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METRO MAP CREATOR. If you have the code for a map please paste it into the box below, then click "LOAD"LOAD CODE Alternatively you can chose a sample route.DefaultPoo Land Here is the code for your map.


Copy this code to a text file on your computer if you want to carry on with your map at a latter date. SAVE AS IMAGE (low res)Quickly save the map at a low resolutionQUICK SAVEWhen the image appears, right click it and chose save SAVE AS IMAGE (high res)To save at a high resolution follow these steps...Firstly before doing anything else, copy the code above into the clipboard.Once you have done this THEN click here. Resource: Online Metro Map Creator. One of our recent, most popular and inspirational responses online has been to us promoting a modified tweet via @JamieClark85: Which was inspired by this fantastic Classroom Display created by @LauraLolder: Creating your own version of a metro map is actually quite easy, and a great activity to support pupils learning about different aspects within subjects, or even as connection maps for revision.

Resource: Online Metro Map Creator

Click image to view larger version Crudely, we created a map, using the online tool by (click here to view in a new window). Working on a PC/Mac (site not compatible with tablets), it is simple to create your own routes, adding stations and connections as you work. Teachers are starting to share how they have used this resource to support students in their subjects. [<a href="//" target="_blank">View the story &#8220;MetroMaps in Education&#8221; on Storify</a>]

Subway Map Visualization jQuery Plugin. I have always been fascinated by the visual clarity of the London Underground map.

Subway Map Visualization jQuery Plugin

Given the number of cities that have adopted this mapping approach for their own subway systems, clearly this is a popular opinion. At a conference some years back, I saw a poster for the Yahoo! Developer Services. Design and publish beautiful maps. A Dead-Simple Tool That Lets Anyone Create Interactive Maps. Data surrounds us.

A Dead-Simple Tool That Lets Anyone Create Interactive Maps

It’s everywhere, in the most micro sense (small gadgets that track calories we’ve burned, or how much water our plants need) to the most macro (analytics companies that can monitor, for instance, the health of entire populations). But there are precious few companies actively working on helping us make sense of all that data.

One of them is Tableau, a software company that turns heaps of data into visualizations for the common man: teachers, doctors, journalists, you name it. To make those tools clearer and cleaner, they recently partnered with Stamen Design, to release three new map templates, which anyone can play around with by downloading Tableau’s free software. Stamen is something of a brand-name in this area, having created a wealth of data visualizations that have been endlessly lauded and studied by those in the field. Click to Open Overlay Gallery But the entire point of Tableau’s software update is to create a sophisticated cartography tool for anyone.

Map creator online to make a map with multiple locations and regions. NatGeo Mapmaker Interactive. Draw On Maps and Make Them Easily. Metro Map Creator. Metro Map Creator. Create Your Own Transit System & Transit Map. Transitmix is a new tool which allows you to design your own transit system on top of a Mapbox map.

Create Your Own Transit System & Transit Map

Using the map you can draw bus routes on any city’s road system, specify the frequency and times of service and find out the total estimated cost of your new bus system. Creating your own bus routes with Transitmix couldn't be easier. Just select the 'Add a line' option and start drawing on the map. Your new bus route will automatically snap to your city's road grid. If you want to ignore the road grid just hold down shift when you add a line and you can then bulldoze straight through any pesky buildings that happen to be in the way of your nice new bus route.

Transitmix automatically gives your new bus route a name and sets the bus frequency for the route for different times during the day and week. Subway Map Software. With Edraw, you can quickly create the subway map using vector metro symbols.

Subway Map Software

Edraw subway map software is an automatic, all-in-one solution for subway designers. Edraw is also ideal for designers who need to draw a map of other kinds of roads in the city for the following reasons. Free Download Map Software and View All Examples System Requirements Works on Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Vista and Citrix Works on 32 and 64 bit Windows Works on Mac OS X 10.2 or later. Subway Map Software. Interactive Metro Map. British Museum Tate Modern National Gallery National History Museum London Eye Science Museum Madame Tussauds Tower of London Powered By iiCreator Tube maps or metro maps can now be used as an interactive attractions tour guide by adding editable features, e.g. mouseover description box with media content.

Interactive Metro Map

Add markers with custom icons Markers can be added on the image using custom icon images (supports JPG & PNG). Create multi-content infobox Mouseover infobox support HTML code that mult-content can be added, for example external links, images, and videos. Edit infobox style without programming. Creating your own Literary Tube Map. So many of you asked me how Julie Aldous had created her Literary Tube map and if she had a template we could all use.

Creating your own Literary Tube Map

I am afraid that the display is hand drawn, but I did ask Julie to walk me through how it was created, so that it could be reproduced by any of us who were inspired to do so (me for a start!). Julie also credits Matt Imrie for inspiring her and helping her to find the blank tube map she started with. To create the display: Creating your own Literary Tube Map. Metro map Creator. Help Creating Maps. This page contains information to help you create maps in MapTube.

Help Creating Maps

The topics covered are: Quickstart - How to Create a Map Before Creating Maps - Create an Account Map Creation Procedure Help Displaying Maps is covered in a different section. Overview Before uploading to MapTube, maps need to be created from shapefiles using the Google Map Creator tool and placed on the web. The benefit of uploading a map to MapTube is in searching and comparing related data using the search facility.

Quickstart - How to Create a Map Create the map with the Google Map Creator and save the settings xml file.Copy the tile directory and xml settings file to a web server.Log in to MapTube and choose Add A New Map.Copy the url of the settings xml file into the XML URL box and click 'Test'.Fill in the rest of the information on the page and click on 'Submit' to upload the map. Metro Map Solution. Resource: Online Metro Map Creator. How to Design Transit Map-Style Graphics. Transit maps like the London Underground “Tube” diagram or the New York subway map are an integral part of life in cities with public transportation.

How to Design Transit Map-Style Graphics

Their bright colors, large type and simplified route lines allow complex travel information to be quickly and easily understood by commuters and tourists alike. Recently, the subway map has also become a popular metaphor for infographic design, especially for timelines or for depicting other complex networks. I’ve had two such diagrams featured on, both of which have been very well received: the Eisenhower Interstate Highway system (below) and the older U.S.

Numbered Highway system. In the course of creating these, as well as several other popular (but unofficial) transit maps for various cities over the last four years – Portland, Oregon, Washington, D.C., and Boston among them – I’ve developed some guidelines and techniques for creating beautiful transit maps. Plan Before You Start Use the Right Software. Tube yourself: How to use Thimble to create a personal map. Meet Chad Sansing: he’s a humanities teacher, a webmaking mentor and a champion of the open web. If the rumors are true, he’s also an all-around nice guy. Chad helps run the National Writing Project’s MOOC (that stands for Massive Open Online Collaboration) on the topic of connected, participatory learning.