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Drawing tools

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.: Sumo Paint 3.6 :. "Scrbtle | generative drawing tool. Beautiful Curves. Paint Online - Sketch & Paint! Odosketch. | dreamlines. Dreamlines is a generative drawing machine that creates a unique, ever-flowing painting after words you choose. Related images are gathered from the Net and used as raw material for the construction of your personal dream. This piece has been devised specifically for Internet.

It is a combination of Processing and PHP, with some Flash mixed in for the user interface. The PHP script makes a Google image search with the keywords provided by the user, and collects the resulting images. The Processing applet reads the images one by one and uses them as input to generate an ever-changing drawing. The key of the piece lies in the translation between two different sets of coordinates: color and movement. The script switches randomly over eight sets of formulas that transform the color values (hue, saturation and brightness) of a pixel into angle and velocity values for a particle.

Doodl | let the lines flow. Paint - online drawing and painting tools. Sketchy Structures : HTML5 Canvas :: the works and portfolio of Jay Weeks. Zwibbler - Quickly scribble your ideas online. Bomomo. Sketchpad - Online Paint/Drawing application. Pencil Madness - Free Online Sketching & Drawing Tool. DeviantART muro. Scribbler :: the original version :: zefrank. ScribblerToo :: Mario Klingemann update :: zefrank.