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How to Make Continuous T-Shirt Yarn {Video} T-shirt yarn, also known as “tarn”, is a great eco-friendly product that is perfect for lots of DIY craft projects including rag rugs, scarves, or fun woven bracelets.

How to Make Continuous T-Shirt Yarn {Video}

It has a nice slightly stretchy quality, and is very easy and inexpensive to make yourself. How to make T-shirt yarn. Another tutorial to help save our Mother Earth by turning unwanted items into something useful.

How to make T-shirt yarn

This is the yarn ball I made out of an old T-shirt which I have been wearing for 10 years day-in day-out, wash-in wash-out. It finally broke down and tore at the collar and sleeves. Waste not, want not, I decided to recycle it. I have finished making the drawstring bag as shown above. Please click here to have a look and you can download the simple pattern I created. How To Make Yarn From Sheets. Making yarn from old sheets is a great way to up-cycle something you might otherwise toss, and it turns out that knitting and crocheting with sheets is really so satisfying.

How To Make Yarn From Sheets

So I have to admit, I really need to be cleaning for Passover right now, but when I eyed that bag of sheets my neighbor had given me two years ago it seemed like such a good idea to make some balls from those sheets, so there you have it! While in the past I have made yarn from flat sheets by cutting strips and then joining them, this time I finally had the chance to try out the spiral method in which one ball of sheet yarn is generated from a single flat (or fitted) sheet. How To: Remove any edges or elastic corners from sheets, first cutting and then tearing. This spiral method consists of mostly tearing. If you forget to stop at the corner and tear the strip off, not to worry you can certainly join the strips later, by following the instructions on my previous post here. Recycle your old t-shirts into yarn. Are your hands itching to starting crocheting or knitting but you have no yarn at home?

Recycle your old t-shirts into yarn

Do you have some old t-shirts laying around at home? If your answer is twice yes, than your problem is solved and you can start in no time ;-). Of course you can buy recycled T-shirt yarn in the shop, it has the same thickness as the one you will cut but it will have a different sentimental value. Nowadays we do think more in terms of recycling, well this is an excellent way to start. Choisir sa laine - ALEXenVRAC. Pas toujours facile de choisir sa laine!

Choisir sa laine - ALEXenVRAC

Je vous propose un article qui je l'espère, vous aidera dans ce choix déterminant! Tout d'abord, toute tricoteuse avertie doit connaître le site de Ravelry! Ce site est une banque de donnée qui regroupe des modèles de tricots gratuits et payants! Mais ce n'est pas tout! Lorsque vous rechercher un modèle, voici la page sur laquelle vous tombez (j'ai pris notre modèle pour exemple): Vous avez le descriptif du modèle original avec son auteur , la laine utilisée et la taille d'aiguille préconisée.

Dans la deuxième barre d'outil, si vous cliquez sur "Yarn ideas" vous verrez toutes les laines qui ont été utilisées pour faire ce modèle.Et pour leur rendu, ils suffit de cliquer sur l'onglet "projects".Cool non??? Voici un tuyau pour vous familariser avec le jargon anglais de ravelry: Needle size (taille d'aiguille): US9-5.5mm ( les tailles sont données pour des aiguilles uS et en mm pour nos aiguilles à nous, ne pas se tromper!) QUELLE LAINE? Worsted, DK, Fingering… decryptage. Toute cette réflexion m’est venue quand je racontais à une amie que mon cardigan tricoté en malabrigo worsted (merino) s’est mit à feutrer au bout de 3 portages, et que le cardigan d’une autre amie en MCN (merino, cachemire, nylon) de chez Madeline Tosh a été porté à outrance et n’a quasiment pas bougé, alors qu’ils contiennent tout les deux du mérino.

Worsted, DK, Fingering… decryptage

Et pourtant, malabrigo est si dooouuuuuux comparé à d’autres laines aussi 100% merino ! Alors, petit décryptage ! Une laine se caractérise par plusieurs propriétés : sa composition (en quoi elle est faite), le nombre de brins, et son poids. La composition Le fait qu’un bout de tissu ou de laine soit composé de coton, d’alpaga ou de mérino va avoir plusieurs impacts : la douceur (mais ce n’est pas lié uniquement au matériaux comme on le verra plus tard)la tenuela tolérance au frottementla capacité à respirerla capacité à se froisserle « tombé »la définition du point (tricot)la perméabilité à l’eau (tissu) Laine : provient du mouton.

Les brins. Techniques, trucs et astuces. Tricksy Blog: Yarn Information. Yarn is categorized into weights (how thick the strand is).

Tricksy Blog: Yarn Information

The yarn weight gives you an idea of what size knitting needle to use; how big the stitches will be, how thick the knitted fabric will be, and what types of garment would be appropriate for the yarn. “Yarn weight” (thickness) is not the same as the total weight (grams or ounces) of the skein or ball. Yarn weight terminology can be confusing; not all yarn manufacturers use the same language. Some of the language doesn’t tell you much about the weight (for example, while “fine” tells you the yarn is thin, “sport” doesn’t tell you much unless you are familiar with the category standards).

Some of the words mean more than one thing. The Craft Yarn Council, which is based in the US, has put together a sensible yarn weight categorization system that many yarn manufacturers use. When choosing yarn, check your pattern first.