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Image borrowed from Access campaign against Apple tracking geolocation : " Apple tracking the locations of every WiFi hotspot and cellphone tower"

Looking for the worm in the Apple Watch? Apple watch has been officially presented. As a sophisticated gadget, it is highly desirable. Much more aesthetic than google glasses, Kashmir Hill describes its functionalities and privacy concerns. We know that the FTC is said to have had discussions over the privacy issues of the device. we are said that Apple will not retain data and not passed them on any third party. Why would this matter? With regard to the EU Data Protection Directive, health data are considered as sensitive private information to handle with great precaution. Sensitive information can be extracted from the collected data as well as deduced when combined by external information. No way pretending you are taking sick days to rest if your watch can tell your heart bits are not really the one of someone resting.

These health data are combined with other tracking data including the sensitive geolocation tracking. We know how insurance companies offer reduced policy to the drivers consenting to instal a tracking box. The inside story of how Apple's new medical research platform was born -- Fusion. On September 27, 2013, during a dimly-lit presentation at Stanford’s MedX conference, Dr. Stephen Friend told an audience about the future of medical research.

“Imagine ten trials, several thousand patients,” said Friend, the founder of Seattle-based Sage Bionetworks, a nonprofit that champions open science and data sharing. “Here you have genetic information, and you have what drugs they took, how they did. Put that up in the cloud, and you have a place where people can go and query it, [where] they can make discoveries.” In this scenario, Friend said, patients would be able to control who could access their information, and for which purposes. But their health data would be effectively open-sourced. The crowd was receptive. He was closer than he thought. After Friend’s talk, O’Reilly approached the doctor, and, in typical tight-lipped Apple fashion, said: “I can’t tell you where I work, and I can’t tell you what I do, but I need to talk to you,” Friend recalls. Stephen Friend. _CAHIERS_IP2_WEB.pdf.

Apple Watch's privacy details under scrutiny by Connecticut attorney general. The attorney general of the U.S. state of Connecticut is concerned about the privacy implications of Apple Watch’s handling of consumers’ health information. In a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook, George Jepsen has asked for a meeting with company representatives to discuss his concerns about how personal consumer information collected through the Apple Watch will be stored and safeguarded, the attorney general’s office said Monday. Apple unveiled earlier this month a digital watch that will double as a fitness tracker and run a variety of apps.

The company said the watches will be available next year. Jepsen wants to know at the proposed meeting with Apple whether personal and health information will be stored on the Apple Watch itself and/or on its servers, and if so, how this information will be safeguarded. The attorney general clarified that he was not making an accusation at Apple but was extending an invitation for a dialogue. Apple could not be immediately reached for comment. Privacy Challenges Lie Ahead of the Apple Watch | Noah Levy. "Beam me up, Scottie" -- a phrase that was once a glamorous fantasy of sci-fi enthusiasts might now be becoming a reality. Unfortunately, I'm not speaking of the ability to transport William Shatner through space, but about the transponder on his clothing that's being used to communicate with the Enterprise. Wearable tech is broadly defined as any form of electronics that can be worn on the body as either an accessory or as a material used in the clothing.

Unless you live in San Francisco, you probably haven't seen too much of it. However, that's all about to change quickly with the April release date of the Apple Watch, which already has anticipated initial sales between 5 - 6 million units. Furthermore, analysts at Credit Suisse are forecasting the market size of wearable tech to increase from $3B-$5B to $50B over the next 5 years. So what does this mean for all of us? Historically, the mass adoption of new technologies has provided unbelievable benefits. What we know about security features on the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch can do a lot of things — monitor your heart rate, buy stuff with Apple Pay and even open your garage door. So how does the wearable, which goes on sale April 24, make sure that you — and not someone who has stolen your Apple Watch — are the one doing those things? While we don't know too much about how the Apple Watch will tackle privacy concerns, the company has a few elements in place to make sure the device is secure.

To start, Apple Watch comes with an opt-in PIN number, just like iPhones do, for Apple Pay. If the PIN is activated, users have to enter it each time they put the Apple Watch back on. Apple Watch's sensors can therefore tell if someone is wearing it. The website, which only dedicates a "security" section to Apple Pay, highlights that if a user sets up Apple Pay on their Apple Watch, a passcode becomes mandatory: Even if you lose Apple Watch, your accounts are protected.

Security doesn't just rely on a passcode. BONUS: Hands-on with a real, live Apple Watch. Apple Watch Displays Your Digital World, at a Glance. Photo SAN FRANCISCO — When unveiled its watch last fall, the company showed only demo models of the new device — polished prototypes of the hardware running nonworking loops of the software. On Monday, the company gave a closer look at the Apple Watch, including the working software.

The company also said the device would start at $350 and, depending on the band and finish you chose, go into the thousands of dollars. I spent two long sessions with the watch in Apple’s demo room. THE HARDWARE It’s a perfectly nice-looking watch. Yet it’s hard to forget that it is a computer for your wrist. I’m not quite sure Apple pulled that off in this version. THE INTERFACE Last fall, Apple made a big show of the rotating crown on the side of the device, the company’s take on what most of us call a watch dial. It has two primary uses: When you press it, you get to the watch’s main screen of apps — or, if you’re already on that screen, the watch switches to displaying the clock.

Xeni on Rachel Maddow Show on Apple Watch. ?tag=nl. Apple Watch has been billed as a fashion statement, the emergence of the smart watch as a real device and a way to generate iPhone sales. Perhaps it's more about the Internet of things ecosystem. When Apple Watch was revealed on Monday, a lot of the moving parts were already known. And then Apple CEO Tim Cook dropped a few items that were begging to be connected. Among them: ResearchKit;HealthKit;HomeKit;700 million iPhones sold;Apple Pay;Car Play. Whether it's medical research---you and your health as a medical research tool---a Coca Cola vending machine, health monitoring and payments it all adds up to a touch point for Apple.

Also: Apple Watch: Official battery life data | Apple Watch and new MacBook prices worldwide | iPad Pro: Apple's unicorn remains shrouded in mystery JMP Securities research analyst Alex Gauna didn't go too deep, but he highlighted the IoT potential. Indeed, the proper way to look at the Apple Watch is that it's another cog in Apple's halo effect. Image 1 of 16. Apple aims to help medical studies with ResearchKit. Apple thinks its new software framework can solve some of the biggest challenges facing medical researchers, including recruiting people for studies and collecting health data more frequently. Called ResearchKit, the framework will allow developers to create apps for medical research studies and turn a smartphone into a diagnostic tool, Apple said Monday during an event in San Francisco.

ResearchKit will be released as open source next month and the first five apps are available today, said Jeff Williams, Apple's senior vice president of operations. Because it's releasing ResearchKit as open source, apps can be developed for mobile platforms other than iOS, such as Android. Apple teamed up with several hospitals to develop the initial apps, said Williams. For example, Massachusetts General Hospital helped create an app for diabetics and Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City worked on an app for asthma patients. ResearchKit: Apple veut soutenir la recherche médicale. Afin d'être publiée, votre note : - Doit se conformer à la législation en vigueur. En particulier et de manière non exhaustive sont proscrits : l'incitation à la haine raciale et à la discrimination, l'appel à la violence ; la diffamation, l'injure, l'insulte et la calomnie ; l'incitation au suicide, à l'anorexie, l'incitation à commettre des faits contraires à la loi ; les collages de textes soumis au droit d'auteur ou au copyright ; les sous-entendus racistes, homophobes, sexistes ainsi que les blagues stigmatisantes. - De plus, votre message doit respecter les règles de bienséance : être respectueux des internautes comme des journalistes de 20Minutes, ne pas être hors-sujet et ne pas tomber dans la vulgarité. - D'autre part, les messages publicitaires, postés en plusieurs exemplaires, rédigés en majuscules, contenant des liens vers des sites autres que 20Minutes ou trop longs seront supprimés.

Exclusive: U.S. FTC asking Apple about health data protection. FTC reportedly interested in privacy of Apple Watch health data. The US Federal Trade Commission has been meeting with Apple as it looks to ensure that private health data collected by the company's phones, tablets, and upcoming smartwatch aren't used without their owners' consent, Reuters reports, citing a pair of anonymous sources. Apple and the FTC have reportedly met on several occasions over the past months, with the commission showing a particular interest in Apple Watch and its ability to track a wearer's pulse. Apple has reportedly continued to stress to the commission that it will not sell health data or allow third parties to do so.

The FTC declined to comment. The FTC is interested in Apple, not investigating it Despite its interest, there appears to be no sign that the commission is planning a formal investigation or inquiry into Apple's use of health data, according to Reuters. Apple tells Reuters that it's been working with regulators worldwide on how it stores health data. The privacy and security questions we must ask about the Apple Watch -- Fusion. Next month, the Apple Watch will become the must-have gadget for early adopters. Like Google Glass, the Watch needs to pair with a heavier-duty operating system provided by a smartphone. But instead of putting something ugly on your face, Apple is putting an elegant device on your wrist so you can read texts and emails discreetly, and take phone calls Dick Tracy-style. Where Glass had a camera to record the world around you as you saw it, the Apple Watch has a sensor to see what’s going on inside you.

Its pulse oximeter will keep track of your heart rate. Apple is signaling with this that it wants to move seriously into the health-tracking space. Now that our iDevices are going to be collecting even more information from us, what privacy and security concerns do we need to be freaking out about? 1. At the very least, let’s hope a hacker can’t listen in on the iPhone and the Watch talking to one another. 2. Who else might use it? 3. 4. 5. 5 Reasons NOT To Buy An Apple Watch! | Bernard Marr.