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Programming for hydrologists

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Water related open coursewares

Scientific Writing. LATEX programming. Water Conferences. UNDATA. RS and GIS. Scholarships. Extract DHI Files. ME. IGRAC - International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre - Igrac. WMS. Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board. Hydrology Links of C. P. Kumar. Ganga River Basin Management Plan. Why Mumbai gets flooded while Netherlands doesn't? Netherlands has only 50% of its land that is higher than 1 m from the sea. 26% of its area and 21% of its population are below sea level.

Why Mumbai gets flooded while Netherlands doesn't?

Still it doesn’t get flooded. Its life doesn’t get paralysed for days, three four times every year. In fact, it is one of the richest countries in the world, is second largest exporter of food after the USA, and has more FDI into it than whole of the African continent put together. Contrast that with Mumbai. India’s financial and entertainment capital. What is the difference between Netherlands and Mumbai? Well, Netherlands is the first Capitalist country of the world. It doesn’t worship environment, it tames it. In contrast, we are worshiping socialism for last 67 years. What goes wrong in case of Mumbai? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mumbai doesn’t have to suffer the ignominy of turning into a dirty pond in every spell of heavy rain, causing huge disruption of life and huge economic losses. Solutions are very simple 1. Digital tools for researchers. Find out how digital tools can help you: Explore the literature(back to top) Here is a collection of digital tools that are designed to help researchers explore the millions of research articles available to this date.

Digital tools for researchers

Search engines and curators help you to quickly find the articles you are interested in and stay up to date with the literature. Article visualization tools enhance your reading experience, for instance, by helping you navigate from a paper to another. Search engines and curators Article visualization Find and share data and code(back to top) Managing large sets of data and programing code is already unavoidable for most researchers.

Connect with others(back to top) Research cannot stay buried in the lab anymore! Stephen Leahy, International Environmental Journalist. One night in a bar a Russian journalist who I’d just met says: “This global warming is too complicated for people to know if it’s real or not”.

Stephen Leahy, International Environmental Journalist

“You don’t think climate change is happening?” I asked with surprise since we were both covering a big United Nations climate conference. “No one has been able to give me a good explanation to prove it’s real,” said Yuri (not his real name). “I can explain it to you in less than one minute,” I replied. Yuri was sceptical but I went ahead and said: “The moon has no atmosphere so it is scorching hot (+100C) during the day and bitterly cold (-150C) at night. After a long silence Yuri says “I guess that makes sense…”. The Water Cycle for Schools and Students. The water cycle describes how Earth's water is not only always changing forms, between liquid (rain), solid (ice), and gas (vapor), but also moving on, above, and in the Earth.

The Water Cycle for Schools and Students

This process is always happening everywhere. Back to the water cycle diagram for students. Animals In the grand scheme of the water cycle, animals may not play a very big role, but all animals, including you, participate in moving water around as part of the water cycle. The water cycle is critical to all animals and life on Earth. There is one creature on Earth that does have a very large impact on the water cycle—human beings. How to write a peer review to improve scholarship: Do unto others as you would wish them do unto you. In academia, peer review functions as a quality-assurance mechanism which also aims to improve the scientific process as a whole.

How to write a peer review to improve scholarship: Do unto others as you would wish them do unto you.

But few reviewers are provided with any training or mentoring on how to undertake a review. Hugh McLaughlin offers clarification on the process and the objective of peer review feedback and stresses the need for specific critical analysis for authors, which should be done in a supportive manner. The three quotes above were published in Buzzfeed (“25 Brutally Honest Peer Review Comments From Scientists“) and were ostensibly culled from actual peer reviews. The article this blog was based on arose following a discussion between the editors-in-chief of international journals here and in the US following a joint presentation at the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) conference in Tampa last year.

The comments above are comical; you may also have suffered similar responses in the past. Once the reviews have been received the editor considers these. Procedure and ceremony dates. Geography : Physical Geography.