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Split Screen Presidents: Barack Obama Comes Out Swinging As Donald Trump Digs In. Le patron du «New York Times» met en garde Trump après ses multiples attaques contre la presse. Le patron du prestigieux New York Times a révélé ce dimanche avoir vigoureusement mis en garde Donald Trump sur ses attaques répétées contre la presse lors d’une rencontre à la Maison Blanche.

Le patron du «New York Times» met en garde Trump après ses multiples attaques contre la presse

C’est le président américain lui-même qui avait révélé un peu plus tôt dans un tweet avoir discuté de «fake news» avec Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, directeur de la publication du quotidien. « Avons passé beaucoup de temps à parler des vastes quantités de fake news qui sont publiées par les médias et comment ces fake news se sont métamorphosées en une phrase, 'Ennemi du peuple'. Triste ! », a-t-il tweeté. Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times.

Une centaine de journaux américains se mobiliseront contre Donald Trump jeudi. Les médias américains en ont ras la casquette de Donald Trump.

Une centaine de journaux américains se mobiliseront contre Donald Trump jeudi

Comme le rapporte le Guardian, repéré par le site de BFMTV, une centaine de journaux se mobiliseront jeudi afin de protester contre les attaques incessantes du président américain envers les médias. Portée par le Boston Globe, la campagne (soutenue par la American Society of News Editors), prendra la forme d’éditos publiés dans chaque journal et devrait être suivie par des titres de presse à grand tirage comme le Houston Chronicle, le Miami Herald ou encore le Denver Post. Journalists are not the enemy #FreePress. Etats-Unis: Des journaux américains lancent une grande campagne pour la liberté de la presse. « Les journalistes ne sont pas l’ennemi. » Agacés par les incessantes critiques de Donald Trump, plus de 200 groupes de presse américains ont publié une grande campagne pour la liberté de la presse ce jeudi.

Etats-Unis: Des journaux américains lancent une grande campagne pour la liberté de la presse

Des éditos pour lutter contre le désamour des Américains. « Nous avons aujourd’hui aux Etats-Unis un président qui a créé un mantra selon lequel tout média qui ne soutient pas ouvertement la politique de l’administration actuelle est "l’ennemi du peuple" », écrit le Globe dans son éditorial jeudi. JFK Assassination Records - 2018 Additional Documents Release. Les dossiers secrets du Pentagone. En 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, un brillant analyste employé comme consultant par le Pentagone, fait parvenir au New York Times un dossier sur la guerre du Vietnam classé secret défense.

Les dossiers secrets du Pentagone

"Pentagon Papers" : comment le monde est passé à deux doigts d'un holocauste nucléaire. 15 juin 1971 : l'affaire des «Pentagon Papers» détaillée dans Le Figaro. Trump's attacks on the press are the worst in our history. We shouldn't push back. - Connecting People Through News. ′Gutenberg democratized knowledge′ Publishing the Pentagon Papers. In this era of fake news, Stephen Spielberg’s latest film looks back at the true story of the Pentagon Papers.

Publishing the Pentagon Papers

Publishing news of this leaked government report put investigative journalists and newspaper publishers at real risk of prosecution. And yet, against the odds, they went ahead and set the scene for the Watergate scandal. The Post tells the story of the “Pentagon Papers” – a leaked top-secret government report entitled “History of U.S.

Decision-making in Vietnam, 1945-66”. The report showed that four successive presidents, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, had misled the public about U.S. operations in Vietnam, ostensibly pursuing a strategy towards peace while the military and CIA were covertly expanding the war. The New York Times obtained the leaked 7,000-page report and after failing to interest Congress members in its contents, set up a secret team of journalists in a hotel for three months to comb through the report to find and verify stories. Analysing press images. Teaching materials: using newspapers in the classroom 1. By Lindsay Clandfield and Duncan Foord This article comes from the onestopenglish archive but ties in with this month's Guardian Weekly promotion.

Teaching materials: using newspapers in the classroom 1

Advice and suggestions on using newspapers in the English classroom. Introduction Ask any new ESL/EFL teacher (or, for that matter, a seasoned teacher) what comes to mind as an authentic reading activity for their learners and almost certainly one of the first things they will say is “using a newspaper”. There has been much use and abuse of newspapers in the ELT profession. This article takes a fresh look at newspapers and suggests what to do, and what to perhaps AVOID doing. Google Critic Ousted From Think Tank Funded by the Tech Giant - The New York Times. Ms.

Google Critic Ousted From Think Tank Funded by the Tech Giant - The New York Times

Slaughter told Mr. Lynn that “the time has come for Open Markets and New America to part ways,” according to an email from Ms. Slaughter to Mr. Lynn. The email suggested that the entire Open Markets team — nearly 10 full-time employees and unpaid fellows — would be exiled from New America. While she asserted in the email, which was reviewed by The New York Times, that the decision was “in no way based on the content of your work,” Ms.

Mr. “Google is very aggressive in throwing its money around Washington and Brussels, and then pulling the strings,” Mr. Yes, Google Uses Its Power to Quash Ideas It Doesn’t Like—I Know Because It Happened to Me. Les Unes de The Economist et du Time sur Donald Trump se passent de commentaire. MÉDIAS - Charlottesville va laisser des traces.

Les Unes de The Economist et du Time sur Donald Trump se passent de commentaire

Donald Trump n'a pu se résoudre à prendre clairement parti contre les suprémacistes blancs, le Ku Klux Klan et les néo-nazis, au cœur des violences qui ont fait un mort et plusieurs blessés le 12 août à Charlottesville. Il les a même défendus, quelques jours après. Charlie Hebdo depicts drowning Harvey victims as neo-Nazis. The cover of the latest edition of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo depicts Texans who drowned in the flood waters of Tropical Storm Harvey as Nazis, it was reported on Wednesday.

Charlie Hebdo depicts drowning Harvey victims as neo-Nazis

‘God Exists! He Drowned All the Neo-Nazis of Texas,’ the controversial weekly magazine writes for its cover story. The cartoon on the front page shows a torrential downpour drowning a group of people carrying flags with the Nazi swastikas. Some of the victims on the cover are under water as they do the Nazi salute with their arms outstretched at a 45-degree angle. The satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo’s latest edition includes a cover depicting Texans who drowned in the flood waters of Tropical Storm Harvey as Nazis. The far right is losing its ability to speak freely online. Should the left defend it? Matthew Prince had the power to kill the white supremacist hate site the Daily Stormer for years, but he didn’t choose to pull the trigger until 16 August.

The far right is losing its ability to speak freely online. Should the left defend it?

That’s when the chief executive of website security company Cloudflare “woke up … in a bad mood and decided to kick them off the Internet”, as he told his employees in an internal email. Without Cloudflare’s protection, the Daily Stormer was forced to retreat to the darknet, where it is inaccessible to the majority of internet users. Cloudflare is just one of many internet companies that cleaned house amid a wave of public outrage following a deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

Critics charge that technology platforms have enabled a disparate network of racist extremists to seek one another out, raise funds, and plan and execute such rallies. “I am deeply uncomfortable with the decision we made,” Prince said in an interview. UK national and local newspapers online. USA Newspapers - American newspaper index online. Newspapers Online - Newspapers Organized By State USA Newspapers: OfficialUSA's USA Newspapers. The Boston Globe Business News Chicago Tribune The Detroit News The Houston Chronicle.

Reporters Without Borders. Teachers wearing body cameras to control students' behaviour in new trial.