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BallDroppings. Cut the Rope. TRANSFORM. Not To Scale - StumbleUpon. Last Created. Effing Worms - Play it on Not Doppler - StumbleUpon. Avoider - StumbleUpon. Record Tripping - A Bell Brothers Game - StumbleUpon. Clockbusters - StumbleUpon. Cubed. Red Ball 2. Sydney Shark - StumbleUpon. Game_v6. Hwdykyworld.html?fdef=85b4 from - StumbleUpon. Throw Paper! Toon Crisis - StumbleUpon. Puzzle Games Heaven. Play Free Games Online at Armor Games - StumbleUpon.

Andkon Arcade - StumbleUpon. House Flip - Real Estate Game from ... Vector Stunt Game & Walkthrough - GamesButler - StumbleUpon. Love - StumbleUpon. Counter Snipe - Multiplayer Sniper Game. Monkey Kick Off - Totebo Online Games. X Games by Damien10Dh. Games (of Death?) [ Turf Wars | Battle Ninja | Nin-Ja-Toe | Ninja Name | Job Quiz | Seppuku | Ninja Delivery ] Defeat the evil samurai from Samurai Burger by capturing more of the neighborhood turf than they do!

Games (of Death?)

Click any two dots to secure a perimeter along that point; be the one to secure the final perimeter around a city block and you capture the block for Ninja Burger! You are blue, Samurai Burger is red, like the blood that will flow freely through the streets as you decimate their numbers. Here's proof that it is possible to capture all the squares (and lose miserably): Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 14:30:05 EST From: **** ******* <********> To: Subject: Samuri skunking I am now a masta! Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 14:41:36 EDT From: **** ******* [********] To: Subject: Samurai Skunking 2: Enter the Loser I am now Grand Masta! Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 16:42:51 -0400 From: J****** L*** [*******. Factory Balls 4, a Bart Bonte game. Ten games that make you think about life - StumbleUpon. At the start of this year, we decided to come up with a list of Flash casual games with a philosophical bent.

Ten games that make you think about life - StumbleUpon

To be honest, we struggled. After days of research, we could only find a handful of games that had the thought-provoking depth we were looking for. Our list (which you can view by clicking here) was therefore only five games long. Fast forward to now, and it is remarkable how much difference a few months can make. Thanks to the work of pioneers like Daniel Benmergui, Gregory Weir and PixelAnte, there is now an abundance of clever arty Flash games to pique our intellects, and as a result creating this follow-up list of games that make you think has been a doddle. In a wonderful twist, it seems it is the Flash gaming space - until now known more for the throwaway nature of its games rather than depth - that is leading the way in this exciting new area of gaming, as we hope the following games prove. 1Immortall The game starts with you crash landing on a planet. 2Loved 5Coma 6Loondon.

Reaction_version5.swf from - StumbleUpon. Magnum Pleasure Hunt. Numz - StumbleUpon. Scrubbleswebloader.swf?hash=a5600ec38d5a5efd7b628d7713e2da2e from - StumbleUpon. Fetchfidos Free Online Games - Eskiv - StumbleUpon. Wild West by weewam. Sushi Cat - StumbleUpon. Expand your vocabulary! ... 404 Error: Now what??? ...