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Teach Elements: 디지털 수업에서의 협동학습 전략. 8 Online Noticeboards - Wallwisher and more. There are a lot of different online notice boards available these days. It started with sites such as Wallwisher, but there are plenty more out there right now, and I keep seeing new ones appearaing. Online notice boards are a neat way of getting a shared space to collect ideas from your class for a brainstorm. Or for a teacher to post resources for a topic.

Students could ask questions about a topic which you (or each other) can then answer. If you want some ideas on how to use them, then here are 19 ways to use wallwisher (and similar) in the classroom via Tom Barrett. Here are 8 online notice boards for you to try out. 1. Wall Wisher was the first online notice board maker that I saw, and it’s probably the one I go back to the most. I have heard people complain that it is slow from time to time, and there have been access problems. 2. A popplet is a big pinboard that you can put boxes or “popples” onto. 3. 4. 5. Scrumblr is a very simple brainstorming tool. 6. 7. 8. Top 10 Web Collaboration Tools (That Aren't Google Wave) 좌충우돌 스마트교육 실시간협력학습 (2) OrbiTeam | BSCW : BSCW Groupware for efficient team collaboration and document management.