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Mindmapping sur iPad, iPhone

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MindHD for iPhone/iPad!!! Mindmap-apps-ipad-2-2013-900px.jpg (JPEG Image, 987 × 659 pixels) SimpleMind+ (mind mapping) SimpleMind on iPhone and iPad. iThoughts. iBlueSky. Inspiration Software announces Inspiration Diagrams for the iPad. Feb 10th, 2012 | By Chuck Frey | Category: Mobile Mapping Tools Called Inspiration Diagrams, the new visual thinking app is designed to help students in grades 6-12 to create visual diagrams and outlines that help them to clarify their thoughts, organize and analyze information, integrate new knowledge and learn to think critically.

Inspiration Software announces Inspiration Diagrams for the iPad

Inspiration will lead off with an abridged version of the app, Diagrams Lite, which will be available for free in the AppStore in March. That will be followed by a full version, which will be available for purchase in April. Inspiration Software, Inc. - The Leader in Visual Thinking and Learning. MindNode.