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AsiaGlobal Online – Establishing an Asia-Pacific Cryptocurrency Hub. Fintech Investing News. The Fintech 250: The Technology Companies Redefining The Financial Services Industry. Everything You Need to Know About Hong Kong’s FinTech Ecosystem: Startups, Regulators, Investors and Accelerator Programs – Irish Tech News. Latest great guest post by by Elena Mesropyan.

Everything You Need to Know About Hong Kong’s FinTech Ecosystem: Startups, Regulators, Investors and Accelerator Programs – Irish Tech News

Elena is a Market Research Analyst at LTP where this article first appeared. 38 FinTech Companies in Kenya to Look out for in 2017 Why Hong Kong? Bitcoin Trading Sites 2017 - Where to Trade Now! Bitcoin underwent a lot of ups and downs in its brief history and we have made a a complete guide to bitcoin for those who need a speedy update on the bitcoin trading ecosphere.

Bitcoin Trading Sites 2017 - Where to Trade Now!

However for those who are quite familiar with bitcoin, here is our run down of major crashes during the early years of this digital currency experienced by Bitcoin traders . Copy and paste the code below to embed this infographic on your website. LendIt USA 2017. "Great event on the disruption in the financial services industry by marketplace lenders, investment platforms and the entire ecosystem.

LendIt USA 2017

Excellent speakers and some of the best fireside chats I have had the pleasure of attending. " Sundip PatelCEO, AVANA Capital "LendIt is THE conference if you want to start a lending company, invest in a lending company, or learn about fintech in general. There are so many amazing speakers and relevant panels about what matters most in fintech and lending. " Innovate Finance – The Voice of Global FinTech. ING’s agile transformation. LONGREAD: Everything you’ll ever need to know about blockhain – and more. There is a great quote from the start of the movie The Big Short by Ryan Gosling’s character Jarred Vennett.

LONGREAD: Everything you’ll ever need to know about blockhain – and more

He says when the economy collapsed during the financial crisis, “none of the experts or leaders or talking heads had a clue it was coming. I’m guessing most of you still don’t really know what happened”. Blockchain is nothing like Credit Default Swaps or CDOs back in the early 2000s. Blockchain for Wall Street.

Big Banks' incubators

The Future of Cryptocurrency - Deep Dive Data & Forecasting 2016-2021 - Juniper Research. OverviewJuniper has developed benchmark forecasts on the cryptocurrency industry, providing market sizing and forecasts for the Bitcoin and Altcoin markets.

The Future of Cryptocurrency - Deep Dive Data & Forecasting 2016-2021 - Juniper Research

Insights are provided in a PDF report which showcases key data findings, broken down by global region. In addition the report provides explanation and assumptions behind the market growth. An interactive excel provides raw data split by service type, channel, regional and key country markets. Analysis tools enable users to create custom charts for specific markets, sectors, or to create scenario based forecasts. The forecasts include: Untitled. 160629 2016WL0062 FinTech與開放式創新(A) v8F. Economy Views: Blockchain transforming financial services. 铁饭碗不再:银行业“Uber时刻”将临,上百万人或失业. Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard– thinking, writing and speaking about the Future of Humanity, Culture and Business.

區塊鏈在金融及醫療領域概況與展望-微信上的中國. Fintech in FT. Fintech 100. Cutting through the noise around financial technology. We estimate there are today more than 2,000 start-ups offering traditional and new financial services.

Cutting through the noise around financial technology

Here's how banks should respond. Banking has historically been one of the business sectors most resistant to disruption by technology. Euroclear Sees Seven Steps to Bring Blockchain to Capital Markets. Post-trade settlement specialist Euroclear has co-authored a new report on how blockchain and distributed ledger technology can be adapted for capital markets.

Euroclear Sees Seven Steps to Bring Blockchain to Capital Markets

Written with management consulting firm Oliver Wyman, the report takes a positive stance on the technology, arguing it could eliminate delays and inefficiencies in capital markets. The publication follows news that Euroclear is working with its peers, including CME Group and the London Stock Exchange, on a consortium for post-trade settlement. Overall, the report recommends the industry take seven steps to realize the technology, including working on proof-of-concepts, collaborating with industry peers and "preparing a narrative" for regulators and supervisory bodies that may interested in the implications of such investigations. As with previous reports, Euroclear echoed the growing consensus that collaboration is needed to realize the full potential of the nascent technology. For more information, read the full report.

Smart Refill. 點融網巨額融資的背後:渣打盡調9個月花了900萬美金. How the payments industry is being disrupted. Global payments revenues have been growing at rates in excess of expectations.

How the payments industry is being disrupted

Once again, Asia—and China in particular—is the primary engine propelling the global numbers, but all regions, even those where revenues have recently been in decline, are contributing to the surge. Payments growth is currently a truly global phenomenon. Looking ahead, however, we expect global payments revenues will begin to reflect the flip side of Asia’s prominence as a growth driver. The expected macroeconomic slowdown in Asia–Pacific, in other words, is dampening expectations for payments growth overall. Messaging Apps: The New Face of Retail Banking.

打破貸款業暴利!台灣新創Installments,獲得170萬美元種子投資. EY Cybersecurity. Cyber threats will continue to multiply.

EY Cybersecurity

The advent of the digital world, and the inherent connectivity of people, devices and organizations, opens up a whole new playing field of vulnerabilities. Cyber risks are growing and are changing rapidly. Every day, hackers are working on new techniques for getting through the security of organizations, including yours. iResearch-2015%E5%B9%B4%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E7%94%B5%E5%AD%90%E6%94%AF%E4%BB%98%E8%A1%8C%E4%B8%9A%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E6%8A%A5%E5%91%8A%E7%AE%80%E7%89%88.pdf.

Citi Mobile Challenge. 1-8 API管理快速整合雲端與既有系統. DIGITIMES Mobile Web. FinovateSpring 2016. Conferences Showcasing The Future of Financial And Banking Technology - Finovate. Fintech Innovation Lab. Financial services: The fintech revolution. Hoodies at Goldman Sachs: how the banks are fuelling a fintech start-up boom. Daniel Nadler, the 32 year-old founder of Goldman Sachs-backed Kensho, which has invented a “Siri for investors’ called Warren.

Hoodies at Goldman Sachs: how the banks are fuelling a fintech start-up boom

Here he presents at the Finovate fintech conference. On the first day of a hackathon at the Manhattan headquarters of Goldman Sachs, participants from the Wall Street bank showed up in suits. Accenture-The-Future-of-Fintech-and-Banking-digitallydisrupted-or-reima-.pdf. Goldman Sachs Investment Activity into FinTech Startups Intensifies. Goldman Sachs is an active investor in high-flying tech companies ranging from Spotify to Docker to Uber.

Here's where the bulge bracket bank is focusing its Fin Tech investment strategy. Over the past several years, Goldman Sachs has made a number of private investments into tech companies including Spotify, Flipboard, Lookout and perhaps most notably, Uber. Banks lag manufacturers and telcos in race to build innovation centres. The financial services sector is trailing rival industries in the race to set up innovation centres in technology hubs such as Silicon Valley, according to a report issued by consultants CapGemini and Altimeter Group. Major organisations are increasingly establishing a base in the home of software invention in a bid to fix what is deemed to be a broken R&D model, says the report titled 'The Innovation Game: Why and How Businesses are Investing in Innovation Centres'.

The report shows that while 38% of the world's biggest 200 companies have made such a step, only 28% of financial services have done so, leaving it trailing all other sectors with manufacturing topping the poll at 58%. The survey picked the top 40 companies in five sectors - manufacturing, automotive, consumer, telecoms and financial services - and analysed 309 innovation centres, examining the rationale behind their establishment and the challenges they face. Midyear Outlook: Five Distinct Macro Disconnects. By HENRY H. MCVEY Jun 25, 2015 While we certainly appreciate that generating outsized returns has gotten more complicated as the cycle has progressed, we still see five distinct macro “disconnects,” or arbitrages that we view as attractive for long-term patient capital. First, given ongoing financial services de-leveraging, we still view the current illiquidity premium that has emerged in many lending arenas as quite compelling. Second, in an environment where central banks are holding nominal interest rates below nominal GDP, we favor real assets with yield, growth, and inflation hedging.

Financial technology. Financial technology, also known as FinTech, is an industry composed of companies that use new technology and innovation with available resources in order to compete in the marketplace of traditional financial institutions and intermediaries in the delivery of financial services.[1] Financial technology companies consist of both startups and established financial and technology companies trying to replace or enhance the usage of financial services of incumbent companies.

Definition and key areas[edit] Looked at from a procedural perspective, the term 'FinTech' refers to new applications, processes, products or business models in the financial services industry, composed of one or more complementary financial services and provided as an end-to-end process via the Internet. London is home to Europe's hottest fintech startups as 24 of the FinTech50 come from the capital. London once again dominates in a new list of the hottest European FinTech startups as the capital continues to put its backing behind the sector's growth.

Businesses from the capital represent almost half of those chosen as the FinTech companies to watch in 2015 by a panel of senior executives from across the world of finance, investment and technology. Some 24 London-based companies have made FinTechCity's Fintech50, a list of 50 startups considered game-changers, or have the potential to become major players in the FinTech sector, due to their growth, disruption and market impact.

金融科技三革命 顛覆市場. 金融科技正夯!理財服務比較平台ComparreAsiaGroup獲4千萬美元投資. Welcome to CompareAsiaGroup. Cornerstone Wealth Management Group - UBS Financial Services Inc. The Cornerstone Group - UBS Financial Services Inc. FinTech金融科技:走出硬體思維,台灣必須卡位的新產業. How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Succeeding. 數位金融 金管會推4措施 但借貸P2P、純網銀再研究. iTech Capital pumps $3m into fintech firm TradingView. Barclays builds global fintech community. Empowering communications globally. Fintech %E2%80%93 The digital (r)evolution in the financia.pdf. FinTech Week London 2015. 2015 FinTech Networking and Conference Guide. Startupbootcamp FinTech London Accelerator · London is home to Europe's hottest fintech startups as 24 of the FinTech50 come from the capital.

Luxembourg's Startup Media. FGI - FinTech Global Incorporated. 財團法人資訊工業策進會. 市場報導 : 韓國正面臨FinTech新金融革命 - 科技產業資訊室. 華爾街迎科技大海嘯,金融科技 (FinTech) 成銀行家金雞母. Paypal Mafia 繼續在 FinTech 發光發熱. Citi Expands Its Innovation Ventures in Israel. Finovate - EXPERIENCE FUTURE FINTECH FIRST! Why Banks Should Do More "Strategic Seed Investing" in Fintech. Disrupting Banking: The FinTech Startups That Are Unbundling Wells Fargo, Citi and Bank of America. The FinTech Startups Unbundling Wells Fargo, Citibank and Bank of America [Infographic] Citi and IBM Work on Next Gen FinTech. Chatting about FinTech Investing with Citi Ventures — MIT FinTech Club. Citi Goes All In on Bitcoin. These are the FinTech startups being backed by Citi. Plug and Play FinTech. Citi looks to build a global ecosystem for FinTech.