the road. 2. And even if the costs of these Internet-connected things come down, it will be a nightmare interoperability issue to get all the different things talking to each other. 3. That being said, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with embedding more sensors and chips inside objects to make them smarter. The Government Reveals Its 3 Biggest Concerns About The Internet of Things (CSCO, INTC)

Intel's AIM Suite can identify gender and approximate age of consumers. Source: Intel. Technological optimism is buzzing at the Consumer Electronics Show this week. Prototypes of autonomous cars, wearable technology, and Internet of Things innovations are taking center stage. But not everyone is sold on the coming IoT utopia. Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman, Edith Ramirez, laid out three main concerns facing the Internet of Things in her CES keynote, and what companies can do to stave off the risks of connecting billions of formerly unconnected things to the Internet. 1.

Ubiquitous data collectionIn her speech, Ramirez said: In the not too distant future, many, if not most, aspects of our everyday lives will leave a digital trail. That sounds like a real IoT buzzkill, but it's in lockstep with some bear cases for the Internet of Things. Intel's (NASDAQ: INTC ) already done some of this for its customers in the retail industry. "The potential applications in retail are limitless. 2. Internet of You: Users Become Part of the City-as-a-System.

While new wearable technologies such as Google Glass and FitBit have recently captured media and consumer attention, they’re really just the vanguard of a larger story — wearables’ potential for making cities smarter through connecting systems, analyzing collected data and making policy decisions based on the results. In a recent study conducted by the Governing Institute, 27 percent of respondents said that wearable technologies’ data collection would make for better decision-making, while 14 percent said it would increase communication between government and citizens.

When asked if connecting through devices to the network creates better places to live, 19 percent agreed and 32 percent agreed somewhat. Given the newness of their market entry, wearable technologies have not yet made a significant impression on government leaders entrusted with bringing systemic innovation to the infrastructure, buildings and municipal facilities of the future. Tomorrow’s Workplace The Wearable Wave.

INFOGRAPHIC: Biometric Technology, Airport Security and the Changing Face of Travel. Vie privée 2020, une passionnante conférence CNIL sur les enjeux autour des données personnelles. Vie privée 2020 (c) CNIL A l’occasion de la sortie d’un très beau cahier "Innovation et prospective" titré "Vie Privée à l’horizon 2020", disponible sous format PDF, la CNIL a réuni un grand nombre des experts ayant participé à ce document pour une journée passionnante sur le sujet de la vie privée, sujet intéressant chacun d’entre nous, et en particulier les acteurs des services de proximité sans contact de type NFC ou RFID et plus globalement l’Internet des Objets.

Ci-joint quelques notes, bribes, tweets et autres verbatim extraits du débat en complément du document de la CNIL. Après l’introduction par la présidente de la CNIL, Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, la première table ronde a abordé le sujet de "La révolution du web social : demain, tous des peoples ? " Les sujets "vie privée" sont nombreux sur cette thématique. Antonio Casilli, sociologue, Telecom ParisTech. Christine Balagué, tous ces nouveaux services et technologies poussent à partager.

Va-t-on vers le "tous géocalisés ? " Big data is our generation’s civil rights issue, and we don’t know it. Data doesn’t invade people’s lives. Lack of control over how it’s used does. What’s really driving so-called Big Data isn’t the volume of information. It turns out Big Data doesn’t have to be all that big. Rather, it’s about a reconsideration of the fundamental economics of analyzing data. For decades, there’s been a fundamental tension between three attributes of databases. You can have the data fast; you can have it big; or you can have it varied. I’d first heard this as the “three V’s of data”: Volume, Variety, and Velocity.

The advent of clouds, platforms like Hadoop, and the inexorable march of Moore’s Law means that now, analyzing data is trivially inexpensive. In the old, data-is-scarce model, companies had to decide what to collect first, and then collect it. That needs repeating: You decide what data is about the moment you define its schema. With the new, data-is-abundant model, we collect first and ask questions later.

And this is a dangerous thing. Now run this backwards. How Big Data Became So Big - Unboxed. Big Data Security Or SIEM Buzzword Parity? If you attended the 2012 RSA Security Conference, BSides San Francisco, or the America’s Growth Capital Summit, you no doubt noticed claims of SIEM vendors jumping on the 'big data security' bandwagon I doubt I could find anyone who would argue that there wasn't a wealth of security-pertinent data made available by the various deployed technical controls and corresponding user actions in an enterprise environment.

An argument that many would likely join, however, is the question of what data is relevant in a security context. Some might say that only network-level logs (such as firewall or IPS logs) and user-access-related logs are required, whereas others might include endpoint security logs, proxy-related logs, and maybe even deep packet inspection data.

Something that we can likely all agree on, however, is that having access to information that might be required is likely better than lamenting not having access to it in the midst of a security incident. The big data battle: How HP can help your business win the war - IT Pro White Paper Library. Internet of Things: Future Cities Lab CEO, City Innovation Group founder discuss art installations and projects using sensors. Uk.businessinsider. BI Intelligence The Internet of Things (IoT) has been called the next Industrial Revolution — it will change the way all businesses, governments, and consumers interact with the physical world. For more than two years, BI Intelligence has closely tracked the growth of the IoT. Specifically, we've analyzed how the IoT ecosystem enables entities (i.e. consumers, businesses, and governments) to connect to, and control, their IoT devices in 16 environments, including manufacturing, the connected home, transportation, and agriculture.

In a new report from BI Intelligence, we discuss all of the components of the IoT ecosystem, including its devices, analytics, networks, and security. We also provide estimates and forecasts on the burgeoning IoT market, including device growth, amount invested, and potential return on investment. Here are some key points from the report: In total, we project there will be 34 billion devices connected to the internet by 2020, up from 10 billion in 2015. PS. The Internet of Things Is Far Bigger Than Anyone Realizes. Little sensors, big impact: CardioMEMs sensors are implanted using minimally invasive techniques. intelfreepress/Flickr When people talk about “the next big thing,” they’re never thinking big enough.

It’s not a lack of imagination; it’s a lack of observation. I’ve maintained that the future is always within sight, and you don’t need to imagine what’s already there. Case in point: The buzz surrounding the Internet of Things. What’s the buzz? But here’s what I mean when I say people don’t think big enough. A sensor is not a machine. Cloud-based applications are the key to using leveraged data. Let’s look at one example. If there’s ice on the bridge, the same sensors in the concrete will detect it and communicate the information via the wireless internet to your car. You might start to see the implications here. Okay. Here’s what I mean when I say people never think big enough. 10 enterprise Internet of Things deployments with actual results. Much of the media focus on IoT has been on connected devices like smart appliances, wearable devices, and other novelties. However, at Cisco’s Internet of Things World Forum in Chicago last month, a number of complex deployments that have transformed cities or businesses were highlighted.

Here are 10 of the more interesting deployments. BC Hydro, British Columbia, Canada Smart Meter and Clean Energy Program Companies Involved: Cisco, Itron, Cap Gemini, Accenture BC Hydro invested $900 million for smart meters and smart grid across the service area to improve meter efficiency and grid stability. The solution enables over-the-air firmware updates and remote motoring, and reduced theft by 75%, translating to savings of $330 million in meter reading and $224 million saved in self-service tools. Coca-Cola, Atlanta, Georgia Supply Chain and Logistics Improvements to Streamline Order Processing Companies Involved: Cisco, SAP, Datria Rio Operations Center, Rio de Janerio, Brazil Pipeline Automation.

Setting Standards for the Internet of Things. Fifteen years ago, one of the first major initiatives in the Internet of Things took place. In 1999, the Auto-ID Center was formed at MIT; it later became the Auto-ID Labs, a global consortium of researchers and practitioners. The goal of both organizations was to research and help implement radio-frequency identification devices (RFID). That same year also marked the first recorded use of the Internet of Things (IoT) term by an Auto-ID co-director. (While the concept of connected things goes back at least two decades, to our knowledge it was Kevin Ashton, a co-founder of the MIT Auto-ID Center, who first used the appealing IoT term in 1999.) RFID was arguably the first major IoT technology of any scale. While not all RFID devices are connected to the Internet, from the beginning the technology involved a networked collection of sensors that monitored physical devices.

However, that standard-setting process was difficult and time-consuming. What Worked Well with RFID Faster process.

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The Internet of things. ENISA IoT. FTC IoT. Internet of things tracking. Internet of things. Mauritius-Declaration. Data Protection Officials Adopt Internet of Things Declaration and Big Data Resolution | Inside Privacy. Home > International > Data Protection Officials Adopt Internet of Things Declaration and Big Data Resolution At the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Mauritius this week, representatives of the private sector and academia joined together to discuss the positive changes and attendant risks that the internet of things and big data may bring to daily life. Attendees memorialized the observations and conclusions of their discussions in a Declaration on the Internet of Things and a Resolution on Big Data.

The documents are not, of course, binding. But, the fact that the Declaration and Resolution drew the consensus of a large gathering of international data protection regulators renders them relevant indicators of direction of data privacy policies and trends. Mauritius Declaration on the Internet of Things Mauritius Resolution on Big Data. This Country is Leading the Internet of Things Revolution (Hint: It's Not the U.S.) From fast fashion to wearable technology – the pro’s and con’s of today’s lic... Page. The ‘Internet of Things’, Part 2: top 7 recommendations from EU privacy regul...

The internet of things is here, but the rules to run it are not. Internet of Things will transform life, but experts fear for privacy and personal data. The Internet of Things Has Arrived — And So Have Massive Security Issues | Wired Opinion. Top 5 IoT insights from the Web Summit | IoTLAW. Fordham Report 2014: Fair Use and Freedom of Speech.