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17 Sites for Web Design Inspiration

17 Sites for Web Design Inspiration
Now that anyone can learn to code, and probably should, web design and development are becoming more and more personal in both approach and learning curves. There's a plethora of ways to tackle web dev and code, and professional designers and developers are no different. We asked several developers from various online publications what their favorite sources are for design and code inspiration, and the results are as varied as the projects these professionals make themselves. In addition to following various makers on Twitter, these developers cited everything from Reddit to social web apps to coding blogs and general inspiration sites. Check out their responses below, and let us know what your favorites are in the comments. 1. Image: The Great Discontent Tim Wong, senior designer at The Washington Post, pointed to The Great Discontent, a site that features interviews of people in creative fields and presents them with a focus on engaging visuals. 2. Image: Polygon 3. Image:

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modern graphic design inspiration blog + vintage graphics resource Was versteht ihr unter Remix und Remixkultur? Remix bedeutet, dass das ursprüngliche Werk im neuen Werk deutlich erkennbar ist bzw. bleibt. Remixkultur meint die massenhafte Verbreitung von transformativen und kreativen Werknutzungspraktiken in der digitalen Gesellschaft. In den Worten des Creative-Commons-Erfinders und Rechtswissenschaftlers Lawrence Lessig heißt das: Remixkultur zeichnet sich durch die Ablösung der konsumorientierten Read-only-Kultur hin zur aktiv-kreativen Read/Write-Kultur aus.

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