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22 Completely Free Fonts for @Font-Face Embedding. Are you getting bored of using the same old fonts in your websites?

22 Completely Free Fonts for @Font-Face Embedding

If yes, then @font-face is the device that you are looking for. It allows you to embed any font according to your wish into the websites. This device is helpful to abolish the monotonous use of same fonts each time you create a website. It is extremely popular amongst the web designers and the reason is clearly understandable. The search of the web designer for the perfect headline grabbing fonts for various websites surely ends with the innovation of the technique. Web designing is a creative job and like any other creative job it asks for variations.

Comment utiliser Pinterest ? Tutoriel. Comment utiliser Pinterest ?

Comment utiliser Pinterest ? Tutoriel

C’est le titre d’une nouvelle présentation (55 pages) sous la forme d’un tutoriel réalisé par l’auteur du blog Tomate joyeuse. Réseau social sur lequel des internautes et mobinautes arrivent en masse, mais aussi des entreprises, associations, organisations et projets, Pinterest est un outil en ligne pas si évident à prendre en main.

Cette plate-forme permet l’affichage de favoris « pins » (épingles/punaises), c’est-à-dire de médias images, vidéos, discussions ou cadeaux (avec ou sans description). Une image est alors redimensionnée en taille modeste sur le tableau individuel principal de l’utilisateur (sorte de catalogue dazibao). Chaque utilisateur de Pinterest peut suivre, commenter, écrire une appréciation sur d’autres comptes Pinterest et rediffuser des médias publiés sur son tableau de bord ordonné en dossiers. Quelle est l’originalité de ce nouveau tutoriel Comment utiliser Pinterest ? Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : France.

Tuto Tumblr. Vous aimez la musique ?

Tuto Tumblr.

A Tumblr, nous adorons la musique !!! C’est pourquoi nous sommes extrêmement heureux d’annoncer le lancement de notre partenariat avec SoundCloud afin d’apporter leurs réseaux de sons (musique, podcasts, stand-up, journalisme, bref, tout ce qui est audible) sur notre site.Non seulement vous pouvez copier-coller toutes les adresses SoundCloud dans vos billets audio, mais en plus vous pouvez désormais chercher du contenu sur SoundCloud directement depuis l’interface Tumblr !

Cerise sur le gâteau : vous pouvez publier un nombre illimité de pistes SoundCloud tous les jours. 50 Fresh and Beautiful Free Fonts from 2011. The first and foremost thing that comes in your mind when you go through an articles is the font used while typing.

50 Fresh and Beautiful Free Fonts from 2011

Well, you can ignore the fonts or put more emphasis on the content itself, but fonts are not to be ignored as well. The outlook of an article, or in other words the very preventability of it depends upon the structure and the layout of the fonts used. So, how can a font be ignored? There are a lot of people who have become celebrities by just inventing new types of free fonts.

Download Free Fonts - Search Free Fonts. Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses. 11 Fresh And Free Fonts. The science behind fonts (and how they make you feel) I’ve noticed how seemingly small things like font and the spacing between letters can impact how I feel when reading online.

The science behind fonts (and how they make you feel)

The right font choice along with the absence of sidebars and popups makes everything feel easier and better to read. Websites like Medium, Signal vs. Noise, and Zen Habits are like yoga studios for content. Their presentation of content puts me at peace while reading, allowing me to fully focus on the stories without distraction. Just look at the difference between Medium and Cracked: Exhibit A) Exhibit B) When you compare the two, it’s obvious which one makes you feel like crud. The Cracked layout is painful to look at. After experimenting with how we display content on the ooomf blog, I discovered there’s an element of science behind why we feel this way toward certain typefaces and layouts. How we read When we read, our eyes follow a natural pattern called a Scan Path.

We break sentences up into scans (saccades) and pauses (fixations). 1. 2. 3. 40 Free Fonts to Use with @font-face. The @font-face allows the web users to download a specific font from the internet and can install them on your computer.

40 Free Fonts to Use with @font-face

There is no necessity that the web designers need to stick to a particular set of fonts that are already available, they could just choose and download any type of fonts from the webpage. Of course, there are a handful of fonts available on the web but however, the CSS rule of @font-face offers the simplest, strongest, and the most flexible designs of the fonts. Also you need to check which fonts can be legally used and that could be freely accessed. The fonts are quite easy to use and do not depend on the Java Script as well as supported by majority of the web users. There are few important things that are needed to be considered while downloading the fonts such as caliber, resolution, aesthetics and size. In case you are working with digital devices, the resolution must be 72 dpi and 96 dpi resolution for the Microsoft monitors.