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Other Languages. Mujeres en STEMASTROPHYSICSGrades 6-12, Adult Celebrate women in STEM for their role in the exploration of the world and Universe.

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Prende TV. Learn Spanish In The Right Way - My Daily Spanish. Videos — ALINA CELESTE. Press releases. Digital Citizenship Resources in Spanish. Miguel Angel Asturias - La Leyenda Del Sombrerón. Leyenda del Sombrerón - Miguel Ángel Asturias. Leyenda de El Sombrerón Guatemala - Hago mi Tarea. Esta leyenda relata que si encuentras a un hombre de baja estatura, vestido de negro y tocando su guitarra a mitad de la noche puedes estar frente al Sombrerón.

Leyenda de El Sombrerón Guatemala - Hago mi Tarea

Esta leyenda antigua narra el ir y venir de un hombre de baja estatura que viste de negro, tiene un sombrero grande y una guitarra bajo el brazo. Se le conoce también como el Tzitzimit, que significa “duende”, pero casi todos le dicen «El Sombrerón». Sus botas son ruidosas y el cincho es brillante, mientras su sombrero es tan grande que le tapa casi por completo el rostro. Online Spanish Books: Where To Find Free Collections. Reading A-Z is a huge resource of leveled readers, with an extensive collection in Spanish as well.

Online Spanish Books: Where To Find Free Collections

(And when I say huge– we’re talking hundreds of books!) Their site is extremely user-friendly and the books are organized by level, skill, topic, and type. If you are looking for books to print, Reading A-Z does require a subscription. Gracias. Historia de un vecindario, de Rocio Bonilla. Hasta que podamos abrazarnos. Youtube. 307 Temporary Redirect.

Spanish digital literacy

Educar y jugar - El esfuerzo puede ser divertido. Recursos Educativos Listado. ABP (Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos)

Recursos Educativos Listado

EDUCACIÓN 3.0 – Líder informativo en innovación educativa. Educando en igualdad. Súper plantilla para fabricar tu propio Trivial Pursuit en PDF + Tablero. Spanish specific teacher resources and blogs. Science Resources in Spanish – Community Resources for Science. Teaching science in Spanish?

Science Resources in Spanish – Community Resources for Science

Have some English Language Learners who need a little extra support? 3 Phenomenal Hands-on Spanish Science Lessons for Kids. Did you know teaching science is a great way to teach Spanish?

3 Phenomenal Hands-on Spanish Science Lessons for Kids

Learning is always more meaningful when it is acquired within context, and science lessons give you exactly that. And if you are teaching young children, bringing science into Spanish class is guaranteed to give you their undivided attention. Of course, you will have to make it fun, but no worries! That’s what I’m here for. While teaching Spanish and science together can work for any age group, it can be especially beneficial for children. Children are scientists by nature; they observe, explore and question their surroundings. As teachers, we should take advantage of that, use their ability to be amazed and motivate them to explore. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere.

Children develop new ideas through a reasoning process based on accumulated experiences. Teaching science to children improves their logic and reasoning skills. Lesson 1: Las plantas (The plants) Best YouTube Videos/Channels for Kids Learning Spanish. Fruits song to teach Spanish for Kids. English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict. Spanish Children's Stories - The Spanish Experiment. Well-known children's stories translated into Spanish and spoken by a native Spanish speaker.

Spanish Children's Stories - The Spanish Experiment

Great for kids... and adults too! Read along in Spanish or English. New Pollito Tito Chicken Little A modern adaptation of the classic tale: What happens when a completely normal chicken believes everything he reads on the internet? Read more. El Museo Público de Grand Rapids presenta Nuevo Show Planetario “Ice Worlds” Grand Rapids, MI - ¡Descubre el equilibrio entre el hielo, el agua y la existencia de la vida!

El Museo Público de Grand Rapids presenta Nuevo Show Planetario “Ice Worlds”

El Museo Público de Grand Rapids (GRPM) anunció que presentará el nuevo espectáculo de Planetarios, “Ice Worlds”, que comienza el 7 de enero en el Planetario Chaffee. Viaje a las regiones árticas y antárticas de nuestro planeta, así como a los cuerpos helados más allá de la Tierra. Las audiencias examinarán los ecosistemas que viven y prosperan en las regiones heladas de nuestro planeta y verán cómo su supervivencia está conectada con la nuestra. Intermediate Spanish. Spanish. En Español Comics. Languages - Spanish - Mi Vida Loca. Curso. Está organizado en cuatro niveles, cada uno con vídeos. Los vídeos tienen una duración aproximada de entre 3 y 6 minutos.

Curso. Está organizado en cuatro niveles, cada uno con vídeos

Cada uno hace énfasis en distintos elementos de la lengua, como el léxico (partes del cuerpo, tiendas, deportes...), funciones comunicativas (expresar gustos, expresar opiniones, dar información, hablar del tiempo atmosférico...), gramática (verbos irregulares, presente de subjuntivo...) o elementos culturales (la Navidad, actividades del ocio, el transporte en tren...) SpanishTechbook - Home.

Electricity science. circuits

Spanish - Español Printable Worksheets. Authentic Activities for the World Language Classroom. Do you ever feel stuck in a rut while planning your language classes?

Authentic Activities for the World Language Classroom

Perhaps you spend a lot of time lecturing at the whiteboard, use the same activities with different vocabulary for every unit, or rely on teaching students grammar because that’s how you were taught. No matter what your go-to activity is, we’re all much more engaging when we vary our activities and make them relatable.

If the speaker is engaging, a good lecture every now and then is enjoyable. However, when faced with daily lectures, students dread class, and hence learn less. So why not mix it up? When dreaming up new activities, our main focus should always be authenticity. In a previous Edutopia post, I outlined how to best shape a unit around communication. Interpretive Mode Read children’s stories. Interpersonal Mode Sign a contract on the first day of school promising to use only the target language within your classroom walls.

Presentational Mode Create a comic strip. Spanish Language Day Class Activities for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Students - Spanish Interactive Activities, This Spanish Interactive Activities page contains numerous resources that provide interactive activities to use in the Spanish classroom. These are great activities to assign as homework, to teach with, to assign as classroom activity, you name it! Teachers please feel free to use these Spanish teaching resources, but we ask that you respect the copyright and footer information of all of them.