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La conexión entre la mente y el sistema inmune (o la psicología profunda de la enfermedad) En los últimos años se ha gestado discretamente un cambio de paradigma dentro de la ciencia, de la visión cartesiana reduccionista que cortaba de tajo y dejaba prácticamente incomunicados al cuerpo y a la mente, a una visión más inclusiva que considera a la mente-cuerpo como un solo sistema, dando lugar a disciplinas como la psicobiología y la psiconeuroinmunología. Hoy sabemos que nuestro estado de ánimo y los estímulos del medio ambiente tienen efectos a nivel celular y son tanto o más importantes para nuestra salud que nuestros genes.

"La vieja forma de pensar era que nuestros cuerpos eran entidades biológicas estables, fundamentalmente separadas del mundo externo", dice Steven Cole, profesor de medicina en UCLA. "La nueva forma de pensar es que hay mucha más permeabilidad y fluidez... nuestro cuerpo es literalmente producto del ambiente". El sistema inmune tiene dos funciones principales: luchar contra agentes infecciosos y causar inflamación. Imagen de Julio Ruelas. Todas las religiones se equivocan, esto es lo que pasa cuando mueres. Me hubiera gustado creer en algo y hacer hechizos juntas que cambiaran el curso de nuestras vidas. Querer creer que podíamos controlar lo que pasaría después con solo desearlo. Creernos jóvenes y brujas en las noches de luna llena y sellar nuestro amor con un corte en el dedo del que brotara tímidamente la sangre espesa.

Al menos, así sucedía en las películas sobre chicas solitarias que veíamos abrazadas bajo tu edredón. Eran las noches en las que tu madre dormía, tranquila, pensando que cuchicheábamos sobre chicos. La época en la que saber que la otra estaba en el mundo era nuestra forma de ser felices. Y, sin embargo, ¿acaso no viven las rosas una única primavera? ¿Recuerdas las cosas extrañas que pasaban a nuestro alrededor cuando estábamos juntas? El día que te dije: “ Elígeme a mí. Tú eras mística, yo materialista. Ahora tengo todas las respuestas y reconozco que me equivocaba. Me gustaría poder decírtelo.

Morir es como echarse una siesta. Todo se parece y se confunde. The best online personality test that's scientifically accurate. Getty Images/Matt Cardy Human personality is fantastically complex, which is why personality tests that try to shoehorn a person into binary, defined categories — e.g. thinking or feeling, but not both — are often considered problematic. But there are indeed differences between people that can be tested. One of the most common, preferred ways psychologists use to measure personality is what's called the "Big Five": extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. (Want to skip to the quiz? People fit into a spectrum on these five dimensions. There are complex elements of personality that fit within these categories.

Captured within "conscientiousness," for example, are traits like "dutifulness," a person's sense of obligation, and characteristics like "self-discipline," referring to willpower or the ability to persist on a task. A full version of this test contains hundreds of questions and can take 30-40 minutes to complete. Stringer/Reuters. 5 consejos de vida de mujeres maestras de la magia y el ocultismo | Pijamasurf. Las ciencias del espíritu han servido como catalizador a más de una mujer crucial en la historia. Ya sea a través de la exploración de la psique, evolución del alma, de planos alternos, sociedades secretas, ascetismo, doctrinas filosóficas o expresiones artísticas, el misticismo y la sempiterna convivencia con el plano espiritual han sido terreno fértil para el germen de la creación femenina. Para ayudar a explotar sus enseñanzas, reunimos algunos consejos de estas mentes suaves y sin embargo rebeldes que vivieron el surrealismo y ocultismo en carne propia: Helena P.

Blavatsky: La mente es el gran destructor de lo real. Destruye al Destructor. A pesar de que Helena Blavatsky pudo haber dedicado su vida a seguir los pasos que normalmente se esperaban de una joven nacida en el seno de la aristocracia germano-rusa, su mente se inclinó por decantarse en el menos ortodoxo espectro del ocultismo, la teología y el espiritismo. Leonora Carrington: La locura puede llevarte a la iluminación. Jeremy Bentham.

Jeremy Bentham (Londres, 15 de febrerojul./ 26 de febrero de 1748greg. — Londres, 6 de junio de 1832) fue un pensador inglés, padre del utilitarismo. §Biografía[editar] Jeremy Bentham nació en Londres, Gran Bretaña, en el seno de una familia de juristas. Fue reconocido como niño prodigio por su padre al encontrarlo en su escritorio leyendo varios volúmenes de la Historia de Inglaterra. A los tres años leía tratados, tocaba el violín a los cinco, estudiaba latín y francés. Hijo de una familia acomodada, estudió primero en Westminster School y a los doce años ingresó en la Universidad de Oxford, donde estudió Derecho, empezó a ejercer como abogado a los diecinueve años. Desde 1814 convirtió su casa en centro de intercambio intelectual y foco de un activo movimiento utilitarista.

§Doctrina utilitarista[editar] Lo bueno es lo útil, y lo que aumenta el placer y disminuye el dolor. §El Panóptico[editar] §Curiosidades[editar] Jeremy Bentham en el University College de Londres. El panòptic. Two Wolves. 50 Life Secrets and Tips Pt. 2. Investigate what is known about deathWhat do you know about death? You certainly have beliefs around it, but what do you know about the science of death, or of those who have died and been brought back to life? Death is not as big of a mystery as it is made out to be. Do your research before you fear or misconstrue this most universal human experience.Notice the small, beautiful thingsAs cliche as this sounds, there is so much beauty in the world yet we rarely appreciate it.

Take 5 minutes, stop doing everything and sit down. Then clear your mind of your inner dialogue and focus intently on something in the space immediately in front of you. Nature always works best but literally any object will do. Study all of the minute details of the object and try to appreciate its complexity. Find the supplements suitable for your lifestyleOur diets and habits are nothing like those which are bodies were built for. 23 Scientific Keys to Changing Anything In Your Life - Fierce Gentleman. Changing your behavior is hard. Luckily, there is a scientifically proven way to do it that gives you the best chance of success. Anyone who is trying to change their behavior without understanding this science needs to stop, now.

Read up on the science. Learn to do it the more effective way. Then, start again, with better strategies, and create the life you’ve always wanted. Here’s the other thing you should know: behavior change is hard. But that’s okay. It just so happens that here at Fierce Gentleman we believe that every man is destined for greatness. So, below we give you the keys to greatness: 10 scientific keys you need to change anything in your life.

Of course, information alone does not lead to life change. But never before has so much high-quality, scientifically-validated information been available for free, to anyone, to get their path started: 10 Scientific Keys to Change Any Behavior Willpower is weak. Ready for more? Click here to get the full ebook with 23 principles. 82 consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija: una poderosa lista de sobria sabiduría. How I Learned to Stop Procrastinating, & Love Letting Go. ‘People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.’ ~Thich Nhat Hanh By Leo Babauta The end of procrastination is the art of letting go. I’ve been a lifelong procrastinator, at least until recent years.

I would put things off until deadline, because I knew I could come through. I came through on tests after cramming last minute, I turned articles in at the deadline after waiting until the last hour, I got things done. Until I didn’t. But I couldn’t quit. That’s because I wasn’t getting to the root problem. I hadn’t figured out the skill that would save me from the procrastination. Until I learned about letting go. Letting go first came to me when I was quitting smoking.

Then I learned I needed to let go of other false needs that were causing me problems: sugar, junk food, meat, shopping, beer, possessions. So I learned to let go of those too. And then I smile, and breathe, and let go. Wondrus Filosofía básica en medio minuto. La filosofía tiende a ser reducida a la conexión con bustos de mármol de hombres con barba y toga.

Sin embargo, esta disciplina es el equivalente a ejercicios cardiovasculares para el cerebro: más que el aprendizaje de libro de texto de lo que dijeron unos o pensaron otros, la filosofía es, como bien lo dijera David Ogilvy, una manera de “amueblar el cerebro”. ¿Qué se aprende en la filosofía? O más bien, ¿qué pretendían enseñar y aprender los grandes filósofos, con cuyas ideas se aprende a pensar? Stephen Law, filósofo y académico inglés, trata de contestar estás preguntas básicas de manera fácil en la introducción al libro editado especialmente para la serie “30-second“: La filosofía responde las que llamamos “grandes preguntas”, que incluyen temas morales (“¿qué hace que algo sea bueno o malo?”) Es común hacerse estas preguntas. Platón y la caverna Sócrates y su método De él se decía que era el hombre más sabio de Atenas, precisamente porque sabía que no sabía nada.

How to Build Unstoppable Confidence. Stumbleupon Article by Jae with contribution by guest contributor Tina Su If you had MASSIVE amounts of confidence in yourself, how would your life be different right now? What would be different in your career? How would your relationships change? No matter who you are, you can build unstoppable confidence. Building self-confidence is something that most people leave to chance. But waiting for external factors to give you confidence is like building your house on sandy ground. The majority of men who are active in the dating scene are a good example of this common approach. This approach may work, but this type of confidence reveals itself to be weak further down the road. For example, one day a woman might shatter their ego by leaving them for another man, or worse, telling them they are not satisfying any of their needs.

At this point most men will start to doubt their worth and their confidence level will drop tremendously, and it’ll affect the way they approach future relationships. 1. How to have Out of Body Experience. Erowid Spirit Vaults : Meditation : The Three Parts of Meditation, Scott Taylor. This is a very brief overview of some of my keys to understanding and approaching meditation. Meditation is frequently misnamed. For my purposes, there are actually three parts to the process generically called meditation. The first step is Concentration, the second is Contemplation or Reflection, and the last is Presence. In my view, most teachers of meditation in the West focus on concentration alone and call it meditation.

It is important to make these distinctions because each step towards reaching a quiet, contemplative mindstate has its own challenges and people new to the practice can become frustrated by the seemingly impossible leap to the states described by experienced meditators. Concentration is the act of focusing one's attention on one thing. Concentration is the effort to withdraw those bits of our consciousness that are attending to non-essential functions, so that we have a more complete set of the attention bits in our "attention account" from which to "pay attention". 10 Inspirational Quotes from Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. 50 Amazing Life Lessons Everyone Needs. These Will Change Your Life. | Viral Blasts. Its easy to lose ourselves in life sometimes. Life isn’t always easy, after all. Bad phases can come and go, or come and stay for a long time.

But, we need to go on, and if we do we often come out stronger than we were before. Below are the best inspirational quotes to help you out during those tough times and hopefully give you some motivation, or at the very least something to think about. Comments. How To Lead A Creative Life [Infographic] [Close Window] By Jason Feifer Our complete guide to making your inner genius your greatest on-the-job asset. Back to article >> Infographic by Pop Chart Lab. 22 Motivational Pictures To Get You Off Your Ass : DormStormer.