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Shorts Bag. BAG from SHORTS So, these shorts have a story.

Shorts Bag

Tuto2. Casquette gavroche adulte, Patron couture gratuit.

Custo tongs

Handmade Tissue Paper Flowers and Pompom Garland. DIY Home Decorating - How to Make a Beanbag Chair at - Womans Day - StumbleUpon. Whether it’s extra seating you need or a plush spot to put your feet up, this cozy circular beanbag pouf fits the bill.

DIY Home Decorating - How to Make a Beanbag Chair at - Womans Day - StumbleUpon

The playful dot pattern adds retro-inspired whimsy and visual interest. Skill Level: Intermediate Materials: 3 yd fabric; tape measure; water-soluble marker; string and tape (optional); scissors; pins; iron; thread; sewing machine with zipper foot; 20" zipper; 6 yd 3/8" cording; polyester bean filler (we used Poly-fil Beanbag Filler from Fairfield Processing). Directions: 1. Patron a télécharger luminaire en carton - Lampe Lumi4. Printable Bias Tape Maker! You all know how much I love using cardstock folding templates, right?

Printable Bias Tape Maker!

For a few years now I've been playing with the idea of a cardstock bias tape maker. Whenever I had a project involving bias tape, I would experiment, fail miserably, and scrap the idea. Well, right now I'm working on a Sis Boom pattern that requires picture perfect, 1/2" wide single fold bias tape. Recyclart. Besace "Made in China" - Le tuto.

Bébé numéro 2

Nina. Grossesse. Lilie. Crafty Bitches - Blog DIY, Couture, Déco, Vintage: Vieux T-shirt, nouvelle culotte ! Tuto + patron dedans. Je sais pas si c'est le printemps qui me donne envie de me déshabiller ou bien le fait que je ne vous ai donné aucun tuto couture depuis quelques temps qui me pousse à vous proposer du GLAMOUR pour me faire pardonner...

Crafty Bitches - Blog DIY, Couture, Déco, Vintage: Vieux T-shirt, nouvelle culotte ! Tuto + patron dedans

Mais voilà, je me retrouve à vous proposer du déconseillé au mineur(e)s, c'est n'importe quoi. Mais bref, voilà un tuto ET un patron à télécharger pour faire toi aussi cette petit culotte spécial Bootyshake. Ce tuto, je vous préviens tout de suite, j'en suis vachement fière, pour plein de bonnes raisons : 1/ Cette petite culotte, je la kiffe (devinez dans quelle tenue je vous écris là tout de suite ?) 2/ Une fois n'est pas coutume, j'ai fait une première culotte PUIS une deuxième histoire de vous servir un beau tuto aux petits oignons, pleins de photos et tout ça; How To Sew a Circle Skirt – DIY Fashion Tutorial.

The moment you’ve all been waiting for: a circle skirt tutorial that has the math already done for you!

How To Sew a Circle Skirt – DIY Fashion Tutorial

Download my FREE circle skirt template, and you’re ready to go! For detailed instructions, watch my video tutorial here: I tried to address all the questions you guys have asked about circle skirts over the years: how to hem a circle skirt, how to avoid hemming (heh), how to determine how much fabric you need, what to do if your fabric isn’t wide enough to cut the skirt in one piece, and so on. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel! This tutorial was filmed using a Creative Labs Vado HD Digital Video Camera, a Canon Rebel (for still shots), and edited in Sony Vegas Movie Studio.

TUTORIALS. Watermark Tee. Adaptation météo. Oh yeah!

Adaptation météo

Alors, forcément, vous ne le voyez pas, là maintenant tout de suite, mais je suis présentement en train de danser la carmagnole devant mon ordi en rédigeant ce billet! Pourquoi? Tutorial ~ Hanging Fabric Baskets Or Pockets. I know I say this every time, but I am so excited about this project!

Tutorial ~ Hanging Fabric Baskets Or Pockets

The possibilities are endless! And they are so easy – I am going to have baskets hanging all around my house in a weeks time. I am using these above my sewing desk to hold all my notions and patterns. First I will show you how to make them, then I will tell you all the ways I think you could use them…then you can tell me all the ways I never thought of!

Here is the tutorial for making larger baskets with plexiglass in the bottom for great wall storage. Supplies: Fabric – how much you need depends on how big and how many you make, we’ll go over thisHeavy weight interface lining – you want it stiff enough to hold its shapeAll your sewing stuffCurtain rod or wooden dowel with brackets to hang it on. DIY Cardboard Laptop Stand. By LiveOAK Staff on May 4, 2009 DIY Cardboard Laptop Stand Get your laptop off the table and stop hunching over to see the screen with this DIY cardboard laptop stand.

DIY Cardboard Laptop Stand

It's small, light, free & green and it will help you cut down on the trips to the chiropractor. Did I mention it's super easy to make? I originally found this idea at, where Erik Skiff whipped up a pretty cool acrylic stand. Mail organizer tutorial. To kick off Spice up your Kitchen, I figured I should start things off with a tutorial to help you get organized.

mail organizer tutorial

You know all that mail that piles up on your kitchen counters? Come on, fess up. Well mine was finally driving me crazy enough to do something about it. Des chapeaux à faire soi-même. Les 10 doigts de Doudi

Des chapeaux à faire soi-même

Guide ourlet fait maison. Aujourd'hui un petit "freebie", un petit truc, que celles qui viennent en cours utilisent et apprécient, alors autant en faire profiter tout le monde ;) Mon Guide Ourlet fait maison C'est un petit morceau de feutrine qui aide à plier et replier le tissu au fer à repasser, sans se bruler les doigts. Parce que ceux en métal deviennent brûlants au bout de 2 minutes, ceux en plastique finissent par se déformer et ceux en papier à jaunir irrémédiablement, bref j'en ai eu marre et j'ai cherché une matière qui ne chauffe pas, qui tienne le coup, et qui soit suffisamment rigide. Comment le réaliser : Il vous faut une plaque de feutrine un peu rigide de 2 ou 3 mm d'épaisseur (2 mm c'est mieux), un cutter ou une paire de ciseaux et le gabarit que je vous ai préparé (voir à la fin de ce billet). Imprimez et découpez le gabarit.

Si la ligne de pliure de l'ourlet n'est pas dessiné, utilisez le guide ourlet comme gabarit : certains côtés mesurent 3, 4 ou 1 cm. Tutorials. Hola there! Here you can find an organized list of all my tutorials, projects and printables. I want to point out that I am no sewing expert and have no formal education in either sewing or English (Spanish is my native language) So I might not always use the correct terminology or best technique, I am always learning too! It might not always be perfect, but it’s sure a lot of fun! All of my tutorials and printables for personal use only, if you want to sell items made with these tutorials please purchase a Limited Production License. If you blog them, please do not share the complete post and share a link crediting back to the post and DO NOT link directly to downloads, please read my Site Policy and Contact me if you have questions, hope you all enjoy!

Flowers & Jewelry. Pas à pas : poser un biais en angle - Du zigzag sous la carapace. Mini Art Wrap Tutorial. Welcome to the first of the patterns/tutorials that I’m writing for my 12 Patterns in 12 Months project. If you are a regular reader, this might not quite be what you were expecting, but this is February’s project ;-).

The pattern for January is still in the pipeline and will hopefully arrive before January 2014… These little wraps measure 5.5″ x 7″ (18cm x 14cm) folded, and 10″ x 16.5″ (25cm x 41cm) unfolded. There is room inside for a small notebook/sketch pad (A6 size) and 16 full size pencils/pens (2 to each pocket). Please feel free to use this pattern in any way that you wish, but I would very much appreciate a link back to this tutorial, or at least to my blog, if you are going to make art wraps for sale – many thanks! Sweet Child Zipper Pouch Pattern -PDF File INSTANT DOWNLOAD.

Fait !

Mai 2014. Vêtements.