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Michael Cerdeiros - Cerious Productions | The portfolio of Michael Cerdeiros. Brain Pickings. Beginners Guide to Mining Bitcoins. Last updated on December 18th, 2017 at 06:06 pm One of the biggest problems I ran into when I was looking to start mining Bitcoin for investment and profit was most of the sites were written for the advanced user. I am not a professional coder, I have no experience with Ubuntu, Linux and minimal experience with Mac.

So, this is for the individual or group that wants to get started the easy way. 1. Get a Bitcoin mining rig Bitcoin mining is a very competitive niche to get into. As more and more miners come on board with the latest mining hardware the difficulty to mine increases each day. The best way to do this is through the use of a Bitcoin mining calculator. Once you’ve finished with your calculations it’s time to get your miner. ReleasedHow much electricity does your miner consume? As a side note it’s important to state that in the past it was possible to mine Bitcoins with your computer or with a graphics card (also known as GPU mining). 2. 3. What is the reward method? 4. 5. Couchsurfing: The Best Hook-Up App Ever. Mike Nudelman/Business Insider Riccardo G.’s profile on, the website that partners intrepid wanderers with willing hosts, notes that he lives in the “best neighborhood to go out and have drinks,” that he offers a “cozy/clean/nice sofa/couch” and that he’ll even let you bring your “small dog, if you just can’t live without him.”

He describes himself as “amazing, outgoing, funny, smart” and says his interests include friends, eating, drinking, the gym and puppies. His photos show the good-humored Latin American native — dark, handsome, and fit — in exotic destinations around the world, from Cairo to Capri. Nowhere does the profile state explicitly that if you are an attractive female traveler, you might skip the couch entirely and wind up in Riccardo’s bed, but it’s a good possibility. On the business front, the crowdsourced hospitality site has been experiencing a rough patch lately. Never mind OKCupid and Tinder. “Get in my bed” We had the same questions. Girl Meets Boy(s) KnowledgeNuts. Bitcoin Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know About the Future of Money | Wired Enterprise. We hooked it up to a network of mining computers that pool together computing resources and share bitcoin profits.

And in six months, it has earned more than 13 bitcoins. That's more than $10,000 at today's bitcoin prices. But people who got the machine later than we did (and there were plenty of them) didn't make quite so much money. Online Thievery Once you get your hands on some bitcoins, be careful. This can be a problem whether you're running a wallet on your own machine or on a website run by a third party. So, as their bitcoins start to add up, many pros move their wallets off of their computers. Some people will even move their bitcoins into a real physical wallet or onto something else that's completely separate from the computer world. Sure, you could lose this. The good news is that the public nature of the bitcoin ledger may make it theoretically possible to figure out who has stolen your bitcoins. But don't count on it.

Bitcoin vs. the U.S.A. The process isn't instant. 15 Underrated Apps Every Entrepreneur Should Use. Whether you have a tech question or a fashion concern, there's probably an existing app that can help you out. But frankly, with all the apps out there, it's easy to get stuck with the same icons on your home screen — and never so much as click on the newer ones that would benefit your business most. That's why we asked 15 successful young entrepreneurs to share their go-to yet underrated app of choice. Here's what they had to say. 1. Lift We all know our habits ultimately determine our lives and destinies. . - Jonathan Mead, Playbook 2.

If productivity and growth are important to you, Strategic Coach's free iPhone app WinStreak is helpful. . - Charles Gaudet, Predictable Profits 3. Until Apple decides to make the search function useful for iPhone users, CloudMagic is an indispensable search engine for all your data. . - Patrick Vlaskovits, The Lean Entrepreneur 4. The most under-utilized app right now is Venmo. . - Rameet Chawla, Fueled 5. My favorite app is Brook (currently in beta). 6. 7. 8. 9.

How to Track Everything in Your Life Without Going Crazy. Freelancers Union :: A Federation of the Unaffiliated - Pages from Freelancers Union. How to Become an SEO Freelancer in 48 Hours. EmailShare 376EmailShare I’d like to state up front that this is the longest post I’ve ever written here at Location 180. It’s more representative of the direction I’d like to take the site in the future, and is the culmination of the last year I’ve spent becoming an seo freelancer.If you take a weekend, read the resources provided, practice with your own site(s), you’ll have enough knowledge to lay the ground work of a location independent business.

I’ve been getting a lot of emails lately from people who are looking to start working for themselves. Whether it’s a small business on the side, or they’re looking to create a full time location independent business, it’s obvious there’s a lot of entrepreneurial spirit out there. Along with questions about building a business, I’m asked frequently what business I run. If we’re going to start getting real about creating a location independent income, I’m going to have to build a little bit of credibilty. So here’s what I do: This is false. Developing Market Information: How to. Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles Marketing By Angela Hausman, PhD, Published October 31, 2013 One of the major differences between social media and traditional media is DATA. In traditional media, users struggle with finding data to support the success of their campaigns.

In social media, we’re literally DROWNING in data. Developing market information is more a questions of weeding through mountains of data to find valuable insights. Too much data Take a look at this infographic, which shows the amount of data ADDED in just 1 MINUTE. Obviously, you need tools and processes to deal with all this data if you hope to glean insights that guide decision-making. How to: Developing market information The first step in developing market information is to set goals and objectives for the organization. Need Help. 30 Things You Should Do For Yourself. Sometimes we can find ourselves simply managing our lives, our time and our responsibilities, instead of actually living.

Or, we put other people’s lives in front of our own, ensuring their needs are met before your own. Well, it’s time to start doing things for yourself; including making your happiness the priority and being kinder to yourself. It’s time to start giving your energy to the right people and the right goals, both in your career and in your personal life. Accept the things that can’t be changed and work towards changing the things that can. Here are 30 things you can start doing for yourself, that you can use to change your life and your perspective: Can you think of anymore things we can do for ourselves to make our lives better? Discover China, learn Chinese - 25 Killer Websites that Make You Cleverer.

It’s easy to forget that we have access to a virtually limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet. For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and an ever-increasing push for online greatness by tech engineers all over the world. As a result, there are countless websites out there that are geared to make you smarter and more brilliant for either a low or no cost. Here are just 25 killer websites that may just make you more clever than ever before. 1. Duolingo This isn’t the first time I’ve recommended this language-teaching website (and app), and it certainly won’t be the last. 2. Have you ever wanted to pick up a subject you’re not well-versed in, but you didn’t have the money to invest in a college course?

3. Guitar is one of the few instruments out there that’s actually pretty easy to learn if you’re a little older, making it one of the most accessible instruments. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 10 Scam Free Ways To Make Money Online. Yesterday I wrote an article about 200+ ways you could make money online. Today I thought I would add a second part to that article by going over a few scam free ways to do just that. As we know, there are a lot of scammers online that will do anything to lure you into sending them your hard earned money.

Don’t fall for it! Instead, make sure you do your homework and spend time on a secure and scam free approach to make money online. I don’t think I have to mention all of those emails that promise us fields of gold and a boat on the side, right? Nah, it is all an attempt to catch your immediate attention and then “steal” your money. There are plenty of scam free ways you can make money online without having to get yourself into trouble. On this short and useful list of endeavors, there are a few that stick out. Furthermore, I recently discovered that you can make money by writing for eHow.

Have a look through these tips and see what makes the most sense to you. Via: [] 200 Ways To Make Money Online. Not too long ago I wrote an article about iPhone and Android apps that made you money while using them. Today I am going to venture into the Internet’s entire ecosystem when it comes to ways to make money online. There are a lot of scams going on online so finding a legit way to make a few bucks or a living isn’t exactly easy as pie. But, in an attempt to help you find your path I have searched the web for some legit information to share with you all. The Internet is a kettle full of opportunities if you know what path to take.

You could always go for the approach that Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey and a few others took to start your own social networking service. However, know that for every successful website, there have been a thousand fails. A far more lucrative approach would be to find something just a tad simpler and straight forward. So what are the most common ways to make money online and what can you expect?

Proven Revenue Streams To Make Money Online. The 100 Best iPad Apps - Slide 1. Notes from Startup School 2013 | Fitoop Blog. I was lucky enough to get to attend YCombinator’s Startup School today. I figured it might help some people who weren’t there to see my notes from the day – it really was a fantastic education for anybody who has ever considered starting their own startup. These are pulled from my notes in Evernote here Notes from Startup School Comment overhead in line – “yeah, he doesn’t want to work at <fast growing startup whose CEO spoke today> anymore because those people all go home around 8.

They’re just not very driven to succeed. Phil Libin – Evernote -most important thing is great co-founders -you shouldn’t even be friends with someone you’re not willing to start a company with. 2nd most important lesson – being your own boss really sucks if you’re doing consulting. . - it shouldn’t be just any product. - let’s build something that we love, that we ARE the target audience Two guiding principles - let’s build something that we’re in love withLet’s make it our life work – no exit strategy - determination. Proofs that every mathematician should know. 17 Sites for Web Design Inspiration.

Now that anyone can learn to code, and probably should, web design and development are becoming more and more personal in both approach and learning curves. There's a plethora of ways to tackle web dev and code, and professional designers and developers are no different. We asked several developers from various online publications what their favorite sources are for design and code inspiration, and the results are as varied as the projects these professionals make themselves.

In addition to following various makers on Twitter, these developers cited everything from Reddit to social web apps to coding blogs and general inspiration sites. Check out their responses below, and let us know what your favorites are in the comments. 1. The Great Discontent Image: The Great Discontent Tim Wong, senior designer at The Washington Post, pointed to The Great Discontent, a site that features interviews of people in creative fields and presents them with a focus on engaging visuals. 2.

Image: Polygon 3. 4. 22 of the best mobile messaging apps to replace SMS on your smartphone. We’ve known for sometime that SMS is becoming passe for many smartphone owners worldwide. Sure, people still use it, but there are a slew of apps that go way beyond it, offering easy multimedia functions, group chats, video calls, gaming and much more. Beyond being SMS replacements, these apps are essentially ‘SMS+’ — to coin a phrase uttered to me recently by the founder of a messaging company.

But with so many apps out there it can be difficult to know exactly which one is best for you and your friends. To help you make that choice, we’ve waded through the densely populated mass of chat apps to pick out the best. WhatsApp WhatsApp needs little introduction since it is arguably the world’s most popular messaging app, with more than 300 million people using it each month. Simplicity is at the core of the service, to the point that even the least-tech-savvy of folks — such as mums, dads, grandmas and granddads — should be able to send text messages, photos and voice messages.

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